
Perfect Sheath

"The plane he was sitting on exploded, the sound resounding in the sky shook the ground, the surrounding glass windows were blown off. He watched in amazement as the plane exploded. Smoke was floating in the sky. " The proportion of people having a plane crash is very small and rarely happens at takeoff. The boy could only helplessly watch his other half die right before his eyes. "Did you know that this is just the beginning"

Mei_kirua_kun · Horror
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4 Chs

Hidden Secrets

- Hey! Have you heard of someone named Nhat Lang?

- Who is Nhat Lang?

- What is the name of this person ... what ... Lang or Something, oh remember, Dinh Nhat Lang!

- What do you ask for?

- I just heard from a guy above, this talk photo is a long time ago.

- This is ... when I say it, the procession on my body. You best should not find out about this.

- Look like I kneel, please tell me, please!

-... Okay, but don't tell anyone!

- OK!

- Actually, I also heard other people tell but I don't know how it happened, but I will try to tell the truth.

If I remember correctly, this happened 14 years ago. At that time, every newspaper page posted this news on the front page, it was so horrible that the journalists we're told too much detail.

- So what?

- I heard that in the year he was promoted to be the chief, a lot of people agreed, they all said that he was a very gentle person, never screaming or scolding others. At that time, everyone said that he was the one who was given down by the gods.

- Is that so?

- Yes. Everyone praised him. But suddenly one day, he somehow became negative from words to actions. Everyone thought that because he was so upset that was why then they ignored him the whole day.

- Is he okay?

- I don't know, but days later he still hasn't gotten any better. From words to actions he went mad and then one day he disappeared.

- Disappear??

- Yes. During that time no one was able to contact him as if his presence was no longer in this world, no one could see him anywhere. But about three months later when he got a bit of a clue, someone happened to see him walking into an alley with a 9th-grade male student when he followed them to that alley. Who else. Hearing that, the police just thought a lie should be ignored until the peak was on the full moon day of August. That man continued to see him walking with another schoolgirl into that dark alley only to see a horrifying sight.

- He killed that girl?

- Right. That person found her body lying on the road, he stabbed the girl's neck with a knife and made a cut in the neck, leaving her head off, blood splattered everywhere.

- ...

- After the next three months they found out he had killed a lot of students and left them in the school warehouse.

- Why the warehouse?

- I heard that the warehouse had been burnt once so few people came in and out, and the school also built another one near the new 7th-grade block before so the old warehouse was not paid any attention.

- Where is it, why don't I know?

- You don't know, that's right. It was in the old 7th-grade row, and it's been a long time since I've been looking at that area so trees have grown to cover the entrance. The warehouse is about twenty meters away.

- How far is it?

- Yes. So it was a prime location for his murder.

- Then why did they find the body there?

- That is not clear, but it seems that the eighth graders that year played a game so they discovered it.

- Even him?

- He was arrested about a week later.

- Isn't that scary?

- Saying so, but he committed suicide before the police arrested him.

- ...

- He hanged himself with a message on the table.

- What did he text?

- The piece of paper that says: "This is not over yet, there is still the next part!"

- The next part?