
Perfume Scandal!

I was visiting the market in disguise to not get caught by my father's vasals or royal guards to get the ingredients for my perfume. It sure is a hot day, and walking in a magic cloak is sure sweaty. I wish I had a beach fan here with me. Lost in my thoughts I suddenly bumped into something quite sturdy yet fleshy. "Ah, pardon me sir..", saying this I excused myself but the chest of that gentleman was really worth bumping for~ "Stop there, the lady who bumped to me just now" The voice sound ridiculously familiar to me which made my steps froze . I was processing the situation I am in, right now in my mind , within that time I hear the same voice close, ringing to my ear . "You. Isn't it the "Iris flower" smell from the Viscountess Vanessa's banquet last month?" "IT'S PERFUME MISTER!ー !" Ah shit! I just can't bear any sort of pun about my perfumery! When I turned it was DUKE ARDEN VON HALSWATHZ, smirking mischievously down at me as if he caught the prey he was hunting for. Such a handsome pervert even remember the fragrance from the tip to the roots of his lungs; Okay how should I interpret this behaviour of yours ? Being handsome and a pervert at the same time, such a loss to be rotting in the prison if I report him. His black clear eyes were shimmering even though the shadow was falling over his face while looking down at me. He looked right into my eyes as our eyes met and my heart skipped a beat quick. I swiftly covered my face with my cloak to hide my facial features; mainly my flustered expression, and with a voice sounding of a lowly origin I tried to excuse myself, "Ah!~ The Iris flower perfume is so famous~ I was looking for exactly that perfume!If you excuse meー" "200 thousand dilas " "HOW MAY I HELP YOU MY DUKE?" Seeing my immediate response after mentioning 200 thousand dilas he scoffed. I was played by him again but I mean like, WHO THE HELL WOULD REFUSE 200 THOUSAND DILAS??! 1 DILAS = 100 GOLD COINS, MAN!! For a 21st century working class korean girl who has reincarnated into this fantasy novel if someone gives me 200 thousand Dillas for just interrogating me will I refuse? HELL NAH! The Duke then furrowed his brows a little and in a serious tone he said,"Be my personal perfumer". "EXCUSE ME?!" I am surprised to hear it from the crazy tyrant that he wants me to work for him. His looks are of my type but what if he goes crazy and slices off my head like vegetables and fruits?! I am not gonna take the deal! The duke then leaned a bit lower at me and with a callous poker face he said, "Don't worry I won't bite you off. I need your skills that's it". Even if you bite me I don't really mind you see, but please don't eat me raw or slice me up. ーーーーーー Jang Jeong-Ah, a 25 years old part-timer university student died while taking a dump after an after-party in home, and woke up as Sara Galliois. Sara Galliois is a daughter of Count Galliois, a side character in a psychopath genre based romance novel ROSE GARDEN. How will her life change now? Read further to know. Stay tuned to PERFUME SCANDAL!, for more!! The cover photo is not owned by me. The credit goes to the respective owner. If they find it disturbing or uncomfortable then I might put down the cover photo as they please.

nanami_96 · Fantasy
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10 Chs


As Mary brought me a paper and pen, I folded my legs out of habit and sat with a desk on my bed writing down the scenes and events I could recall all about this novel ROSE GARDEN, but before that...


"?..my lady, do you want something?"

With a pleasant smile I replied, "Could you go bake me a cake?"

"but just now you had the lunch my lady"

"But I'm craving for cake right now~"

"But miss you'll grow fat, and then the corset won't fit you"

"Mary please~ I'm craving for cake"

"but missー"


"!! y-yes.."

I snapped. You can't blame me girl! I tried to be cutie-patootie with this awesome face you see, but you're habituated to it so how should I say you to leave my room as I know you've been ordered by Father to keep an eye on me so that I don't fall critical again. I'm sorry I had to shoo you off or else you'll call the doctor again.

"okay, so I have 45 minutes in my hand before she returns... that's enough!"

I rolled up my frilly sleeves of my pajamas I am wearing and started to write every point I could recall.

*scritch! scritch! scritch!*

So this novel ROSE GARDEN has three male leads and one female lead.

First male lead, carrying the Imperial emblem having golden Griffin with red snake wrapped around a silver sword right in the middle, 3rd Prince of the empire, Prince Lucas. He has pretty silver hair and eyes like sun with a gorgeous charm in his personality.

He falls in love at first sight with the female lead when they both meet at the masquerade party hosted by Earl Emire. They both take the first dance of the party of each other and then runs off towards the back garden to avoid more attention.

"Like seriously? don't you think by doing this you'll attract more attention?

anyways, the party has already been held 3 days ago where Sara Galliois was humiliated by some cheeky noble ladies. Gah! kill me! I feel sick..."

Next, the second male lead is the Mage Knight of the royal knight department, Schreiber Gwen. He has long black straight hair, with beautiful sleek, plumpy, tempting lips and ice like eye pupils.

The first encounter of female lead and Schreiber Gwen was when the female lead tried to sneak in the Mage department of Knights to "learn" more about how to become a mage. It pulled Schreiber's interest in her as she didn't push him off when Schreiber was trying to be rude to her.

".... Atleast they are handsome...", I mumbled while feeling exhausted recalling about them.

Third male lead, the guild leader of one of the top information guild, Louise Chamilez. Angel like appearance, no less than a greek god with fresh grapes like purple coloured hair, he rarely comes out in public, but found female lead as his ideal type so he decided to give it a try. Later died in the process of saving the female lead. His last words in the lap of the weeping "damsel" were,

"..If not your love...I atleast got your tears..." and with a smile that still lingered words and feelings untold he died by the blade of his best friend the crazy tyrant villain of this novel, DUKE ARDEN VON HALSWATHZ.

"...I pity him, the duke had to pierce the heart of his best friend while rebelling against the empire and went more aggressively rampant. He usually had times when he used to lose his sanity and there used to be a massacre in the ducal house."

Rumours had it that he went crazy such as this and killed the whole dukedom. Even emperor doesn't butt in his matters, and I still remember the description of the villain given by the author. Black hair, fair skin with battle scars on his body, calluses in his hands, manly shoulders and sturdy chest with refined abs; his veins popping out on his fair hands with long fair fingers, perfect V shaped body, long eyelashes with black clear eyes as if staring deep into one's soul.

Scary and gives me shudders, but he's my type. Though I don't want my head off, better cross him out.

"Countess Galliois is known for her elegancy in the empire but her daughter had a short temper. And the noble ladies just used her to entertain themselves by humiliating her naked in the public"

She was just an extra, who's only purpose was to act like a scapegoat and a clown.

But I can't live this way anymore.

"...count Galliois has a clothe material business that'll go bankrupt within this month. I need to look into it. But what else could Sara Galliois do?"

* !! *

No, wait a second. Why should I think what could this spoiled brat do, when "I"

am the one who possessed this body?

" That's right! I can do perfumery!"

Being a science department student in my university, in spite of having many part time jobs and loans to clear, my only leisure time I used to study about perfumery!

"I can make a fortune out of it! HELL YEAH!!ー"

" h-hell ?? My lady why are you taking about hell so suddenly with such a vigor??! oh my god I need to report it to count and countess!"


Ah!! honestly! I don't even know how to handle this overdramatic situation right now!



stay tuned to PERFUME SCANDAL! for more!!

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