
Chapter 33

Chapter 33

It has been weeks since Marcus attended Kijin Academy, and for him these past days have been relatively fun.

But even though he was having fun he still didn't neglect his training. If you could even call it training. Everyday after class he would go to one of the private fields reserved for training which he got permission from Headmaster Tenjin. And there he would practice using his lightning for example, he would try to control the size of his lightning attacks, from needle like strands to river like sizes.

Since he learned how to release lightning at a young age, he always just released it without much thought, but now that he has fought opponents that were much much higher level than the monsters he have faced, he came to realize that everything is not just about throwing what you can but throwing with precision and grace.

He also didn't neglect his physical training, as he would try to push his physical limits everyday to get stronger and stronger. Destroying his previous perception that everything was enough.

Now for him, nothing is enough.

But if we were to talk about his personal life aside from his training then you could say that his normal life has been quite weird recently.

He didn't know why but Harumi started showing more affection to him, he didn't know if it's just him overthinking things but Harumi has been more intimate with him than she's intimate with her boyfriend Taku.

At first he noticed it subtly but as time went on he started to see it clearly, ever since that incident there seemed to be a rift between Harumi and Taku.

Yes, they were still close but Marcus can feel that Harumi's affection for Taku is slowly dwindling down.

Marcus stood at the empty field with no one but him and two huge dummies the size of the Red and Blue Oni.

He straightened his back and looked at the first target, and concentrated. In his mind he imagined an empty container in the shape of an eagle, and after pouring in more mental power soon a lightning eagle appeared with his palm. Though it took him almost a minute and it taxed him quite a bit it was still very impressive. Then he flicked his hands and the lightning eagle flew from it.

The eagle lightning flew with such speed that it decapitated the first target. Marcus then controlled the eagle to go for the next one and the eagle followed his will.

It struck the second one right in the middle of it's torso and with that two of the huge dummies was destroyed effortlessly.

"Hmmmm that's a nice move." Suddenly Marcus heard a deep voice behind him.

That surprised him and immediately threw him in defense mode, there was no one supposed to be here except him and if there is then he should've felt it a long time ago.

"Who are you?" Marcus asked warily while conjuring a lightning within his palm. He looked at the one who spoked and saw a man wearing loose samurai robe with his hair tied in a ponytail, in his waist tied a sword that excludes supreme power.

There was this deep sense of mystery on this man, as if he's a raging yet calm ocean. A storm carrying a nice breeze.

"What you did was an interesting display of lightning but you used too much energy." The man said then he snapped his finger and created the same type of lightning construct Marcus did earlier but his was more pronounced, profound and deadly.

With a flick of his hands the eagle traveled around the field and destroyed all the spare dummies in the corner without much difficulty.

Marcus was shocked when he saw this, as a lightning user himself he knows just how much control you need to shape your lightning into a construct yet the man in front of him did it with just a snap of his finger.

Shaping lightning is like shaping water itself without a container. You yourself need to be the container for the lightning to take shape and shaping such a construct with so little effort is taxing even for Marcus.

Then the man walked towards Marcus with undaunting steps. Marcus prepared to defend himself as he felt some hostilities on the man but as soon as the man took his fourth step he disappeared from his position and appeared beside Marcus.

'So fast!' Marcus exclaimed with shock. But the man didn't stop there, he once again conjured lightning within his palm with so little effort and shaped it into a huge tiger that was standing at 10 meters tall.


The tiger roared as if it had life embedded to ut but in reality it is nothing more than a condensed lightning shaped into a tiger.

'This…. Holy shit…. How much control do you need to have to create this!?' Marcus thought inside his mind.

The man seeing Marcus's shocked expression grinned and then he once again snapped his finger and the lightning Tiger elongated and transformed into an azure eastern dragon.

'Such quick transition!'

The dragon snarled at Marcus arrogantly as if proclaiming his victory and then it swam on the air with grace as if it was water.

The man walked in front of Marcus and the dragon positioned behind him creating this mighty image of true supreme. As if he was the storm itself and behind him is his authority.

He looked at Marcus and said with deep and powerful voice.

"You are using your lightning wrong.You think of it as water, and you construct it as a container but that is not the way it should be. That lightning is yours, connected to your own essence. Don't think of it as something separated from you but think of it as your own."

"It is your arm, your finger, your legs, your limbs. It is yours and yours only and if you think of it as something that is separated from you then you don't know your own self."

He finished his words.

Marcus's perception of his lightning was destroyed. Yes he did always think of it as something separate to him, he thought of his lightning as water and his command as the container but he didn't thought of it as his own.

"Let me introduce myself, I am Susanoo."

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