
Percy Jackson: Wouldn’t You know it

okay here we go waking up in a void is hard. but having no choice but to leave it is annoying. even worse when I can’t choose where to go. Percy Jackson isn’t that bad of a universe. just need to be careful. At least I’m not the Main character. wait what, I’m the main character. oh man everything is gonna hurt soon, isn’t it? *I don’t own Percy Jackson, that honor goes to Rick riordan*

ReaderOfTheSwords · Book&Literature
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chapter 25-A Profitable Day

Waking up in this hotel felt weird. I was so used to being on that train, especially that bed, it was too comfortable. This one on the other hand was... sufficient. What made it worse was how much I slept. Staying awake for most of the night was a mistake. All those negative thoughts floating around. I turn to the clock on the wall and see that it's 6:34.


I get off my bed and stumble my way into the bathroom, once done with my business there.

I got my backpack and headed to the door, I felt it would be nice to get some breakfast for them to wake up to. Something about my decision felt off though.

I chose to think over what I was doing. If I leave right now and arrive after they wake up they would think I left them or something happened to me.

I used a napkin from the train that survived everything we went through and wrote what I was doing.

Once I felt this was sufficient I left. I got in the Humvee and went on the GPS. Remembering how this only showed the streets and towns. I chose to just explore. Maybe it would help clear my mind.

Once I parked the Humvee I entered the diner and went to order. I made sure to look around just in case. I saw another exit on the side, and around six other people in the diner. Nothing seems too suspicious but I need to be careful. I've been too relaxed compared to the past.

"Hi, how can I help you," asked a waiter, she had blonde hair and green eyes. She looked like she was in high school, even if she was small.

"Hi, can I get two bacon, egg, and cheese sandwiches, and an egg and cheese sandwich, to go? Oh, and three orange juices as well please," I said with a smile.

She gave a little smile back. While tucking her hair behind her ear.

"Would that be all?" She asked with this expectant look.

"Yes, thank you."

She looked a little disappointed, she hid it well but with me having to be attentive to my surroundings I noticed. It confused me that she was disappointed, did she want me to give her more work? WHAT DOES THIS MEAN.

"Okay, your food will be ready soon," she then walked away with this sway at her hips.

I blushed a little at that. Damn hormones, calm yourself. Which then brought me to a realization. Was she flirting with me? No, uh uh, you're just getting mixed signals. You need to sleep more, maybe I should've ordered some coffee too.

While waiting at the counter she walked towards me. I wondered if that food was ready now. I didn't see anything in her hands though.

"So where are you from," she asked.

"I'm from New York," I responded.

Stop being so nervous, you've been in worse situations. There's no reason to act this way. You're being dumb.

"Where in New York," she asked leaning closer.

I leaned back, but she just kept getting closer. How I was acting around her was starting to annoy me.

"I live in Queens, now uh don't you have any other people to take orders from?" I asked.

"No one else entered after you, so I'm just wasting time," she said with a little giggle.

This started making me think. What if she's a monster, but she seems so human? At the same time, that's how monsters lure in humans. She doesn't show the signs of being a monster, which is them attacking me when they think they have the chance.

"So what's a guy from New York doing in California," she asked.

"Road trip, here and back. That kind of thing," I responded.

Before she could ask another question someone asked to have their order taken. Looking over I saw it was a blonde-tanned guy.

She then moved towards him to take her order. Once she was done and gave the order to the cooks she came back to me.

"Now hold on a sec, you've been asking all these questions, how about you let me do one," I said.

I did this on a whim, so I didn't exactly have a question for her.

"Uh, what do you like to do in your free time?", welp I've had a good run. I should have just left and come back. This whole situation feels dumb. Even if her smile widened a bit.

"Read, or go to the park," she responded.

"That's awesome, what kind of books do you like?", the moment she brought books into this my nervousness started fading away.

"Well, I like Harry Potter, Narnia, Dune, and The Dark Tower. What about you."

Before I could respond one of the cooks yelled out my order.

She gave me a sheepish smile and then walked away.

The sad thing was that I was just getting into this, having to leave after getting into such an interesting topic would have been fun after everything I've been through. I probably wouldn't be able to read anything again unless I chose to have something that could instantly translate books or words into Greek. Not a bad idea, better remember this.

She then came back and gave me my food.

"So, you got to go now, right?" She said in a disappointed tone.

"I mean I have the food now," I said sheepishly.

"Right, well this was fun. Hey if I ever go to New York maybe I'll find you?"

"Yeah definitely, but uh I never got your name. Mine's Percy," I said, giving out my hand for a handshake.

She put her hand in mine, having a firm grip.

"Mine's Cassandra, but you can call me Cass," she said.

"Well, I have to go now Cass, if we ever see each other again I'll make sure we have time to hang out."

She then let go of my hand and we said our goodbyes to each other. This whole situation was weird. I mean at first it was hard to talk to her but then it was the easiest thing in the world.

I mean seriously this felt...meaningful. We probably won't be seeing each other again. Thankfully she didn't ask if I had a phone number because I wouldn't have been able to give it to her in the first place.

The phone would send a signal to every monster in the vicinity. I mean I could deal with them but I don't want to deal with that unless I want a sparring partner. Then I'll use a burner phone or something.

Once I came back to the Hotel I saw that both of them were awake.

"Why didn't you wake us up when you left," asked Annabeth, annoyed.

Something that Grover agreed with.

"I thought it would be nice if I got you guys to have breakfast waiting for you before you guys wake up, seems that half of my plan failed. At least I got the food," I said with a smile.

"Oh, well with that good reason, I can't be mad at you. What did you get me?" Asked Grover. As usual, any mention of food would make him forgive me.

"I got you an egg and cheese sandwich, I almost got you a bacon egg and cheese sandwich but remembered that you don't eat meat."

"Thanks," he said as I handed him his sandwich.

"What did you get me?" Asked Annabeth.

"I got the both of us a bacon egg and cheese sandwich."

"Alright thanks," she then snatched the sandwich out of my hands and sat down.

While eating Grover asked me what the plan was.

Which then brought me the idea of Crusty. My plan could be put to use. I just need to get him to like me.

"Well, turns out there's another son of Poseidon around here. An old one though. Someone from ancient times," I said.

"What? How did you find this out?" Asked Annabeth.

"I got it from a dream, he owned this waterbed business. I'm just going to talk to him."

"Are you seriously thinking of making a detour? This quest is too important for you to look for this half-brother of yours"

She was right, it's not like he was going anywhere. I can deal with him on the way back. Then I can start Mission: Get Big.

"Right sorry, the quest comes first for now," she gave me the stink eye for a moment but it went away a moment later.

That's when I made the realization I may have made a mistake, I just essentially told Kronos about someone that he could use to aid him.

After talking with Cass I got too comfortable, and relaxed. The exact thing that I wasn't supposed to do.

Going to Crusty right now would be too suspicious, Kronos was a leader once. He's been here for centuries. So that may mean Mission: Get Big may not be happening.

That's when Grover chose to interrupt.

"Come on Annabeth, he wants to see his family member. Maybe this will be helpful to the quest."

She seemed to mull it over but made a decision.

"Only if we all go together," she said.

"I mean we were all going together anyway but okay," I said.

So they started to get whatever they had and entered the car.

We drove around while I tried to remember his shop's name so I could put it in the GPS. I couldn't remember if it was Crusty's Waterbed Kingdom or Crusty's Waterbed Palace. Instead of wasting time thinking over it I just put it in the GPS. Turns out it was the second name, Crusty's Waterbed Palace.

Once we got in the car we immediately started driving to his shop. Arriving outside his shop I made sure to tell them what needed to be done.

"Okay, when we get in there I'll be doing the talking or even better you don't come in with me and spook the guy. No, no takers. Okay."

"We wouldn't spook him, and why would you do all the talking and not me?" Asked Annabeth.

"Well this is"family ". It would make more sense for me to talk to him," I said.

"Come on Annabeth, Percy dreamed this, and he looks like he knows what he's doing," said Grover.

She looked frustrated but since she was outvoted she didn't say anything.

I entered the shop and made sure to remember the plan.

"Well hello brother," I said.

He looked immediately surprised but looked interested in what was happening. He had no hair and this gray leathery skin, thick eyes, and yellow teeth and he was about seven feet tall.

"Hmm, now this is interesting. What can I do to help you."

"I'm here to give you a business proposal."

"What would that entail," he said in suspicion.

"Just a small thing, you don't kill those who enter your shop," I said with a smile.

That just stopped most of the momentum in the shop. They were all shocked at the mention of killing.

"What do you mean he killed people? Why didn't you say anything."

"Because I knew this was going to happen and you wouldn't let me in here. Now I need to conclude business with this brother of mine."

Who was currently laughing, deep belly laughs?

"Now*ha* why*ha* would I do that?"

"So that people would pay you to stretch them out."

That stopped his laughter.

"You see your whole business is on killing people and taking your money, but what you don't seem to notice is that your business is more profitable than you think. People would pay millions just to gain an inch or two. What I can do is bring in those who wish to be taller than they currently are and you would be getting a gracious amount of revenue for this humble little shop of yours. Now if you're feeling generous you could give me 15% of this business."

He stayed silent for a while till he responded to what I said.

"What makes you think I won't steal this idea of yours or just not do it at all," he said.

"Then sadly I'll have to kill you," I said, getting Riptide out.

He stared into my eyes till he started laughing again.

"Oh, I like you little brother, I'll give you ten percent but if this doesn't work I'll kill anyone I see."

"So we have a deal?" I asked for confirmation.

"Yes, yes we do."

"Now how about we swear to the River Styx," I said.

"Hmm, fine. I swear to the River of Styx that as long as my business is more profitable than today than I will give him ten percent of my business and I won't kill anyone that enters this shop," he said.

"I swear to the river of Styx that as long as he doesn't harm others I won't kill him and that I shall help in getting his business some traction," I said.

Thunder crackled in the distance.

"Now how about you get your first customer, and as your first customer I think this one should be free," I said.

He grumbled under his breath but agreed to my "reasoning".

Even if he did try to kill me, I could easily get out of whatever chains or ropes he used and kill him right there and then.

I played down on the waterbed and prepared myself to be taller.

For two minutes I was stretched out. I was full of expectations for this. I could use this to get anyone I tell about this to consider this to be truthful. I mean a twelve-year-old being six foot would be crazy.

Getting off the bed felt like a whole new world. I quickly adjusted to the height difference and started heading towards him.

He gave me a handshake and I walked out. Followed by the other two who seem lost.

Today was a profitable day.


<2,353 words in text>

The first half was weird not gonna lie, don't really know why I wrote it.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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