
Percy Jackson: Wouldn’t You know it

okay here we go waking up in a void is hard. but having no choice but to leave it is annoying. even worse when I can’t choose where to go. Percy Jackson isn’t that bad of a universe. just need to be careful. At least I’m not the Main character. wait what, I’m the main character. oh man everything is gonna hurt soon, isn’t it? *I don’t own Percy Jackson, that honor goes to Rick riordan*

ReaderOfTheSwords · Book&Literature
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chapter 7-A Place Of Pain

In the light the beast that follows after me seems to be a pack of wolves. The one in the lead seems to be the most terrifying of them all. 

 Around the height of 5'7( 162 cm) just a bit taller than me. His dark coat of fur with red blood-like eyes. I know that these are wolves but why are they so big? 

Before I can reach the River a wolf runs past me and gets in my way.

"Come little demigod, There's no need to be afraid. We just wish to have some fun~. That's all." The wolf rasped out in a haunting tone that left shivers up my back. 

"Ahhh, well you see I have to get home right now. Can't exactly play with a bunch of mutts. Mom would be mad if I played around with fleabags."

OH MY GODS, WHY DID I SAY THAT? What is with my mouth taking control of me before I can think things through?

"Well, little demigod that was quite rude of you. Since you wish to be rude we'll do more than just play around. Boys get him" 

I know that I shouldn't feel so scared right now but my body can barely move now with them surrounding me. I have been training for this, granted this is still day one but I shouldn't be this afraid. 

The wolf to my left leaps at me and I do the dumbest shit I can do. I punched the wolf. Instead of using my broken water abilities, I punched it. My super strength hasn't even fully kicked in yet. If I wasn't so busy I would be hitting myself for my stupidity. I TRAINED FOR THIS. 

Instead of running to my death. The punch knocks back the wolf. After the punch, I just stayed standing there in disbelief. So do the wolves who are watching the other wolf fly away.

Oh gods, I love these powers. Thank you for showing yourself up at the perfect time. I can use the wolves as practice. Ha, what was I so afraid of? They're just wolves. 

The lead wolf just growls in place. And then leaps forward. 'Oh, crap.' I attempt to punch this wolf but instead of hitting it. IT FUCKING DODGES MID-AIR. What in tarnation? I'm the guy with spider powers. Not you, me. 

He then attempts to bite my shoulder off. Ha, you fool, as I said before I HAVE THE POWER. I dodge to the side and kick it. 

The lead wolf instead of being thrown through the air just moves a few centimeters back.

Uh… what. Was that punch too weak or was the wolf too strong?

"Heh, you're strong for a young demigod. My name is King Lycaon. The first werewolf. Tell me your name demigod and my pack and I will be lenient by giving you a swift death."

What kind of cliche crap is this. This is not an anime. I then chose to respond. 

"Couldn't even put painlessly in there could you? I mean that would have been a done deal but you just had to cheap out." 

"Well, that could be arranged, little demigod."

" Nope too late. You should have started with painless from the start. Now I'm going to kick your ass."

That just seemed to bring him to a pause.

Then he just started Laughing.

"Aha aha aha aha, your not serious are you? I have been alive for centuries. I have a battle experience that you can't handle."

"Ha, well I'm Percy Jackson and I'm going to show you the future greatest warrior the world will ever see. Believe it." 

"Too bad you won't live for long. Boys go full in. No more playing around." 

Do you mean you guys were seriously playing around with me? Well then seems I might be more screwed than I thought. Not, I have water on my side. 

"You guys should have taken me seriously from the start." 

I then start focusing my full intent on the river. The river rumbles as it listens to me. The Wolves stop running after noticing the water rise. 

"You, you are truly unordinary. No matter even as a son of Poseidon we will destroy you. You're still wet behind the ears."

"You should be afraid wolves. You can't stop an unstoppable force. Especially since you are not an unmovable force."

Then the waterfalls on top of them. A few attempt to run away. While others run at me. 

None escape. 

Except for Lycaon who pushes against the water in an impressive display. 

"You can't stop me, little demigod. I'm too strong for little waves like this to hurt me." 

After all the other wolves are pushed away I focus the water more on Lycaon. Instead of doing the intended it to do. 

It instead surrounded Lycaon in a ball and increased in pressure every single second. 

I attempted to stop it by then it was too late. It crushed Lycaon to a pulp. All the other wolves that saw this ran away. 

I was too busy focused on Lycaon to even notice the others left. I was still processing the attack I just did. I know that what I just did was torture. I tortured someone to death. I… am tired. I can barely handle this. THIS IS STILL ONLY DAY ONE. Will it just keep getting worse from here? 

I just made an enemy for life. Monsters can come back to life thanks to… Tartarus. Which is highly unfair. 

I need more practice with these abilities. Now that I have super strength I need to make sure I don't break anything. 

I look around and find a boulder. I touch it and put my hand on it. I then put pressure on it. As I think that I flinch. I also need to not use my Percy Jackson powers like that till I have more control.

I put pressure on the boulder till I notice it cracking. That's when I stopped. It took some time to get adjusted to the strength but I know now that I won't be breaking people just by touching them. 

I then turn to the river and walk in. I go to the bottom and rest. After a few moments where all the scrapes and cuts from practice, as well as the wolves I get out of the water and start heading out of the woods. 

I'm too tired right now. I need to get to bed. I get to the school. Enter my room and fall on my bed. I attempt to get back up, but filled with exhaustion I stay there and sleep.


<1,114 words>

did this in class. felt bad I didn’t make a chapter for today so I did it. it’s less than most and not as good as it could have been but well I have a deadline. 11:21 as always

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