
Percy Jackson: Wouldn’t You know it

okay here we go waking up in a void is hard. but having no choice but to leave it is annoying. even worse when I can’t choose where to go. Percy Jackson isn’t that bad of a universe. just need to be careful. At least I’m not the Main character. wait what, I’m the main character. oh man everything is gonna hurt soon, isn’t it? *I don’t own Percy Jackson, that honor goes to Rick riordan*

ReaderOfTheSwords · Book&Literature
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chapter 9-slice of life?

Okay the time skip will be ready by tomorrow, sort of planning it out. Never done one before so don't want to make a mistake. Wanted to make some memories as well for the characters. I kind of hate the ending of this chapter.


After school ended I wanted to slip past everyone and go to the library in the myth section. Instead, I was dragged against my will outside. I couldn't say no so I played along. Emily brought a ball which seemed to make Henry happy.

We all ended up playing soccer. Where Henry kept winning in whatever team he was in. That ended up getting Johnathan so annoyed that he asked that we would stop playing soccer. Which Emily asked for as well.

So we chose to relax and watch the clouds, mostly for Grover. Mainly, well because of the whole being a crippled thing. We then just said what we thought the clouds were.

We then went into the forest. Which I was nervous about but didn't want to show it. So I just made sure to keep watch over my surroundings. Turns out something that I missed last night was a trail which we followed along.

This trail ended up leaving us at the Hudson River. This made me even more nervous. I didn't clean up my mess last night, I just left. 'Stupid, stupid, stupid, you just had to leave a mess.'

Emily was the first to speak up. "Whoa, look at this place. It looks as if a tsunami went through here."

Oh, my gods, that sentence just made me even more nervous. I mean really how did she even guess that? Pure coincidence, I hope.

"Yeah, you're right. Why don't we clean up the place." Responded Grover.

Grover was the first to walk forward, no more like he rushed. He started cleaning up while muttering under his breath. I could hear the words horrible and evil under his breath. Gonna need to make it up to Grover somehow.

Everyone else was apprehensive at first but followed after him. For the next half hour, we cleaned up the place. Leaving me in my thoughts; I thought about how I needed to make sure to watch my surroundings whenever I'm in a fight in the future.

I couldn't just destroy a location just because of an enemy. That means I need to get stronger, but that kind of thinking is for another time.

Emily then had the bright idea of throwing water at Henry. Which then turned into a whole water fight. The sad thing was that no one could know about my abilities. I know we're all friends but I've only known them for about a whole day. Grover will eventually find out about my powers because I'm a son of Poseidon.

Still, I don't need to let him know all about my powers. I would be an idiot by letting others know how strong I am this early. Especially because I already have an enemy known as Lycaon. Hmmm, I almost forgot about him. Wonder how bad he's handling all this.




Well, I'll deal with him when it's time. I then notice everyone looking at me. See here's the thing. Since I can't use my powers that means that I can get wet. Which means they can see my body.

I look down and see that well. I'm ripped, a detail I forgot to mention when looking at myself in the mirror. Must have not noticed because of how tired I was, though yesterday I wasn't this ripped. Must be the Spider-Physiology, it seems to have jump-started the muscle growth.

Their staring was starting to make me self-conscious. There was nothing to be embarrassed about but well those looks are way too intense. The first one that seemed to get out of their stupor was Henry. Who gave me a nod of respect. Johnathan followed and nodded as well. Emily was too busy hiding her hands behind her face while looking through the cracks of her fingers. Grover was still stunned.

'Ah, shit.' My muscle growth isn't normal. If this had happened over a few months it would have been more believable but well my body changed in less than a month. Anyone would be suspicious of me.

Just hope Grover won't say anything about this.

Grover Pov

'What in Pan's name happened to Percy? First, he acts differently. Then his body changes. This is too weird even for me. Unless this is part of his demigod abilities. Hmm, could be a son of Hercules. That would sour our relationship a bit. Hercules has caused trouble to many. I just hope that whoever is his godly parent explains Percy's change.'


Now, Grovers glaring at me. His facial expressions keep changing. Confusion, bitterness, confusion, then acceptance. I mean come on. That's a bit much for a little old me.

Henry then walked up to me with the most determined look in his eyes.

"What is your workout regimen? I need to know."

That just left me in my stupor. That much focus was on something I could tell without difficulty. Now... What kind of workout regimen should I give him? Oh, I know exactly what to say.

"You need to do 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats, and a 10km run."

That gained me incredulous looks from Grover and Emily, who still couldn't stop hiding behind her hands. While Henry and Johnathan gave me worshipful looks.

I think I made a mistake. No, I know I made a mistake. I just couldn't stop myself. I'll just go along for the ride.

Eventually, we finished with both cleaning up and playing around so we went back to our dorm rooms before curfew. Along the way, I saw a hooded figure in the forest that looked... familiar. I then blinked when Emily snapped her fingers in my face.

"Percy, you okay?"

"Hm, uh yeah I'm fine just got distracted that's all." I gave her a little smile.

"Alright, if you're sure." She responded, then walked a bit faster.

I looked back to see if the hooded figure was still there but they were gone by then.

After getting closer to the school we bid our farewells and went into our rooms. Once we entered our rooms, Grover chose to go into the bathroom to get ready for bed. While waiting I chose to look around the room again.

At times I feel like all this is a dream that eventually I'll awaken from. Then I remember everything I've gone through recently. If this was all just a dream then I would have woken up by now. I remember the pain, the emotions. I remember the exhilarating feeling I had fighting Lycaon, but also the worry I have over this world and these powers of mine.

I just know that I'll have to be ready for everything and that I'm going to one day be too strong for whatever the world is going to throw at me.

Until those times come, I'll enjoy everything along the way.

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