
Perfume: The story of a murderer

"why can't i hate you??" he sobbed "because darling this is what they called destiny".... "do ever get scared that maybe it's for nothing? that all the pain and death won't change anything?". "Never". Neverland, a city with ongoing murders, a girl suspected to be the murderer , a boy trying to find out the truth behind his family's background . Is that girl really the murderer or somethings are more to be known , we all have seen , read or listened about movies and story of murders/murderers..... but have you ever imagined that what would be in a murderers mind.... is he/she suffering from something or is it killing people just for fun.....??

sayahali · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
8 Chs






"Hello ? Chris! Where're you right now ?" , "i'm at the bakery!" , " ok good , i'm coming" Maya declined the call , and asked driver to drive towards the swirls and pearls bakery , Christina runs this bakery , after some time Maya reached there and came inside the kitchen directly ,"hey , Maya! Come here and try this!!" Christina passed her a freshly made pastry , she took a small bite from the dessert ,

"Woahhh...! It's so good , i've to say , it's really tasty!!"

She continued to eat the dessert , they came out of the kitchen and sat at the table near a big glass window ,

"so , how's the work going , printing work i mean" , "not yet we still have 2 days to go! All thanks to you , if you were not there then this wouldn't have happened!!"

"it's not like that , anything for you"

They were talking when Maya's phone ranged indicating a call , she picked it up,

"yes Tia" , "Ma'am there's this lady Auretta , she wants to meet you and also booked appointment....after 20 minutes from now!" , "alright , I'll come!!"



Maya declined the call and said to Christina ,

she'll be leaving now cause an important meeting came up and left from there,,,

And after 15 minutes she reached her office , she saw the same lady in her cabin whom she met last night and greeted her ,

"hello , Ms Winslow , i wanted to meet you and thank you personally , about yesterday!"

"Oh! It's nothing"

"i'm sorry , i don't even remember what i've said to you in that drunken state"

"you just told me about your son"

"yeah , my son" , "i'm sorry for your loss''

"it's not fault anyway ,, but it was really nice meeting you" there was a calm silence ,

"it's you , right , the CEO?"

" yeah..it's me!" , "you're really young , i heard you made this company on your own , in such a small period!! That's amazing!!" Auretta said remarkingly in amusement ,

"you know , i don't really like making friends or you can say that i didn't allowed myself to have a friend , but now , i thinking to have one" Auretta said with a sweet smile ,

"so , friends?" She asked , Maya replied her with a smile and nodded , Then Maya excused herself and came towards a shelf in her cabin's room and took a small bottle of perfume and gave it to Auretta and said ,

"A gift for my new friend!!"

"thank you soo much!!" They chatted for a while then Auretta left from there , Maya kept staring at her back until she left from the room and exhaled deeply and smiled.



Meanwhile Alden's parents were having lunch with their family friends , Mr and Mrs smith , suddenly said ,

"Elsa's anniversary is around the corner , i'm thinking of inviting some people-" , he was cutted by Mr Yarrow ,

"we're not mourning over anything" he said shortly and continued eating his meal , there was an awkward silence when Alden stood up and excused himself , he came out of the restaurant and took a deep breath , he looked at the sky with his moist eyes,"i wish i didn't pushed you that day , just beacuse of an ice cream" he sighed and thought of staying there at the balcony for a while , till his parents are off to home...After 2 hours , he was about to go but bumped into some girl , she apologised and left , he too was about to go but saw she accidentally dropped her ID card , he picked it up and read her name "Christina Winslow!!?" He looked up but she was no where to be found , he decided to check the restaurant , perhaps she would be finding her ID , he saw that same girl and goes to her , he tapped her shoulder twice , and gave her , her ID and said "Miss , you dropped this outside!" ,"oh! Thank you so much", "it's alright , you're welcome" ,"umm...would you like to have a cup of coffee with me? As a thank you!" Christina pleaded , "sure!" Alden said awkwardly , they ordered coffee and sat on a table near balcony with less crowd around , "i didn't even asked you name , what's your name?" , "my name is Alden Yarrow" "you read my name earlier , still myself Christina Winslow" waiter came with their coffee and Christina asked another question , "what do you do , like what are your interests?" , "i work as an accountant" , "Oh! That's a good job , in which company?" , "Dark Lady" ,"That's my sister's company , she's the CEO" "Oh! That's great , what do you do , by the way?" , "Oh! I'm a patisserie , in Swirls and Pearls , that's my parent's company!" "i really like their chocolate swirl cake!!" , "thank you , that's my recipe!" Christina said that while giggling , that's how two strangers become friends , unknowingly Alden was slowly opening-up himself , and was feeling heard and comfortable.


They were walking by beach , suddenly Christina sat down on sand and asked Alden to sit with her,"you know , you're the very first person who tried to befriend me , in last 17 years" Alden says , "17 years? Why-i mean what happe-ughh what am i saying" Christina was mumbling after hearing Alden , "why no body befriended you??","everyone thinks that i killed my sister , even my parents thinks soo" Christina was shocked after hearing his words ,"but no body tried to understand that , that was an accident!" ,"can you tell me what exactly happened?" Christina asked , "should i tell her and lift this weigh from my heart or should i just avoid it , i've always been bad with taking decisions" he was thinking hard when Christina called out his name and asked where's he lost , he decided to tell her his story.



"17 years ago , on my birthday , me and my family were going back from the restaurant after celebrating my birthday , my sister was asking something to my mother by bending forwards , but i was forcing my parents for ice-cream , we couldn't find any shops of ice-cream as it was really late , but finally got one shop but he only one ice-cream , my mother asked me to share that with my sister as she was a little younger than me but i refused and tried pushing her away but then suddenly a truck come in full speed in fornt of our car and father tried to turn the car and accidentally i pushed her and her head bumped on the car's front windscreen and died on the spot , but i didn't killed her , it wasn't my mistake , right , she got disbalanced because of the truck and the sudden turn , everyone got hurt but only she died and everyone blamed me for that , no one wanted to play with me , said that i might kill them too , my parents still think of me as the murderer of their daughter"

while saying all this he didn't realized that he was a crying mess , Christina tried to make him stop crying , "Hey , it's not your fault , it was just an accident nothing more , stop crying now , stop!".

She said comfortingly , "i'm sorry , we just met some hours ago , and i showed you my pathetic side , maybe because I'm not used to it , the comfort of a friend , that's why i just couldn't control myself , sorry !" ,

"it's nothing to be sorry about , we're friends right , so it's okay !"


Suddenly Christina's phone rang and she picked it up , it was her mom , she excused herself , and came back after 5 minutes and said ,"it was my mom , i need to go now , it's getting late , i've to go somewhere too , soo give me your phone number , we'll talk later!"

They exchanged their numbers and Christina left from there , Alden too was about to go but a thought came in his mind , a doubt , was his decision was correct , he didn't made any mistake by saying everything to a stranger called friend , it was the first time someone listened to him without judging him or his past , she accepted his past , maybe it was a right decision to tell her , to free his mind from this darkness , to let it out and see the results , he got a friend , he didn't made in 17 years , with that he smiled and left for his house , without noticing a enchanting blue rose pearl with a silver chain holding the beautiful pearl delicately shining under the moonlight.....
