
Percy Jackson: Zeus's Bastard Child

In this fanfiction set in the world of Percy Jackson, we follow the story of a young demigod who discovers his true heritage as the child of Zeus. Unaware of his divine lineage, he navigates the challenges of being a teenager in the mortal world until a series of supernatural events reveal his extraordinary powers. He is soon whisked away to Camp Half-Blood, a training ground for demigods, where he must learn to harness his abilities and embrace his identity. Alongside his newfound friends and allies, he embarks on a dangerous quest to fulfill a prophecy and protect the world from impending doom. Faced with mythological monsters, unexpected alliances, and his own internal struggles, he must prove his worth as a hero and uncover the truth about his family's past.

Marcus_Adderley · Book&Literature
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54 Chs

Chapter 24

Chapter 24

Marcus gathered lightning within his palm, molding it into a pulsating sphere. The abrupt action caught the attention of all five gods, prompting them to ready themselves for the impending impact.

'I'll have only a split second to escape once I release this,' Marcus thought inwardly.

Then, like a cannon unleashing its thunderous bullet, the lightning sphere catapulted from his grasp, hurtling toward the quintet of gods.

With the gods engrossed by his assault, he once again conjured lightning in his palms, this time extracting the master bolt from within him.

As the master bolt surged forth, his transformation dissolved, reverting him to his normal form. Unfortunately, his reversion didn't erase his injury; the wounds inflicted by the piercing blades remained.

Now devoid of his lightning embodiment, his flesh bore the full brunt of his injuries. Gritting his teeth, he endured the agony. Painful though it was, he was far from finished. Probing the master bolt, he reconnected with it, not with the intention of employing its power, but to absorb it.

With this purpose in mind, he opened himself up like a vortex, consuming the primordial force residing within the master bolt. He ceased only when the radiance from his previous attack waned and the gods regained their composure.

"You all want this, correct?"

"Then retrieve it like dogs!" Marcus flung the bolt away from himself. The bolt streaked from his grasp, puncturing the protective dome surrounding the encampment before vanishing into the distance.

The Gods promptly gave chase to the bolt, leaving only Hephaestus and Dionysus to apprehend Marcus. However, he refused to be captured.

He reverted to his lightning form, despite no longer wielding the master bolt, transmuting into a lightning bolt himself and streaking away.

"No!" the burly figure with the hammer exclaimed, attempting to seize him, but Marcus was already beyond reach.

"Damn... he escaped," Dionysus muttered. A few seconds later, the trio who had pursued the bolt returned, empty-handed. Looking down with shame.

"Did you lose it?"

"Sigh, unfortunately, yes," Athena replied, a tinge of shame in her voice.



In the land of the rising sun, there exists a unique school for all those who don't belong to the ordinary world. Whether you are a yokai, a shikigami, a shinobi, a samurai, an oni, a child of kami or any other mythical being, you can find a place there. It's almost like the Japanese version of Camp Half-Blood.

One fateful day, as the sun cast its bright and cheery radiance over the mortal realm, a particular young man and his two female "acquaintances" stepped out of the academy to enjoy some fresh air.

"Hmmm, Taku-kun! Let's go eat some takoyaki!" one of the young man's female friends? exclaimed as she hugged his arm. The other girl beside him pouted at the bold move and retaliated.

"No! Taku-kun, we should have ramen!" she declared, hugging his other arm.

"Taku-kun promised me the other day that we'd go on a date today! Back off!"

"Taku-kun will go with me!"

"With me!"

"Nuh-uh, he's going with me!"

Perplexed, the young man scratched his head and interjected, "Come on now, girls. Let's not fight each other, okay?" With a gentle smile, he released his arms from their embrace and instead wrapped them around the two girls, quieting their squabble.

"Now, why don't we all go for some rice and curry?" he suggested, and both girls nodded meekly, content with his comforting hold. However, as he walked, he noticed that the previously radiant sunbeam upon him had vanished, as if something large had blocked it.

He gazed upward to discern the obstruction and spotted a massive red ogre wielding an enormous club.

"KYAAAA!" the girl on his left arm shrieked.

"Calm down, Yuki-chan! Don't worry, I'm here to protect you," he assured her.

"W-what's that!?" the other girl asked, fear evident in her voice.

"That's a red oni," he replied.

"WHAT!? A red oni!?" she exclaimed, clearly taken aback.

"Harumi-chan, please run with Yuki-chan. I'll stay here and deal with this."


"No excuses! Just run with her and get help. I promise I'll come back," Taku said courageously, drawing the sword from his waist and pointing it at the salivating red ogre.

"Face me, foul beast!" Taku shouted.

"Girls, run while I distract him!" Harumi reluctantly ran with Yuki but as they were about to, another oni appeared, this time it was a blue one.

"KYAAAA!" Harumi screamed. Taku heard the scream and saw Harumi and Yuki blocked by another ogre.

"Shit!" He cursed. Taku slashed his sword at the red oni in front of him and after making a dent on the other he ran towards Harumi and Yuki to protect them from the blue oni.

The blue oni brought up it's hand and was about to smash the two girls but thankfully Taku managed to arrive on time and defended the two.

"Moon Crescent Slash!" With a slash that resembles a crescent moon, Taku dedlected the Oni's meaty arm.

"You unruly demons! How dare you try to touch my fiance! I am the heir of Ashikage Clan! Taku Ashikage!" Taku proclaimed and brandished his sword.

The two ogres looked at him confusedly. In their eyes this puny human was just a normal meal, just with a sharp pointy stick. They didn't know what he was spouting. So they just looked at him like an idiot and proceeded again.

Now these two oni may be an absolute idiot but in the Japanese world these two are absolute behemoths.

"GRAAA!" The red oni roared and swung his club at Taku.

"Hiyaaaa!!" Taku blocked with his sword but his defense was overwhelmed by the sheer power of the red oni. He was sent flying away from the impact and His body became numb from it and he can't feel his arms any more.

"Aaargghhh!" He screamed in pain.

"TAKU NO!!" Harumi shouted in despair.

Taku may be down but that doesn't mean the red oni was done, the red oni dashed towards him and swung it's club once again and this time Taku didn't manage to block.

"TAKU!" Yuki screamed.

From Yuki's scream the Blue Oni was agitated, he growl at the two girls and opened his mouth wide.

"N-no!" Taku could only watch helplessly as his two girlfriends are about to be eaten by the blue oni, he could only despair. He started to pray to all divine forces he could think of in search of help but no one was to respond.

And finally as he was about to fall into the deepest parts of abyss and his two girlfriends are about to be eaten a sudden burst of light shined across the sky.

And from that a thunderous and terrifying thunderclap followed, and from it a huge pillar of blue lightning came down from the heavens and struck down the ground leaving behind a sea of dust in the air.

"Ughh… where am I?"


Hey there! If you like this Ff then please make sure to save it in your library.

I will upload every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday every week, but if you want to read advance chapters follow me on Pat_Reon, Magnus Ragna just search it, it'll pop out but if you can't find it here's a link https://www.patreon.com/RgnMagnus?utm_campaign=creatorshare_creator,

There's about 5 chapters in advance there :)