

David's been married for six years but was not given the heirs. After he and Nadine met the Doctor ... David was barren. Until one day she accidentally slept with his secretary Liliana and two months later Liliana was pregnant. Children in the womb Liliana is the son of David. Secrets that are already saved Nadine for a long time are finally uncovered. Also the secrets of the past both of their parents

Alya_Snitzkyy2 · History
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35 Chs


Nadine looked at David in disbelief, whether all this time her husband secretly yearned for the presence of children between them? What should she do now? Crazy! David's idea was crazy. sHe could have slept with another man, but the result would have remained the same. She will not be able to get pregnant, because, in reality, it is not David who is barren. But she will never be able to give offspring to any man.

With a flushed face holding mixed feelings, between upset, disappointed as well as confused. sHe was upset because David easily asked to sleep with another man. She was disappointed that David's love wasn't as great as she thought. If David were true love, he would never let his wife's body be enjoyed by another man, what else to conceive. Confused, because she did not know how to cover the secret that she had been covering for two years.

"You Don't Love Me, Dave!" exclaimed Nadine. David was silent, unable to look at his wife's face. Love? Does he love Nadine? There was never a special taste. In the past, he married because their parents match, not through the courtship process in general.

Nadine and David first met when David's company signed Nadine as a brand ambassador for their products. It was then that their parents met and turned out to be old friends. Then the drama ensued, their parents agreed to match David with Nadine. Even on the first night, David found that Nadine was no longer holy.

But David never bothered about it. More precisely do not care. There was no sense of disappointment at all because he felt he had never been betrayed at all. he never expected Nadine's virginity, because David he married only to make his parents happy.

"I am ... That's not what I mean, Nad. Only then can you have children and we can make our parents happy."

"But not by asking me to sleep with another man. I'm not a cheap woman, I'm your legal wife, Dave!"

"Then what should I do?! Say that I'm barren, is that it? I'm sure both of your parents will immediately ask you to file for divorce. You never wanted to adopt a child yourself, Did you?"

"I don't want a child who is not my blood! But I also don't want to contain seeds from other men!"

Ck ...

David lamented, " don't be a hypocrite, Nad. Did you forget that you weren't a virgin when we got married? I never had a problem with that. But, I conclude one thing, you never loved me. You love others more than me until you leave your purity to him."

David's words penetrated Nadine's heart leaving the woman unable to say anything more. David did not shout, even said it very calmly. However, David's words made Nadine's heart hurt and filled with bloodless wounds.

If only his family were not in financial difficulties there would never have been the marriage she is currently living. This marriage made Nadine forced to leave the lover she loved so much. That's why Nadine wants David to feel the same pain she feels.

"Why the silence? Isn't what I said right now, Nad? You asked me if I love you, and now I'm turning that question to you. Do you love me? The answer is no."

"You ...."

Nadine dropped the sentence she was about to say. The woman let out a deep sigh, " What if I confess to our parents that I am the barren one? You just marry a pregnant woman without a husband. Then admit it if it's your son, I'll pretend to be kind to accept if you remarry for the sake of a child."

David is silent, what kind of marriage are they currently going through? Full of pretense and also theatricality.

"I don't care what you do, Nad. Just do whatever you want, I'm fed up with all this pretense, " David said.

"But, my dad and my mom also want grandchildren, Dave!"

"DO WHATEVER YOU WANT! You want to admit that you're the barren one, too, I don't care anymore!"David was upset and left. He didn't care about the meeting he was supposed to attend.

While Nadine could only stare at her husband's back with a broken heart. 'If I'm broken, you should be more broken than I am, Dave,' Nadine said.


_6 years ago_

"You want to take the marriage for granted?"

"What can I do, Baby? You're still in college, you can't afford anything else to help finance my parents. Currently, the

dad company is in a pinched condition. Only by marrying David, the company is saved, " Nadine said.

The girl's tears have been dripping since then. "I should not have received a contract from the David company. I don't know if my parents were old friends with David's parents."

"I have some savings that might help your dad, baby."

"Honey, I know that savings to continue your S2 education. I wouldn't have the heart if you gave me that money. After all, daddy companies need a small injection of funds."

"But, I love you, Nadine."

"Dirga, I love you too. Don't you think I'm not hurt," Nadine said softly in her sobs.

Dirga hugged Nadine's body tightly, really he did not want to lose the girl he loved so much.

"Do you love me so much?"Nadine asked in Dirga's ear. The white-skinned young man nodded and stroked Nadine's hair gently.

"I love you more than anything," Dirga said.

"Then, please take my chastity now, Honey. I don't want to give it to someone I don't love."

Dirga pushed Nadine's body, " don't you go crazy, what will your husband say? What if he divorced you on the first night?"

Dirga shook his head, he did not understand why Nadine can be brave.

"I keep this purity just for you. Only you have the right to take it from me."

Nadine no longer cared, without hesitation, the girl let go of everything inherent in her body. Dirga was just an ordinary young man. Like a cat will not refuse if given salted fish, what else is currently in front of him is fresh fish.

Although at first he desperately refused, it turned out that lust over him until finally what should not happen between them happened. The two of them are enjoying each other. That day Nadine handed her chastity to Dirga the beloved. She allowed her honey to be kneaded without a valid bond, just two weeks into her marriage to David.