
Peregrine Serendipity

The son of King Francois the Second, Elrion Xerneum, is born without sorcery, necromancy, or thaumaturgy, and so he is exiled to the Dome of Death, a pile of people who don't possess magical powers. Unlike others, Rius is instead sent to be tortured by a couple until death so he doesn't instantly die in the Dome of Death.

GodOfBadWriting · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 5: Dance of Blades And Betrayal

The battle against Yooren intensified as the clash of swords and the surge of magic echoed through the remnants of the sunken ship. Rius, Mika, Leive, and Jean fought with every ounce of strength they possessed, fueled by revenge and the desire for survival.

Yooren, the once-malevolent Knight Hunter, stood against them, his dark aura emanating an air of superiority. The team had underestimated him, and now they found themselves fighting a foe far stronger than they had anticipated.

As the confrontation reached a fever pitch, Yooren's dark laughter cut through the chaos. "You fools," he sneered, revealing a sinister truth that had eluded the team's attention. "I could have ended you all with my Burst of Hydromia, but where's the fun in that?"

Rius, Mika, and Leive exchanged wary glances, realizing the perilous game they had unwittingly entered. Yooren, it seemed, relished toying with his prey before delivering the final blow.

With the agility of a shadow, Yooren effortlessly evaded Rius and Mika's lunges, his movements fluid and unpredictable. The team struggled to land a single blow, their frustration mounting as Yooren danced between their attacks.

Jean, however, had been silently observing, a plan forming behind her intense gaze. In a sudden moment of clarity, she screamed, "Stop! Hold your attacks!"

Rius and Mika halted mid-motion, confusion etched across their faces. Leive, too, paused, his eyes narrowing in suspicion. "What are you doing, Jean?" he asked.

Jean seized the opportunity to confess, "It was all a ruse! I needed a distraction."

"A distraction?" Rius asked, his voice laced with confusion.

Jean revealed a hidden crossbow and took aim at the distracted Yooren. Before anyone could react, she fired a bolt straight at his heart. Time seemed to freeze as the projectile whizzed through the air, finding its mark with deadly accuracy.

Yooren's eyes widened in shock, the facade of invincibility crumbling as the crossbow bolt embedded itself into his chest. A gasp escaped his lips, and for the first time, vulnerability replaced arrogance.

The team seized the moment, renewing their onslaught with a relentless fervor. Swords clashed, magic erupted, and in a flurry of blows, Yooren fell to the ground, defeated.

The once-malevolent Knight Hunter lay motionless, the shadows of his dark aura dissipating into the ether. The team, battered but victorious, stood over their fallen adversary, the taste of triumph bittersweet in the air.

As the echoes of battle subsided, Jean, with a mix of relief and exhaustion, explained her risky gambit. "I knew we couldn't beat him head-on. So, I had to create an opening. Sorry for not telling you sooner."

Rius, Mika, and Leive exchanged glances, a blend of gratitude and understanding passing between them. They had faced betrayal, but it had come from within, a calculated move that turned the tide of the battle.

The sunken ship, once a battleground of despair, now held the victorious, albeit weary, champions. The team emerged from the conflict changed, bound by the trials they faced together, and the promise of a new beginning awaited them on the horizon.

Rius sheathed his sword and turned to Jean. "You saved us," he said, a hint of awe in his voice. "I don't know what we would have done without you."

Jean shrugged, exhaustion etched across her face. "Just doing my job," she said, a small smile tugging at the corners of her lips.

Mika, who had been silently observing the exchange, stepped forward. "We should probably get out of here before more trouble finds us," she said, her voice laced with urgency.

Leive nodded in agreement. "We need to focus on our mission. We can't afford any more distractions."

The team made their way out of the sunken ship, their steps heavy and labored. They emerged onto the shore, the sun setting in the distance, casting a warm glow over the horizon.

Rius turned to Jean, a sense of gratitude washing over him. "Thank you," he said, his voice soft. "You saved our lives today."

Jean waved him off, a hint of embarrassment creeping into her expression. "It was nothing," she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

Mika stepped forward, a hint of mischief in her eyes. "Although, I have to say," she said, a small smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "I never would have guessed that you had a crossbow hidden up your sleeve."

Jean smirked, a sense of pride washing over her. "It pays to be prepared," she said, a hint of amusement in her voice.

Leive, who had been silent throughout the exchange, cleared his throat. "We need to keep moving," he said, his voice laced with urgency. "We don't know what else is out there."

The team nodded in agreement, their steps quickening as they made their way towards their next destination. The sun set behind them, casting long shadows across the land as they disappeared into the night, their journey far from over.