
Perierunt Homo

This is a side project, and is the story of a member of a deep space exploration vessel. He had only his mind, machines, friends, and body, and has to survive while fighting all sorts of hostile people and things. I might make a better description someday, but not now. THIS STORY IS THEMED OFF OF PARASITE CHAOS FROM SC2!!! I CLAIM NO ORIGINAL CREDIT, AND ONLY CLAIM CREDIT FOR MY MC AND A FEW OTHER THINGS NOT IN THE GAME. Demento ruined my opinion of him, and if I find other Demento haters I might just form a faction to raise Chaos and bring down Zeta. (Banned me cause' I didn't have Discord. That's literally why he banned me.) Also, perierunt homo means Perished Man in Latin.

Lyric_Drake · Video Games
Not enough ratings
13 Chs


Five hours later...


MC pov

"Hurry guys! We can't hold it off forever!" I screamed as I attacked one of the aliens. Maybe they had evolved, or changed form for some reason, but the aliens had become these large snake monsters. And not just ordinary snakes either, but these semi frozen ones that spit ice and freezing spit.

They are weak to my light saber, which seems to counter their ice abilities. I sliced off a claw of the alien, making it rear back and scream. I then stabbed it in the gut and swung upward, cleaving through it's chest with shocking ease as it writhed in pain. It was regenerating before my eyes, the damaged flesh seemingly just going back in time.

It then attacked me again, and spat this ball of spit I know freezes you in place, but I rolled away while slicing it with my saber, which helped reduce it's effect. I then went and continued hammering away at the alien, but it was a losing battle. I was dealing insane amounts of damage to the alien, but it just regenerates so fast...

Smith then yelled "It's done! Come on!" I then ran, activating remote mines behind me and blowing the corridor up, collapsing the ceiling down and creating a barricade of sorts. I ran into the ship, slamming my fist against the airlock cycle button, closing the door.

We all sighed in relief as maj piloted the ship out of the Viator's docking bay before he began attacking the Viator. It simply sat there as maj blew it to pieces, and as I watched, an entire level was broken off and began slowly drifting away. He then fires a plasma burst, hitting the reactor and causing a catastrophic failure.

We simply sat there as we flew towards the nearby desert planet, before Wright said "Aliens... if I see them..." I just nodded, before my eyes widened and I said "Crap EMP now!" but it was too late. Not only had the other aliens 'escape pod' rushed past us to the planet, but a human escape pod from the Viator went past, barely escaping the EMP.

But still escaping. Everyone was silent before we kept going, landing on the planet. After landing on the planet we quickly began setting up defenses. Barricades, flame turrets, a newly made tesla turret amazing against shields and aliens, and various sensors to detect cloaked and buried enemies.

We spread towards a bunker that was there for some reason, and while there was a dormant alien infection inside, a remote mine trap took care of them. We quickly spread out across the bunker, making defenses everywhere. Maj went to a balcony with a high powered anti material rifle, Smith joined him, and Wright came down with me as we waited at the door.


Alien soldier 3 pov

We beamed down to the nearby planet, landing inside some sort of abandoned Terran vehicle bay. The few vehicles left were damaged beyond any hope of repair. We quickly spread out, and we even managed to fabricate a defensive turret. As I watched, a Terran ship landed and the four Terran survivors left it and went to a structure away from us.

I knew the Lake'ei were around somewhere, but I do not mind if they hide. I went and began helping the commander set up a long range psionic relay. For some reason we couldn't use one while inside the Terran ship, something blocked the channel. We set it up, powering it with our pylon, before sending a channel back home.

After a while of waiting, it finally connected. The commander began talking with someone on the other end, quickly but calmly describing what had happened. I managed to overhear the other person saying "Terrans? Impossible, it must be something else. But we will send help against the Lake'ei." before the connection was... cut?


MC pov

As I waited, I suddenly felt something in my mind. As I looked, I saw a golden beam towering into the sky. Weird. I then thought 'I am a psion... that thing is in my mind... what if it's that beam, and what if I can manipulate it?' I then tried, moving towards it mentally. I had gotten some practice in with my powers, but I was still new.

As I played around with it, I felt multiple things going back and forth through it at speeds nearly impossible to 'see'. Suddenly, I burst through some sort of barrier, and the entire thing suddenly turned dark crimson before shattering. I just froze as the entire thing was broken, shocked and confused.

What was that? What did I do to it? Who made it? And then I decided 'Meh, not worth it.' before just taking a bite out of a sandwich from rations we had prepared. I then felt a spike in what I assumed were psionic energies, and then maj yelled "Something's coming!"

I finished my sandwich, closed my helmet, and hoisted my sword. The sand from the ground swirled around us, and just as I thought nothing was going to happen, a massive figure darkened the swirling sand. A roar rang out, and the sand went flying away, revealing a new and much larger alien.

Two other aliens emerged beside it, looking as they did before. Meaning they were smaller, weaker, but still dangerous ice noodles. Kind of. (AN: they like hydralisks from SC2, look it up) I raised my saber, igniting it as I took a step forward. We all stared at each other before one of the smaller aliens spat an ice crystal at me. I sliced it out of the air as I charged forward.

Maj, Wright, and Smith all opened fire with their various weapons, and we all targeted one of the smaller aliens. Before it could do anything, grenades, bullets, and small railgun slugs slammed into it as a sword hotter than the sun tore into it. Within a few seconds it had died, but I chopped up the pieces to be sure.

The other two aliens charged me, with me rolling around and generally being annoyingly hard to hit, due to being a tenth of the size of the smaller alien. Which was about half the size of the larger one. Each side continued attacking each other with fury.