
Percy Jackson: Zeus's Bastard Child

In this fanfiction set in the world of Percy Jackson, we follow the story of a young demigod who discovers his true heritage as the child of Zeus. Unaware of his divine lineage, he navigates the challenges of being a teenager in the mortal world until a series of supernatural events reveal his extraordinary powers. He is soon whisked away to Camp Half-Blood, a training ground for demigods, where he must learn to harness his abilities and embrace his identity. Alongside his newfound friends and allies, he embarks on a dangerous quest to fulfill a prophecy and protect the world from impending doom. Faced with mythological monsters, unexpected alliances, and his own internal struggles, he must prove his worth as a hero and uncover the truth about his family's past.

Marcus_Adderley · Book&Literature
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54 Chs

Chapter 38

Chapter 38: 4 Years later

This is happening in the last book of Percy Jackson, the Last Olympian.

Timeskip; 4 years later

Olympus was being burned down to the ground due to Kronos's attack. Due to his plots and scheme the bridge between Western Civilization and Olympus is being destroyed and this time thete is no do over. If it dies then it will remain dead forever, dying alongside the Greek Pantheon.

Right now the Gods were fighting Typhon leaving Olympus unguarded with nothing but Percy, Annabeth, Grover and Thalia to defend it.

With the Kronos possesed Luke the two rivals clashed their weapons. Percy swung his sword against Kronos and the two exchanged furies of attacks while Grover did as much as he could by assisting Percy with his woodland magic.

"HAHAHAHA, It's pointless Percy Jackson! Soon Typhon will be here and the entirety of Olympus will fall!"

"It will be rebuild with me as it's king once again!" Kronos shrilled.

While Olympus was in chaos, the entrance within it was welcoming a new sight. In front of the Empire State Building five figures were waiting with eery air wafting around them.

Each of them were unique in appearances one way or another, like a band of mish mash attending a cosplay convention.

But the most notable thing about this group was the presence of a particular young man. His description goes as someone who looked like a suicidal teenager. Unkempt and long hair, big eye bags underneath his eyes, sunken eyes that even though it housed such beautiful blue eyes, the liveliness and beauty of the sky it resembles were null to be present.

"Marcus are you ready?" The middle aged man wearing a loose kimono beside the gaunt young man asked.

The young man just solemnly nodded as if even answering or uttering a single word was tiring or not worth it for him.

"Are you sure?" He asked for another affirmation and only then did his disciple open his mouth and answer with a single word.


Seeing his lacking response the middle aged man sighed and patted the back of his disciple.

"Okay Marcus you go into Olympus while we take care of the forces here in Manhattan." He said.

Marcus, as the middle aged man said his name was, nodded again and walked in front of the elevator.

"This is the moment you have been waiting for Marcus, the moment you will achieve your revenge." The middle aged man said before turning his back to the other three that were with him.

"Generals of the Supreme Japanese Army!

Today! We get our revenge! Go back into your troops and command them! Olympus is ours for the taking!" And with that he unsheathed his sword and pointed it at the direction of Hudson river, where a huge swirling storm was brewing with streaks of lightning, gold and silver arrows were pulsating.

"for hiroshima and nagasaki, for you my son." He whispered then a small cloud manifested beneath his feet, he stepped into it and the cloud delivered him to his desired destination.

"Head of the Southern Army, I'll see you in a while," Once the man who rode the clouds disappeared the three generals were left, but before they went back to their respective army they gave each other farewell.

"Haha Head of the Northern Army, don't you dare come back in a coffin!" After giving each other their farewells they all headed into their respective army, to wage war against their old enemy.

Back to Marcus. He entered the elevator and pressed a button, and after a tiringly long silence the elevator stopped at the highest floor. He stepped out of the door and was greeted by the sight of Mount Olympus. In any other situation this would've been amazing, maybe even a great site for a field trip but he was not here for that.

He was here to occupy it. But there was just a problem that was between him and Olympus, the problem is that there was no bridge.

Due to Kronos springing up a barrier earlier the connection between Empire State Building and Olympus is dwindling down, and that includes the bridge which was now almost non-existent.

As tired as one could be, the young man groaned and sighed. He took a step and almost instantaneously his body combusted into pure energy turning him into a flash of lightning.

Immediately after, with just a millisecond he arrived at Olympus. It's like leaping thousands of kilometers with just one step.

Then he looked around. His eyes suggested that he was tired to be even here but it was necessary; no it was not just necessary! He must.

His mother has given him a mission. A mission to occupy Olympus for himself and to prepare for a bigger disaster.

"Mother, why must you subject me to such suffering when all I wanted was revenge and be over with it." He tiredly said.

And inside his mind a smooth and melodious voice of a woman resounded, like a beautiful song being sung through inside his mind.

"Forgive me, my child. It is necessary."

"I have heard enough of your apology." Marcus replied with anger.

And inside his mind, a silence fell.

"I want this world to be destroyed more than anyone else but I'm duty bound." He said and then he continued his walk.

"Well, I'll atleast get my revenge, even though it's gonna be an empty one." Trying to gaslight himself he said before chuckling realizing how pointless this all was. He laughed inside his mind and walked towards the direction where a metallic clash was being broadcasted through the entirety of Olympus.

With gaunt but undaunting steps he walked. Each step he made an eerie aura wafted. As if he is not the embodiment of lightning but the embodiment of death.

But it's not the kind of death aura that you would see in Hades's child; No! This was more vicious! More dreadful! One that would make you question your existence when it invades your mind.


Hey there! If you like this Ff then please make sure to save it in your library.

I will upload every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday every week, but if you want to read advance chapters follow me on Pat_Reon, Magnus Ragna just search it, it'll pop out but if you can't find it here's a link https://www.patreon.com/RgnMagnus?utm_campaign=creatorshare_creator,

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