
Perk Mage

Connor, a little lad living in his depressing reality, completely unaware of his surroundings... However... what lies ahead is a mystery to him... He is unaware that there exist secret organizations staffed by spies endowed with extraordinary abilities.... Unbeknownst to him, the MSTO is an alliance of espionage mage organizations that plans to impose its will on the world by causing widespread panic and terror  He doesn't know, that he possesses a Perk that does not depend on a wand or other external device, but rather is natural and passed down through a certain blood line. The opponents he will face are unknown to him... However, he will, in Perk Mage, soon. Also for the art for this cover came from this site: https://animanga.fandom.com/f/p/4400000000000004517/r/4400000000000037841 As well as this cover: https://wallpapers.com/wallpapers/gojo-sataru-k0ug6jgabsaxbcns.html

Makkis_Literal · Urban
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29 Chs

Two Discoveries

We had finally crossed the snowy terrain, but the weight of the snowfall slowed our progress considerably. Each step felt like trudging through quicksand, and I couldn't help but wonder about our next move.

"So, what's the plan now?" I asked, my voice barely audible over the howling wind. "We never really discussed what we'd do once we got here."

Nikki, ever the quick thinker, chimed in, "Why don't we follow the same approach we used in the game?"

Malachi scoffed, "You mean, eliminate every single person in this area? That would take months!"

Nikki shook her head, her eyes gleaming with determination. "No, not that. I meant let's search for a hidden containment room within this castle, possibly underground. It's a long shot, but it's worth exploring."

September chimed in, "She might be onto something. If the scientist is here, that's where they would keep him. But getting inside is the real challenge."

I added my own doubts, "What if the scientist isn't even here? What if he's somewhere else, and we're just wandering around in enemy territory?"

Malachi, sensing the urgency of the situation, pushed aside his reservations. "Let's hope that's not the case. We need to find a way in."

Our group wandered around the compound, searching for a concealed entrance. We circled the castle's perimeter, checking three sides without success, leaving only the fourth side unexplored.

As we continued our search, a sudden loud noise reverberated through the air, startling us. "What was that?" Nikki muttered, her eyes darting around.

Malachi sighed in annoyance, "Do you always have to state the obvious?"

Nikki, undeterred, grabbed the handle of what appeared to be a trapdoor hidden beneath the snow. She pulled it open, revealing a dimly lit stairwell descending into the unknown.

"Well, look what we stumbled upon," Malachi said, grinning. "Let's not waste any time."

We descended the stairs cautiously, our footsteps echoing in the eerie silence. The stairwell led us to a dimly lit underground corridor. We exchanged puzzled glances, wondering where everyone had gone.

"Where is everyone?" I asked, my voice low and filled with unease. "It's strange to find no one guarding this place."

Malachi muttered, "Unless, this is a trap."

We held our breath, expecting an ambush at any moment, but nothing happened. Malachi's skepticism lingered as he grumbled, "Let's proceed carefully."

As we ventured deeper into the corridor, we suddenly encountered two guards stationed at the end of the hallway. They engaged in casual conversation, unaware of our presence. Panic welled up within us as we silently retreated to the cover of a nearby corner.

Malachi hissed, "Alright, back up, back up," gesturing for us to retreat and plan our next move.

Nikki voiced her concern, "How are we going to get past them? None of us are experts in hand-to-hand combat."

September, ever the resourceful one, cracked her knuckles confidently, "I've had my fair share of training. Let me handle this." She held out her clenched fist and swiftly punched one of the guards in the jaw, rendering him unconscious. He slumped to the floor without making a sound. The second guard reacted with shock and attempted to retaliate, but September skillfully dodged his attack and delivered a powerful kick to his chest, incapacitating him instantly.

September sarcastically cheered, "Yay!"

Malachi, though slightly envious, praised her, "Nice work, September. I wish I could do something like that. Let's check for any useful information."

Tisiah voiced his doubts, "I'm not sure we'll find anything valuable in this corridor."

Malachi's impatience flared, and he confronted Tisiah in a stern tone, "I'm the leader here, and I don't need your input unless it's useful. Don't say anything unless it helps us."

Nikki, protective of her brother, intervened angrily, "What's your problem? Why do you think it's okay to speak to my brother like that?"

I knew this was not the time for internal conflicts. Stepping between them, I urged, "Hold on, let's focus on the mission. We can discuss this later."

We proceeded down the corridor, finding nothing but a series of pictures adorning the walls. Some depicted individuals, while others showcased weaponry and advanced technology. Bookshelves lined the walls, hinting at a hidden significance.

One particular book caught my attention, and I pulled it from the shelf. Its title read, 'The History Of This Place,' piquing my curiosity.

"Does anyone know why this place is called Castle Winter Wonderland?" I inquired.

September shook her head, "I'm not sure."

"Hmm," I murmured, returning the book to its shelf. "Perhaps it was known by that name before being converted into a TSA base."

Our exploration continued until we reached another staircase leading to a different level. This time, we decided to veer right upon entering the next section. To our surprise, it bore a striking resemblance to the classroom section we were familiar with.

Nikki observed, "This area resembles our classroom section. Maybe this is where they hold classes."

I reasoned, "But this is a military base, not an academy. It doesn't make sense."

Malachi suggested, "Let's investigate these rooms. September and I will check the three classrooms on the right, while the rest of you explore the ones on the left."

Nikki agreed, "Sounds like a plan."

With clear instructions in place, we split into teams and started our search. I inspected each classroom but found no desks, chairs, or textbooks—only empty rooms with stark walls.

As I leaned against one wall, it unexpectedly gave way, causing me to stumble and fall to the ground.


I picked myself up and looked around, discovering something I hadn't anticipated—an enormous billboard, resembling a widescreen TV. "What on earth?" I whispered in amazement. I scanned the images displayed, searching for clues.

The first image featured a scientist in a lab coat with the caption, "Dr. M Jones." It was the scientist Mr. Drails had mentioned, Dr. Michael Jones, sporting glasses and a distinctive white mustache. It was a significant find, but it raised more questions about his whereabouts.

"This is incredible!" I exclaimed to myself.

Moving to the right, I found another image depicting a man with slick black hair and a clean-shaven face—the very person Mr. Drails had described. His name was Demeitrus Rocke, a TSA general.

"He's the one who kidnapped Dr. Jones?" I pondered aloud, studying the image. The plot was thickening.

The billboard also displayed a puzzling image of a grassy area with the caption "BMO Base." It seemed like the base was underground, and this was merely its surface. While it was odd not to showcase the interior, the information was invaluable.

Without hesitation, I grabbed my radio and transmitted the newfound information to the team. "Guys, guys! Listen up! You won't believe what I found! We need to gather and discuss this immediately."

Nikki's voice came through the radio, filled with urgency, "What is it? Where are you?"

"It's in room 360," I informed them. "Hurry over here!"

The team swiftly assembled, rushing towards me with a mix of curiosity and anticipation. Malachi appeared intrigued, acknowledging the significance of our discovery, "Well, it seems you've stumbled upon a goldmine of information. Let's get out of here and..."

Before Malachi could finish his sentence, an unexpected voice interrupted us, sending shivers down our spines. "I'm afraid none of you are going anywhere."

We turned to see the same man who had kidnapped Dr. Jones—Demeitrus Rocke. His voice dripped with sarcasm, "Impressive, really. You've managed to uncover quite a bit of information. I'm genuinely surprised. You didn't strike me as the sharpest tools in the shed."

Demeitrus Rocke was decked in a long trench coat reminiscent of a military uniform, a red tie neatly knotted around his neck. His brown eyes bore into us with a calculating gaze, and his short black hair contrasted with his prominent bushy mustache. A scar running from his eye to his nose added a touch of menace. He looked different from the image we had seen, which indicated that it might have been an older photograph.

He chuckled, "You see, that's a picture of me when I was just eighteen. Don't I look fresh? It's a shame you all might not live long enough to reach that age. Guards, take them into custody."

Two guards approached us, seizing me and pulling me towards them. Nikki struggled against their grip, but it was evident that the situation had taken a dangerous turn, and our future was uncertain.