
Perfect Tamer (Kindly One)

I was hated and hunted but at least I always had some friends to take care of. They always liked me even before I got the system and got transportated to a new world that is of course animals.

Fornicia_Yadrea · Fantasy
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13 Chs

The Council

"Yggdran Of the fifth council you are hereby stripped of your title due to losing to a rogue mage. I am sorry but it must be done otherwise our nation might fall."

Says The Arch Mage Silen a master of Formations. The grand Chain array I'm in binds me tightly but I know it's just a rise to prevent the mortals from panicking. The array is dispelled after all the mortals leave mainly that lord from the continent where I met that strange wizard.

"Are you sure he didn't use an implement. let's just go over what happened one more time it is just too unbelievable even though your memories say it true." Silen Ponders out loud. I state "he did it easily like it was no more than a parlor trick meaning if we can invite him to the council we might be able to win the war with the dam dwarves also I had spy follow him. He seems to care deeply about the monsters but the ones he come across change. it's strange."

The Arch Mage tells me "Go do all you can to recruit him also make sure those Dam apprentice dumbasses stop torturing the monsters we have contained and make sure they get treated better."


Nathanael's PoV

I walked out of the room after talking with the mage named Yggdran he was quite enthusiastic to learn my method of communication with the world's mana. The Lord of this area acts nicer to me inviting me to eat but I decline walking towards the mountains due to the rumors about a dragon nesting there. I feel the forests breath as I enter it something slips upon it pressing it down. I notice the pressure stops when I focus upon it.

I call Edge to me only to be surprised that he is now twice my height with white fur and black symbols on it. I give him a hug feeling a few nubs on his back I smile and say "You'll be flying soon won't you?"

Edge says "Does that mean I can eat those giant birds that tease me all the time?"

"If they have no intelligence then yes but if they can communicate leave them alone." I respond.

He nods sulkily continuing to rub his head against me while I rub and scratch his back resulting in purring. I smile getting up to walk along this sparse forest the dew covered grass shining the light reflecting into the pine trees. A blade flashes to my side I reach out a catching it when it says "Let me go to my master peasant." I calmly throw it back where it came from easily hearing a slight scream. My calming walk towards the vast mountain range brings me joy seeing god within all things guiding life so that intelligence grows.

I hear a roar from ahead as something flys towards a cave in the mountain blood spurting from it's wounds. I rush forward forcefully combining my body with the light itself tripling my max speed I directly burn a hole through the mountain barely stopping my self from tearing a hole in the mountain. I managed to get to the mountain before the figure seeing after a few minutes a dark blue dragon with sapphire crystal spines elegantly flowing through the air into a cave unfortunately tainted by blood dulling the many shades of blue scales.

I climb the mountain getting into the cave hearing small chirps and a cry of despair mixed with anger. With heavy steps I walk into the cave not minding the smooth walls and floor with almost no grip for my feet. I see the Dragon with its children climbing on it crying one stands in front of it hissing at me. I can tell the dragons already dead for it's heart is exposed from its chest no longer beating and impaled with dragon bones. I sit crying at the death of this creature who was probably only hunted for it's skin.

I walk up to the corpse letting the angry baby dragon bite me. I kneel to the ground and pray to my god in my native language reaching out and touching it's corpse which gets swathed in light dissipating. I hear a small angry voice say "What did you do to mom you demon bitch."

I look into heaven and say "Thank you for saving her soul" a tear slips out of my eye as I speak.

"What are you saying and what language is that?" I hear another dragon say while crying.

I go to it and say "I'm sorry that you a little one had to suffer such a despicable thing I wish I could have stopped it."

The angry Dragon says "Angor Don't answer the devil it just wants to trick you."

Hearing footsteps I say "Beware the killer is on their way younglings I would suggest hiding." They listen to me also hearing the footsteps. I see a classic dragon slaying hero with his arrogance and pride distorting his face I yell out at the tan, black haired, Green eyed man with a broadsword and leather armour with "You killed an innocent creature that had killed non of your kind yet you dare to use try to take it's corpse for armor. you shall die."

I simply swing my hand releasing the aura of a judge without any mercy hidden within seeing all his sins of Lust Pride and Mainly Greed. God grants me mercy for being without compassion and killing him instantly without a chance for repentance of his actions. seeing what I did all three baby dragons rush out towards me with only one being hesitant. I simply walk toward the Ruby colored dragon and hug him even though he is dog sized. The other two look like emeralds shining with mysterious patterns related to the world's core.

I am happy to say I have started a discord so that y'all can enjoy the art that will be made using an AI art generator cause I can't draw shit but I will be very nitpicky about it.


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