
Percy Jackson: Zeus's Bastard Child

In this fanfiction set in the world of Percy Jackson, we follow the story of a young demigod who discovers his true heritage as the child of Zeus. Unaware of his divine lineage, he navigates the challenges of being a teenager in the mortal world until a series of supernatural events reveal his extraordinary powers. He is soon whisked away to Camp Half-Blood, a training ground for demigods, where he must learn to harness his abilities and embrace his identity. Alongside his newfound friends and allies, he embarks on a dangerous quest to fulfill a prophecy and protect the world from impending doom. Faced with mythological monsters, unexpected alliances, and his own internal struggles, he must prove his worth as a hero and uncover the truth about his family's past.

Marcus_Adderley · Book&Literature
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54 Chs

Chapter 23

Chapter 23

Marcus was struck by the annihilation beam, leaving behind a huge hole on his left shoulder.

"GAAAAAAHHHH!!" He screamed in pain. Despite such a grave injury, his energy-like body returned to its optimal state, just like pouring water into a container.

"That's impossible…" Hermes muttered. He had attacked Marcus with the intention of maiming him to take him into custody but didn't expect him to recover so quickly, especially when he was using his symbol of power.

But even though Marcus recovered, it didn't mean he didn't feel any pain. He struggled to get up.

Before he could even get up, he was smacked on the head by an automaton holding a club and sent flying by the strike.

"Tsk, fucking tin cans," he muttered, then he pointed his palm at the one who struck him and released a powerful pillar of lightning.

Followed by the lightning was a loud thunderclap, and the pillar passed through the automaton's torso, leaving behind a huge hole resembling a bronze-glazed donut.

He was about to aim for the next automaton when suddenly he felt something wrap around his leg. Looking down, he saw a grapevine grabbing him by the ankle.

He tried to remove it by surging it with an electric strike, but it didn't budge. Seeing this, he charged his fist with powerful and terrifying electrical currents and was about to punch the vine, but he stopped when he heard the whistle of an arrow.

Thwank! Thwank! Thwank!

The three simultaneous arrows were released by Artemis, and all of them landed perfectly on Marcus. He felt a piercing pain assault him, and that was not his only concern. The arrows seemed to be imbued with divine energy, making the pain a lot more intense than it should have been.

The arrows pierced him perfectly. One in the knee (which, by the way, was a very low blow, even for her), one in the shoulder, and another one in the chest.

"GUAAAAAHHHH!" Marcus screamed in pain, but even with the arrows in his body, he still didn't fall to his knees.

"RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!" With a primal scream full of rage and pain, he punched the grapevine entangling him.

"Quick! He's distracted!" Athena shouted, and from her shout, four automatons appeared beside Marcus and pierced him with their respective weapons.

But even with all of those weapons piercing him, he didn't fall, and his knee didn't bend.

"Such a tenacious child," Hermes muttered. By now, everyone from the camp, even those who were knocked out earlier, was wide awake, witnessing the horror happening before them.

"It's pointless, child, give up! Even if you are a traitor, you are still the blood of Olympus! Don't make this more painful than it is!" Athena shouted, now genuinely feeling sympathy for Marcus.

Little by little, she was doubting that Marcus was truly the lightning thief. She really wished Apollo was here to reveal the truth. But they couldn't yield; they had already walked down this path.

"F-fuck... you... I don't need your sympathy," Marcus muttered with pure unending will in the glint of his eyes.

He stretched out his hands and aimed them at Athena, and from them, a river-like flow of lightning followed and flooded towards her. She raised her spear, blocking the lightning river, but she was pushed back by a hundred meters.

Seeing that Marcus had no sign of yielding, she sighed and raised her spear in a position similar to an athlete throwing a javelin.

Then she released her spear and threw it towards Marcus. It left her hand like a missile, leaving only a trail of golden light in its wake.

The spear was too fast, and he didn't have time nor the distance to dodge, so he raised his hands and crossed them in an attempt to block. But despite that…


Straight in the chest, he was pierced by the golden spear.

Annabeth was horrified by the sight of Marcus. There was no part of his body that wasn't pierced with a weapon.

Arrows, swords, spears, their blades didn't show mercy to him. She had known Marcus since he entered the camp and had even developed a crush on him. They weren't in a very, very close relationship, but they were very good friends with each other.

Seeing him there, standing with all kinds of weapons piercing him, yet still standing, made a tear fall from her eye.

She wished for him to stop, to stop all the suffering and pain he was experiencing right now, but she couldn't scream, nor could she move.

She was paralyzed by Marcus earlier, so she couldn't do anything other than watch helplessly.

Marcus's POV

Oh god, this fucking hurts! The pain inside my body keeps getting worse as seconds go by. It feels like my body wants to collapse, but my will refuses to.

Even if I'm all battered up, I won't ever bend my knee in front of these fuckers. The world be damned! If it wants me to fall on my knee, then I'll just fucking destroy it!

I won't fall, not until I get that fucking Luke.

"I…I won't fall…" I walked with a struggle. I scanned the surroundings, trying to look for Luke, but to no avail, he was not here.

I knew that my chance of getting revenge right now is impossible. Even if I did get my revenge, it would only be short-term gain. It would be quick.

And I don't want to end things too quickly. I want to prolong his suffering, but I won't be able to do that with those Gods here. I need to escape. I have a plan to escape, but it would be a painful one.

I pointed both of my palms at them, and from there, I gathered all the lightning that I could and turned it into a huge sphere of lightning.


Hey there! If you like this Ff then please make sure to save it in your library.

I will upload every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday every week, but if you want to read advance chapters follow me on Pat_Reon, Magnus Ragna just search it, it'll pop out but if you can't find it here's a link https://www.patreon.com/RgnMagnus?utm_campaign=creatorshare_creator,

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