
Take swift action

Translator: eunimon_ Editor: Caron_

Ye Wanwan smiled and replied, "How about you give this some more thought? I saw the news recently and heard that the Song family is trying to fight for a big project with the government. Your family has injected a billion into it--investing so much money within a short time, I'm afraid you guys risk your funds not turning over quickly enough and emptying the company's capital, right?

Your parents helped the Song family only because they want you to have a good life in the future. Now that you've seen that boy's true colours, you should take swift action. Do you want him to make all the gains and then use all the flesh and blood he gnawed off you to take care of Shen Mengqi?"

In her previous life, as one of the men supporting Shen Mengqi, Song Zihang continuously developed and expanded the company with the help of his in-laws. But he took out large sums of money in secret to pave the way for Shen Mengqi and even invested in the entertainment business.

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