

My heart came to the world without knowing that it was coming to the world. He found himself among hearts whose sizes and colors differed, He found many hearts, both near and far away. My heart started browsing the hearts slowly, suddenly my heart began to feel a nice feeling, and it was only for him to ask the same feeling, who is that beautiful thing I feel and the feeling replied: I'm the hope you're going to live with and for. My heart wondered bewildered: how, how can I live with you. And for you. Hope said, smiling, It's easy, what you have to do is make you a place of love, because he's the only one who's going to teach you why you came to life. You came for love and he will make me a beautiful hope for you, and then my heart asked another question, saying, "O hope, how can I find this love to fill my interior with it, laughter of hope, saying, "What do you have to wish for the hearts around you, all the beautiful things you will wish for yourself?"