
Percy Jackson: Zeus's Bastard Child

In this fanfiction set in the world of Percy Jackson, we follow the story of a young demigod who discovers his true heritage as the child of Zeus. Unaware of his divine lineage, he navigates the challenges of being a teenager in the mortal world until a series of supernatural events reveal his extraordinary powers. He is soon whisked away to Camp Half-Blood, a training ground for demigods, where he must learn to harness his abilities and embrace his identity. Alongside his newfound friends and allies, he embarks on a dangerous quest to fulfill a prophecy and protect the world from impending doom. Faced with mythological monsters, unexpected alliances, and his own internal struggles, he must prove his worth as a hero and uncover the truth about his family's past.

Marcus_Adderley · Book&Literature
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54 Chs

Chapter 21

Chapter 21: Gods

Five Gods of Olympus now stood before Marcus: Artemis, Dionysus, Athena, Hephaestus, and Hermes. Practically half of the members of the Olympian Council.

They were here because Zeus commanded them to come. He was made aware of his son's supposed betrayal, but as a father, he wasn't able to come himself to face his son.

So instead, he commanded five gods to come and retrieve his bolt and bring punishment to Marcus.

They looked at the bolt in Marcus's hands and sighed.

"You caused a huge ruckus, why don't you hand that over here, boy?" Dionysus spoke with arrogance and crassness.

"I could hand this over to you, but what will happen to me after I've given it? What? You will torture me in Tartarus for the crime I didn't commit."

"There's no need to deny it any longer, Bastard of Zeus. The master bolt is in your hands and your camp mates are down. It doesn't take a God to guess what happened," Athena replied. After she replied, her gaze landed on Annabeth, who was down on the ground, injured quite severely, her brow creased and her lips frowned.

"Well, appearances can be deceiving," Marcus replied.

A brief pause landed on them. While some conscious demigods were watching on the sideline with gawking expressions, Annabeth and the others who had their god parents in front of them were having an inner turmoil.

"I know that further talk is meaningless, and I know that I am not on your level right now, so I propose a duel," Marcus said.

The Gods present perked up their ears in amusement. To have a mere mortal challenge them in a duel was quite laughable.

"So? None? Maybe scared?" Marcus taunted.

"Ha! Look at you, puny child! Just because you've done things children your age may consider incredible, your head is getting big," Dionysus or Mr. D said mockingly.

"Mr. D, you are not here to argue with me on that. Your job was to get the bolt, and here I am offering it to you if you win."

Then, once again, silence descended on all of them. Marcus was literally looking a god in the eye and challenging him in front of everyone.

Now, Dionysus could refuse this and just smite Marcus into oblivion, but that would surely tarnish his honor and pride. And to a god, pride and honor are very important.

"Very well, child. I'll entertain your meager request," Dionysus said.

"I'll lower myself to your level to give you some fairness. Rejoice, child, for I am stooping to your level," with that, Dionysus slowly landed on the ground.

He held out his hands, and a long wooden staff entangled with grapevines emerged from the ground.

Marcus felt alert looking at the staff. Even though it looked so simple, it was exuding a powerful aura. The air smelled like grape wine upon the staff's appearance.

"I'll give you the first move," Dionysus said, raising his brow as if to mock him, but Marcus didn't feel insulted; instead, he felt like it was an opportunity.

So without further ado, Marcus exploited the split second opportunity that was given to him. He coated his fist with lightning and strode towards Dionysus, leaving behind trails of blue sparks.

Since Dionysus restricted his level to that of a demigod, he didn't notice how fast Marcus was. By the time realization dawned upon him, Marcus was already on his face.

He didn't admit it. No! He was not willing to admit that he got bested by a demigod for a second.

'You may be powerful, but all of you heroes are the same, all full of arrogance!' He thought. He thought Marcus was quite stupid and arrogant for attacking him in a straight line. So he greeted Marcus's attack with a swing of his staff.

The swing was powerful enough to create wind gusts capable of lifting an adult off the ground, and he expected it to connect. But suddenly, Marcus disappeared within his sight, leaving behind a trail of sparks.

He scanned left and right rapidly, but he didn't see a single silhouette. Since Marcus was not on his left nor right, there must be one place he is, behind!

He turned his head behind only to meet a powerful punch that landed flatly on his back. And if being tricked by a demigod was not humiliating enough, he was even sent flying, only to be stopped after he crashed into a tree.

The camp gawked at this sight. Never in their entire life would they have thought to see a god fall to the ground with such patheticness.

Maybe they'd believe this sight if it was done by another God of Olympus, but no! It was done by none other than a young demigod.

Only then did they realize how pathetic their existence was compared to Marcus.

Marcus looked at where Dionysus crashed. He was supposed to be happy with his accomplishment, but instead, he was alert. He knew that his aggression would only further fuel Dionysus's rage towards him, so he couldn't let his guard down. He was expecting a violent response.

And his expectation was right. Lo and behold, Dionysus suddenly appeared excreting an intoxicating purple aura.

"Tsk, how shameful. You got me there, brat, but this is as far as you go," he said with hidden fury. He then lifted his hands and conjured grapevines that coiled around like snakes heading towards Marcus.

Marcus was left with no time to think as the vines approached him at lightspeed, so he only jumped as high as he could with all of his might, which fortunately worked.

He managed to dodge the vine, but it seemed it was not the end. As if it had a mind of its own, it changed direction and chased him.

"Fuck, there's only one solution!" If he can't dodge it, then he should just destroy it.

Marcus allowed himself to be caught by the vines. When it had fully entangled him, he released a very powerful current of lightning. More powerful than he had ever shown. In retaliation, the lightning used the vine to travel and struck Dionysus, who was connected to it.

The lightning was so powerful that it knocked Dionysus down once again.

"I think this is my win now, Mr. D."


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I will upload every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday every week, but if you want to read advance chapters follow me on Pat_Reon, Magnus Ragna just search it, it'll pop out but if you can't find it here's a link https://www.patreon.com/RgnMagnus?utm_campaign=creatorshare_creator,

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