
Peregrine Serendipity

The son of King Francois the Second, Elrion Xerneum, is born without sorcery, necromancy, or thaumaturgy, and so he is exiled to the Dome of Death, a pile of people who don't possess magical powers. Unlike others, Rius is instead sent to be tortured by a couple until death so he doesn't instantly die in the Dome of Death.

GodOfBadWriting · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 2: The Storm Is On Us!

Chapter 2: Stormy Beginnings The day of departure for the Eldorium Kingdom had finally arrived, and Rius found himself amidst a flurry of preparations.

Leive, his trusted friend and fellow aspiring knight, joined him in the bustling chaos of packing supplies and checking equipment. "Ready for the journey, Rius?" Leive grinned, stuffing a spare pair of socks into his backpack. Rius chuckled nervously, adjusting the straps of his own bag.

"As ready as we'll ever be, I guess." The docks were alive with the energy of young knights-to-be, all clad in mismatched armor and wielding practice swords. Among them, Rius and Leive spotted two familiar faces—Mika, a fiery-haired girl with determination in her eyes, and Jean, a lanky girl with a penchant for jokes.

"Hey, Rius! Leive!" Mika called out, waving them over. "You guys ready for the journey?" Leive slapped Rius on the back. "Ready as we'll ever be, right, Rius?" Rius nodded, a sense of camaraderie forming among the four friends.

Little did they know that their destinies were about to intertwine in unexpected ways. The ship, an imposing vessel with billowing sails, stood ready at the dock. As the group boarded, the air buzzed with excitement and nervous anticipation.

They were to spend four days at sea, crossing tumultuous waters to reach the Eldorium Kingdom. Onboard, the quartet met other aspiring knights, forging connections that would bind them together on this journey. The atmosphere was a mix of eagerness and uncertainty, with everyone exchanging stories of their motivations to become Eldoria Knights.

The first night on the ship brought about laughter and shared tales. Rius and his newfound companions, Mika and Jean, swapped stories of their hometowns and dreams.

The camaraderie grew stronger as they discovered common ground. However, on the second day, dark clouds gathered on the horizon. The ship sailed into an ominous sea, and the air became charged with tension.

Whispers of an impending storm spread like wildfire among the passengers. As the tempest unleashed its fury, the ship pitched and rolled violently. Panic set in, and the once lively group of knights clung to whatever they could find for support. The ship groaned under the assault of the raging waves.

Amidst the chaos, Rius spotted Jean struggling near the edge of the ship. A massive wave crashed over the deck, threatening to sweep Jean away into the abyss. Without hesitation, Rius lunged forward, grabbing Jean's arm just in the nick of time.

"Rius, you saved me!" Jean gasped, her eyes wide with gratitude. The storm raged on, but Rius knew he couldn't let his fellow knights face the peril alone. He rallied others to secure the ship, braving the wind and rain to keep it from succumbing to the relentless sea.

Through grit and determination, Rius, Mika, Leive, and Jean worked together to stabilize the ship, ensuring the safety of the crew. Their bonds, forged in the crucible of adversity, grew stronger as they faced the tempest as a united front.

As dawn broke on the third day, the storm finally subsided, leaving behind a ship battered but intact. Rius looked at his fellow knights, a silent understanding passing between them – this journey was not just about becoming Eldoria Knights;

It was about facing challenges head-on, together. And as Rius and Jean exchanged a glance, a subtle acknowledgment of something more lingered in the air, yet they chose to remain loyal comrades, ready to face whatever lay ahead as a united squad of determined knights.

As the days passed, Rius found himself drawn more and more to Jean's wit and courage. Her jokes kept the group's spirits up during the long hours of training, and her fearlessness in battle was something to behold.

Rius couldn't help but admire her, even as he struggled to keep his own feelings in check. One evening, after a particularly grueling day of practice, Jean approached Rius as he sat alone on the ship's deck, gazing out at the sea. "You okay?" she asked softly, settling down beside him.

Rius nodded, not trusting himself to speak. He felt Jean's warmth beside him, and it took all his willpower not to turn and confess his feelings. "It's been tough, hasn't it?" Jean continued, her voice low and thoughtful.

"But we're in this together, Rius. We'll make it through." Rius felt a sudden surge of emotion, and before he knew it, he was turning towards Jean, his heart pounding in his chest. "Jean, I…" he started, but the words caught in his throat. Jean looked at him, her eyes searching his.

"What, Rius?" "I… I don't know," he stammered, feeling a flush rise to his cheeks. "I just… I admire you, Jean. I admire your courage, your humor, everything about you."

Jean's face softened, and she took Rius's hand in hers. "Rius, I admire you too. You're one of the bravest people I know, and you've been a great friend to me." Rius felt a pang of disappointment, but he tried to hide it.

"Yeah, of course. Friends." Jean smiled at him, and for a moment, Rius felt as though they were the only two people in the world. He wanted to lean in, to kiss her, but he knew it wasn't the right time.

Instead, they sat there together, watching the stars sparkle above them, their hands still entwined. They didn't need words to know that they were both thinking the same thing – that their journey together was just beginning.