
Percy Jackson: Zeus's Bastard Child

In this fanfiction set in the world of Percy Jackson, we follow the story of a young demigod who discovers his true heritage as the child of Zeus. Unaware of his divine lineage, he navigates the challenges of being a teenager in the mortal world until a series of supernatural events reveal his extraordinary powers. He is soon whisked away to Camp Half-Blood, a training ground for demigods, where he must learn to harness his abilities and embrace his identity. Alongside his newfound friends and allies, he embarks on a dangerous quest to fulfill a prophecy and protect the world from impending doom. Faced with mythological monsters, unexpected alliances, and his own internal struggles, he must prove his worth as a hero and uncover the truth about his family's past.

Marcus_Adderley · Book&Literature
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54 Chs

Chapter 37

Chapter 37

"So have you figured it out?" Susanoo asked Marcus who had been bench pressing a five ton boulder.

"It's not there yet but I can feel it," Marcus replied curtly.

"That's good, in fact that's impressive, you can already feel the connection between you and your lightning in such a small time period," Susanoo said with a bit of pride.

"Thank you." The other replied shortly, as if he didn't want to mince his words around.

After a brief pause Marcus asked Susanoo.

"By the way, Master, it's been a month since I've come under your teaching…"

"Hmm yes and what you have achieved within that time period is impressive,"

"… you think so? Then can I visit the Academy this weekend?" He asked his Master who pondered his words.

"I can allow it but you mustn't spend too much time on the academy because next week, on monday you will go with me to discuss our plan with the other major Kami's." Susanoo said in a heavy tone, hearing those words Marcus gulped.

'So I'm finally going to be showcased as their tipping scale,' He thought inside his mind.

It has been a month since Marcus have come under Susanoo's tutelage and in that short amount of time Susanoo have managed to make an in depth analysis of Marcus's character. From his attitude, his habits, his quirks, and after he had evaluated them he deemed Marcus trustworthy enough or ready enough to be shown to the other Major Kami's to get their support for the war.

"Understood master,"

"Good then again I must leave to your own device, remember after this physical training go back to training your connection,"


It was saturday and there was no class scheduled for the three lovebirds, and so Yuki, Taku and Harumi were on the yard hanging out.

The yard was just exactly outside of the First Year dorm, normally they would hang out outside their dorms but the air and the scenery in the first year dorm was more beautiful and peaceful since it's not as strict as theirs.

Suddenly as the three was eating something they noticed a small figure on the gateway, the figure entered and walked inside the dorm compound.

Harumi's eye widened at the sight of the young man and screamed.

"Marcus!" She screeched then without even saying anything to Yuki or Taku she stood up and ran towards the figure.

The figure heard his name from miles away and his neck snapped in the direction where the sound came from and saw a very beautiful Japanese teen running towards him with two beautiful mounds moving up and down.

'What a godsent weapon,' Marcus thought to himself while simultaneously calming his adolescent body and making his hard pitched tent settle down.

"Harumi?" The girl then jumped on Marcus and hugged the latter.

Marcus saw the hug coming a mile away, he could've dodge with ease but why would he? A free service came to him and there's no fucking way he would refuse.

He may be a bastard but the blood of Zeus runs strong in him.

"Hmmm…" He hummed in pleasure and was about to return the hug but after remembering that this chick had a boyfriend already he restrained himself.

"Ummm that's enough Harumi…" Taku said on the sideline.

Though he was jealous, he thought that it was just a sisterly love coming from Harumi, since maybe Harumi viewed Marcus as a little brother more than a romantic interest but still he was still feeling jealous.

Realizing what she'd have just done, Harumi immediately broke her intimate skinship with Marcus and lowered her head in shame with a tomato red face.

"Yo Marcus!" The innocent one of the group Yuki greeted the lightning boy and wrapped her petite arms around Marcus's shoulder.

"Hey Yuki, you're as feline as ever," Marcus said in a groan.

"Hmmm was that a compliment? Yeah that's probably a compliment," She tilted her head cutely and replied which made the Son of Zeus chuckle.

Then Marcus tilted his head in front of Taku and greeted with a friendly and brotherly smile.

"Sup Taku." He said and raised his hand for a high five which the latter responded with a smile and returned the gesture.

"How's it been? How come you've been gone for a whole month?" Taku asked with a bit of worriedness from his tone like a concerned older brother.

"Just got something personal to take care of." Marcus replied curtly and vaguely seemingly implying that he had no intention of talking about it.

Taku, who came from a long line of warriors who also dabbles in politics, understood what that gesture meant and just nodded, knowing the latter's intention to keep things personally private.

"Have you eaten yet?" This time it was Harumi who asked Marcus.

"Ah right I forgot about lunch, how bout you guys?"

"Nice timing, let's go and eat," Harumi replied and pulled Marcus away.

And so the disciple of the God of Lightning and storms of the Japanese Pantheon was dragged away by the three lovebirds.

They ate at a famous restaurant near the academy that serves exclusively only to those that belong to the Japanese Mythological Society, they ate many foods that even Marcus was surprised by.

His taste palettes were opened to a whole new world of flavor by the various unique and tasty foods of Japan.

And so after enjoying his saturday, Marcus bid bidwell to the three and retired to his dorm room to rest, which shocked the entire Class 1, Year 1 as this was the first time he showed himself in months.

They bombarded him with questions but thankfully Marcus was skilled when it comes to avoiding people. And so with that his saturday was enjoyable, even for him who had a lot to stress about since he was about to be showcased to the entire upper echelon of the entire Japanese Mythological Society on monday.

This would put anyone to the same level of stress he was experiencing now; no! Maybe not even on the same level but on a whole nother level of stress.

But you gotta do what you gotta do, that's what he said to himself, closing his eyes and taking a long and deeply deserved sleep.


Next chapter big time skip ahead.


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