
Peril - The Lady From Hell

She is cold She is merciless She is dangerous. She is PERIL.

VickyDekwach · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter Two

For the second time that day, the elevator slowly opened at the twentieth floor and a different figure emerged from it.

She had on a black expensive suit. Her serious face was plain with no make up and her long black hair was neatly tied in a bun.

Her eyes were so cold and burning that not many people were able to look her directly in the eye.

Just like Storm, she too had a tablet on her left hand.

Her steps were silent and smooth, almost catlike which was a surprise since she wore high heels.

No expression was on her face. No anger, no happiness, no sadness. Nothing. Just blank.

Going the same route that Storm previously walked through, she at last reached the metallic door that separated her and her mission.

David jolted awake when he heard the metallic door complaining and later opening.

It really surprised him how he was not able to hear this person as they were coming through the hallway. With the ire silence he could easily hear anything, even his beating heart.

David was more surprised when the door opened and the first thing he could see with his single eye was a pair of heels.

How the fuck is this person walking? He thought.

David's head was still hanging low. Lifting his head needed energy and that energy was conserved for his upcoming torture.

He watched in slow motion as the heels quietly moved towards him. A strong dangerous aura filled the room suffocating him.

Every hair on his body stood still when the heels stopped just near him.

This is bad. This is really bad.

From the heels, it was not a hard guess that his torturer was a lady. According to David's broken nose, she had no perfume on, she just smelled... natural.

From the moment the door opened, David knew and felt the person in front of him to be dangerous. The fact that the person is a lady is a cherry on top to how dangerous she is.

Ladies are unpredictable.

"The easy way or the hard way?"

Her voice sliced through the silence. It was cold and terrifying and could surely make many men shit on themselves.

David knew what she was asking. As any man at his position, choosing between the two was not an option. Of course he was going to choose the easy way. His body had been damaged more than someone knocked by a truck.

"Easy." His bloodied mouth voiced out.

"Wise choice." She said with her mouth twitching just a little to the right making her face even more scary.

Before even David could digest what she said, a very sharp pain shot from his left hand to the whole of his body. A scream automatically left his mouth before he could stop it, making his whole body to ache even more.

With a supersonic speed, the lady had. fished out a dagger from nowhere and shoved it at the back of his hand down to his palm and into the wooden chair's arm.

His hand was now successfully bound to the chair thanks to the bone tearing sharp dagger that was sharpened both sides.

Fed up with David's pitiful cries, the lady grabbed his neck with her left hand and leaned towards his left ear and whispered dryly.

"Now i am going to ask you questions. For every wrong answer i am going to pull this dagger towards me.  I apologize in prior for anything my dagger will find on the way."

Of course the only thing her dagger will find on its ways is the flesh of his palm, veins and arteries, bones and if he might not be lucky the he would loose a finger.

From her voice David knew she was not bluffing. This was no time to play hero. There is a limit to everything and this was his furthest point.

Looking at his trembling hand  with a dagger deep in and blood gushing out from it like a half opened tap, David nodded his head to show that he was willing to comply.

Satisfied with his answer and knowing that she had between five to ten minutes depending on his strength, the lady drove direct to the point.

"Who did you give the information to?"

"Some heavily built Italian guy with a scary face and bushy beard." He answered quickly when he saw her hand on the dagger.


"Where and when do you meet?" She asked the second question.

"We meet at Champions Restaurant every Saturday at one pm." He answered as fast as he answered the first question.


"How did you first meet?" She asked.

"They kidnapped me on my way home." He lied as skillfully as he could.

A high pitched scream filled the room as the dagger slowly cut through flesh.

"Wait, wait... I will tell you." David begged.

David did not want to involve his wife into this but right now he had no option. The dagger was as painful as fuck.

With tears falling down his cheeks and saliva mixed with blood from his mouth, he decided to say the truth.

"They decided to kidnap my wife, okay. They fucking took her and I had to do something." He confessed crying.


"What information were you giving them?"

"Our security details and employee information." David answered.


"That was not hard now, was it?" She flashed him a small hard smile and patted his shoulder, a sign that she was done with questions.

How she was able to tell the truth from lies was a mystery to David. Looking down at his hand, the dagger was about  to reach the joining point of his middle and ring fingers.

Unknown to David, she had used his pulse to determine truth from lies. When her hand was on his neck, she pressed a finger on his pulsing nerve and calculated the beats of his heart with every question.

"Is this the time where you shoot me?" David asked pitifully knowing that they now have no use for him.

"Personally i don't like guns. I prefer daggers. I stab you right here." she pointed at his chest, exactly where his heart is. "I love watching a person taking their last breath, their eyes becoming lifeless as they choke on their own blood."

With each word David felt himself shiver. The lady in front of him was indeed Peril.

The merciless slayer.

"And no, i am not going to kill you. If i were you would have already been dead." She said simply as if she was talking about food and drinks.

David felt relieved for a moment, but it was short lived upon realisation that being kept alive meant more torture.

He wanted to ask if they would let him out of the hell hole or room that will surely give him nightmares for days to come but he decided against it.

If choosing the easy way got him stabbed on the hand, how would it go if he asked for his release?

A stab on the heart maybe.

As David was in his thoughts, a sharp pain brought him back to reality. Screaming cursing words, Devlin looked at his hand that was now missing the dagger.

A deep hole that was gushing out blood was in place of the dagger. David felt like puking looking at the way his own blood scattered on his hand and down to the floor.

"Ops. Sorry about that. They say that removing it hurts more than stabbing. Its fascinating, isn't it?" She asked him dryly while rubbing the bloodied dagger on his pants.

David just looked at her disbelievingly with his single eye. The loss of blood made his sight blurry and his head dizzy.

"Congratulations. You broke the record. It took you a minute with me to piss on yourself."

Those were the last words he heard before passing out.

Should he be happy that he broke the record? He wondered.

Did he really piss on himself?

Before he could discover if he did or did not David passed out. His eyes were too heavy to stay open and he was loosing his consciousness.

He was at the mercy of her.


Peril was not even disturbed when she saw him pass out. With no hurry at all, she examined the dagger and returned it to her waist.

With a last glance at David, she walked slowly to the hallway and into the elevator.

Peril had seen so much in the past fifteen years that she doubted if there was anything that could catch her off guard. 

She had killed, tortured and made the toughest of men talk using the most gruesome methods.

Peril believed that life is a coin and when a person is born can take either sides of the coin. The first side is the innocent and pure side where you go to a normal school, date and have crushes and later marry and have children. Where even killing a butterfly is considered a crime.

The second side is the side of blood and tears. This is the side where death to you is as normal as going fora piss. Where the number of kills in a day surpasses the number of meals.

Peril was in the second side of life.

According to her again, the second side of life has two categories of people. The first category are those people who care about nothing but money and power. They can do anything as long as they can stay on top. They don't give a fuck about the people, the laws or even the government. People call them the bad guys.

The second category are those people who have dedicated themselves to bring down those in the first category before their greediness consume the innocent. These people put themselves in dangerous situations daily so that the normal man can stay peacefully at home without any kidnappings or killings. Some even do it out of free will. They are known as the good guys.

Peril was in the second category, but according to the rumors surrounding her name, she doubted if she was really a good guy.

'The merciless slayer today tortured a guy in the worst way possible.

She stripped him naked using her dagger and while forcing him to look, she chopped of his dick plus his balls.

If that is not worse, she forcefully opened his mouth and squeezed blood into his mouth until the dick ran dry.

Poor guy died from chocking on blood... From his dick!

Indeed she is Peril. The lady from hell.

This was one of the many stories that people talked in secret about her. No one dared say anything in public since no one really knew Peril's face because the day you see her is the day you see death too.

Due to the stories of how dangerous she is and that no one knows her face, most bad guys thought of her not to be real, but deep down they prayed never to cross her path.

The slow downward movement of the elevator stopped. Peril did not waste any moment and stepped out of the box the moment it opened.

She was now at the tenth floor, also known as Mr. Storm's floor.

The floor was totally different from the previous one. As that floor was dark, cold and lifeless, this one here was filled with lights, fresh air and full of life. It felt welcoming.

The tenth floor was the top most floor for regular workers in this company since Mr. Storm was the boss and all other offices occupied from floor one to nine.

No one knew what happens on the the floors after number ten.

Only the boss, Mr. Storm.

And Peril.

Opening the door of Storm's office, Peril stormed in without any warning.

"How many times do i have to tell you to knock the fucking door! And walk like a fucking human being for God's sake, you are not a cat!" Storm cursed after getting over from the shock of someone entering his office literally from nowhere.

"You people taught me this walking style so don't be mad if i use it. And when did i start listening to your shit?" Even in humor her voice was hard and cold.

"Use the style on criminals out there not while coming here." Storm said while sitting on his chair and swinging left and right.

"One must always have his guards up. Danger has no specific place or time." Peril said simply as if it was a statement she had crammed.

"Please tell me you got something off him." Storm changed the subject. He seemed desperate for the information.

"Do you doubt my skills?" She asked throwing him a cold smirk.

"What do you have." He asked in more of a statement, not answering her question.

"It's a lot. But send a doctor there ASAP." She said, still standing by the door.

"Why? He is not dead?" Storm asked surprised. It was not like Peril to leave one alive after she had her way with them.

This would be the first.

"We need him." Was the only answer she offered and swiftly left the office.

Storm's mouth remained ajar even after she left. His eyes still glued to the spot she stood some seconds ago. His cold demeanor completely forgotten.