
Percy Jackson: The Warrior Without Limits (Translation)

Hello, my name is Perseus, and before you ask, yes, just like Perseus, the son of Zeus, it's not just the name we have in common. Like him, I am a demigod, half god, half human, but I am a son of Poseidon, the god of the seas, and Hera, the Queen of the gods. You probably find it strange that I am a child of both, so let me tell you my story. I never had a very good life, never had time to be a child. From a very young age, I was attacked by monsters, but thanks to my mother, they never got me. My story begins on a sunny afternoon in Central Park. I was taken to Olympus, the home of the ancient gods, where I met them, my family. I received a lot of love and care from them, especially from a certain goddess. Still, I trained a lot, trained non-stop, day after day, day and night. I fought my whole life, and I still fight with all my strength. I've been called many things throughout my life—Prince, heir of Poseidon, god of the seas, terror of monsters, annihilator of Olympus' enemies. Because of this, I've been called a Hero, the Hero of Olympus. Big deal. I've also been called bad things, like a murderer, puppet of the gods. My enemies call me the Exterminator... Monster, the gods' pet monster. I tried to never let it shake me. I was raised as a Warrior. I was born for war. I am the gods' most loyal ally. I consider myself the Guardian of the gods; I was created for this purpose. I am Perseus Hector Jackson, son of Poseidon and Hera. The Warrior Without Limits. This beautiful synopsis was made by a lovely reader of our story, Miss ~Cupcake2107. Thank you so much for this beautiful synopsis. S2 S2 S2 S2 With some editing from me and my friend ~Damndad, so thanks to everyone who helped with this synopsis. So, I'm here promoting the good guy who made the cover; he makes covers for everyone, just ask. Well, thank you very much, buddy. ~Otaku_Pt -------------------- This is a English translation from the Portuguese fanfiction "História Percy Jackson o Guerreiro Sem Limites" by mestrejiraiyaetrevor

AeonTranslations · Book&Literature
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16 Chs

Chapter 14

POV: Perseus Heitor Jackson

3 years later.

Well, I'm 11 years old now, with the passage of time, I've gotten a little taller, I'm now 155cm tall and about 60kg, my body has gained more muscle, and even though I'm only 11, I actually look about 3 years older. My powers were getting better and better, my specific training to learn how to use my supernatural abilities was complete, I already had a certain mastery over almost everything, my powers from the blessings I received from Zeus and Hephaestus are being well controlled by me, and of course my powers from being Hestia's champion are also well advanced, the goddess of sacred fire hardly wastes any time watching me train anymore.

My powers derived from Hera are also better, although I still have trouble using Cruel reality, it was my mother's most powerful mental ability, as the name implies, when my mother attacks with this power, she creates an alternative reality, time, space, everything within her control, 1 second in the real world, can be an infinity of time inside, a day? A week? Whatever she wants, she projects it inside her target's mind, there she can create anything, do anything, change anything, she can literally destroy their mind and memories to the point of completely changing their personality, their memories and so powerful, that the effects of the things she creates in the victim's mind is so real, so cruel, that it can kill just with the mental wear and tear, or even, if she imagines that you lose an arm or a leg during the use of the skill, your body in the real world, can externalize that fact, after all, the mind controls everything. To use this skill, all you need is touch, sound, or even eye contact. So far, I've been focusing on triggers to activate the skill, using eye contact or touch to activate it, but unfortunately I haven't had any progress with applying the skill using sound or voice commands, as my mother can do.

Speaking of mental skills, the ones I can use from my grandmother are much easier and simpler, I was already able to use the mental blow very well, very rare among my grandmother's descendants, I was already able to make many people bend over with headaches, of course I was not yet at the level of Athena, who could destroy a monster's brain easily. My studies with Athena continue, in various subjects, for example, I loved learning new languages with my grandmother, and thanks to my descent with my grandmother, I had a perfect memory, known to mortals as Eidetic Memory, popularly known as Photographic Memory, basically it is the ability to remember things seen, heard, felt, with a perfect level of detail. Eidetic comes from the Greek εἶδος ('eidos'), meaning 'seen', and is currently used to describe something marked by or involving extraordinarily precise and vivid memories, especially visual ones, so I was able to learn things very easily, in this way, I loved learning new languages, I was already fluent in many languages English, Spanish, German, Chinese, French, Modern Greek, Japanese and now I was learning Portuguese, both Brazilian and Portuguese, it was one of the most difficult languages to learn, especially Brazilian, a lot of details, but it was very cool, I was also fascinated by the oldest languages, ancient Greek, Latin, Hebrew, Hieroglyphics, Indo-Iranian, and my grandmother was teaching me a really ancient language, called Olympian Greek, one of the really ancient languages, a language older than humanity itself, created more than 6 million years ago, not even a mortal without divine descent has ever heard it, let alone mastered it, after all, this language was created in the early days of the Olympian gods, it was used among the ancient gods, created by Hestia and my mother, inside the belly of Lord Titan, it is the oldest language I have ever heard of, apart from the language of the Titans, of course, Primordials and monsters older than the gods, a language that has been taught to me by Athena, a language unknown to the absolute majority of demigods, I believe that I must be the only one who has learned to speak this language, many other demigods must be confused when the gods start arguing in this language, as I hate not knowing things, I asked Athena to teach me, now I can converse with the ancient gods using this language.

My training with Ares is practically over, he sometimes comes to fight with me, to pass the time and give me some tips, in fact, he really likes to beat me up, however, I like to have company to train with, it's much nicer to have an opponent who can fight me hand-to-hand, as always, I continued to listen to my grandmother's advice, not focusing on my strength, after all I had it in excess, thanks to my super strength ability, I focused on the other requirements to become a better warrior, And when I had opponents to fight, at those moments I could evaluate myself better, see if I needed to focus even more on my speed, dexterity, flexibility, balance and endurance, but in this last case, endurance was more linked to the amount of power, vital energy I had, this point was one of the most important in battles and one of the most difficult to develop, however, being the son of Poseidon, my stores of divine energy are much greater than most demigods, even among the most powerful. My archery training has also come to an end, Apollo always comes to play video games with me and we practise together, but the training ended a long time ago, according to him I no longer needed to train with him, or I would surpass him, which was nonsense, I could never be as good as him. Zeus had long since stopped training me in his powers, which I have thanks to his blessing, but I continue to strive to improve in them too.

On the other hand, the monsters are getting stronger and stronger, and many demigods die before they even reach the camp. This was being investigated by Artemis and her huntresses, I myself went on one of the missions, but it didn't turn out to be anything, we only killed a few dozen monsters. Speaking of the huntresses, me, Phoebe and Zoë have never been closer, we're like three brothers, we fight all the time, but if you mess with them I'll kill you, no mercy. Besides, after my third visit to the girls, they all treated me much better, I almost felt like a member of the hunt, even if I couldn't join, according to the old rules, but whenever I could, I went after Artemis and the girls, I had a lot of fun with them.

While Zeus and Hera are fine, Zeus spends most of his days at home, with my mother, they seem to be very happy, Zeus is being faithful, he agreed to take part in couple's problem sessions with my mother, he really didn't like going to those, but he had to go to please my mother. Speaking of couple problems, Aphrodite and Hephaestus are in the same one, and I'm starting to take Aphrodite's side, hoping that they'll get back together, they have to, since the unofficial "separation", she hasn't cheated on him once, as my mother told me, but Hephaestus is different, we can say that the number of his children has increased a lot in the Half-Blood Camp, he's not even with Cassia and Beca anymore, after them, there were so many other women, that if I didn't have my Eidetic memory to record, I would never remember them all, Hephaestus is with all of them and none, and for these reasons I feel sorry for Aphrodite, and I'm going to set one up with them.

Together with my mother we came up with a plan for them to talk, without Hephaestus running away, today we are going to execute it, the plan is very simple, I made a kind of cage / room, I took a few months to design it, between my training, it was difficult, but I managed to do it, with the hardest and most resistant materials I could find, my mother financed it and managed to get everything, Orichalcum, Celestial Bronze, Solar Gold, I did the best I could, because the purpose of the cage was to contain two powerful Olympian gods, as well as the god of forges himself, Hephaestus, and of course there was no way to teleport inside, some spells and symbols that Hephaestus himself taught me, ancient blacksmith magic, very powerful, even Hephaestus couldn't break it easily. The plan was simple: we're going to lock them in the room together, with my mother's help, and we're going to make them settle things once and for all, either they're going to get married again or they're going to break up for good, with my own mother breaking the wedding vows. For that to happen, there has to be consent from both of them, if it just depended on Hephaestus' will, I think they would have put an end to all this trouble by separating a long time ago, but no, they're stuck in this rain or shine, I confess that Aphrodite is the one who suffers the most, she doesn't even dress up like she used to, all "dressed up", with her expensive and beautiful clothes, according to my mother, she is losing her essence as a woman, I didn't understand very well, but I thought it best not to go into more detail, while Hephaestus is too "outgoing" for our taste, outgoing was the word my mother used, I would use more that he is being too "Bitchy".

"Hephaestus is coming to pick me up to spend a weekend with him, I'm going to take him to the room I've made, and I'm going to leave it locked." It was really easy, Hephaestus trusted me a lot, it would be very easy to fool him. "And what are you going to do to take Aphrodite?"

"I've thought of everything." Said my mother smiling, in that way that usually frightened me. "I'm going to tell her that I need help for a romantic dinner with Zeus and I'm going to tell her to choose an outfit, and tell her that this room is my new Closet, and when she comes in and starts looking at the clothes, I'll lock her in and that'll be it, and we'll leave them inside, simple and easy." I was glad she wasn't that excited about me, because when she smiles like that, a lot can happen, sometimes bad and scary things. "Are you sure Hephaestus won't be able to leave?"

"Yes, I'm sure, I put a kind of ancient blacksmith's spell on him, which he taught me himself, it will nullify some of Hephaestus' powers, preventing him from using his tools, and even with tools he can't get out of the room from the inside, only from the outside, and the room is very resistant, you invested heavily in this plan, I brought everything I asked for, I won't let you down, Mom." I smiled and she smiled happily at my words. "Also, I'm Hephaestus' best apprentice, he taught me well." I gave her an evil smile.

"Only you could come up with an idea like that, and still pull one of those stunts, imprisoning two gods." My mother laughed. "But if it works, we'll do it with another couple of gods who are always fighting and fighting, pretending to hate each other, but everyone has already realized that they actually love each other!" I laughed at my mother's words, because I knew which couple this was, well, we could say that we're not referring to Apollo and Artemis.

"That's true, but those two are going to be in there for several days, if you know what I mean." I said, looking mischievously at my mother. In response, she gave me a strange look and slapped my arm. "Hey... Mom, why is that?"

"Stop thinking nonsense, Mr. Perseus Heitor Jackson, you're too young to think about that, you're still a baby, my BABY, and no woman is going to take you away from me." She said with tearful eyes.

"I didn't even mean it like that, Mrs. Hera, my SUPER PROTECTIVE mother." I shouted the final part, while laughing and hugging her. "You bet, Mom, I'll always be YOURS." I said the end out loud. "And I'm not a baby anymore, don't worry, I'll always be here for you."


"HER WHO, MOM? " I said indignantly and laughed, I didn't even leave Olympus, how could I get a girlfriend? Most of the women I know are millions of years old, goddesses or servants of the gods. "I only know goddesses, who are worse than mothers, and huntresses, who am I going to date?"

"One day you'll find one." She said, crying, which made me laugh even harder, just like her.

"Stop the drama, HERA." I shouted the end as I held her tighter in my arms. "Your son will always be with you."


"Come on mom, let's go, soon Hephaestus will be here, who do we lock up first?"

"Together, since there are two doors, then just lower the partition and you're done."

"Sure, I'll send you a message when he arrives, you'll have 5 minutes after the message, a little extra time so there are no mistakes or unforeseen events."

"Right, now let's hope it works out."

"I know it will work out, Mom." I replied confidently.

---- Break ----

I was at the invention table in my room, while I was waiting for Hephaestus to arrive, I was working on my latest and newest idea, basically I was developing a device that can hack security systems, especially those of modern vehicles, I had this idea when I was working on one of my father's cars, here in his garage in Olympus, I was working on an engine for a Maserati GranTurismo S, presented in 2008, the GranTurismo S can be purchased for a trifle over R$ 860 thousand. The fastest series-produced Maserati is equipped with a 440-horsepower 4.7-liter V8 engine, capable of going from 0 to 100 km/h in 4.9 seconds. The top speed is 295 km/h and the car needs 35 meters to come to a complete stop at a speed of 100 km/h, it was one of the coolest cars that my father's company ever invented, of course, the company that manufactured the Maserati was from Poseidon, just like me, my father was passionate about cars, so a long time ago he created two companies, being a god, he had his incognito names and his mortal personalities, so he owned Maserati and Mustang, have you ever thought about the symbols of both? Maserati a Trident and Mustang a horse, coincidentally both were my father's greatest symbols of power, the old man was clever. Anyway, while I was working on the engine, I became curious to learn more about the security system, on-board computer and modern mortal technology, I became so curious, that the idea of creating a hacking device for modern cars came to mind, and here I am, trying to create this device, in the midst of thousands of accounts and numbers, normally for demigods to stand still reading or doing math is impossible with our battle reflexes, however, I loved doing this, learning, so I ended up creating the ability to ignore my ADHD.

"Hey, little brother." Hephaestus said, coming through the door of my room.

"Hey, big brother." I said in reply, hiding my cell phone while sending a message to my mother, so we could put the plan into practice.

"Are you ready for a weekend of fun?"

"Absolutely." I smiled.

"Tell me what you're working on?" Hephaestus asked curiously, looking at the notes and materials on my invention table.

"My new project, a device to hack the security systems of modern mortal cars, have you ever done anything like that?" I asked, trying to get him to talk, I needed to keep him on his toes for five minutes to put the plan into practice.

"Interesting, I've never done anything like that, tell me more about your idea." Said Hephaestus curiously, as I had imagined, I had already caught him in a trap. In this way, I tried to spend the next five minutes explaining my idea for the device, but soon Hephaestus understood everything, and was already giving me ideas on how to proceed with the process, in less than two minutes of my explanation, he was already giving me lessons, I would expect nothing less from the god of forges and technology. That way, I had to change my approach and talk about another project, which was the design and creation of a vehicle for my father's Mustang company. Finally, with this idea in mind, I managed to reel him in for another three minutes.

"Hephaestus, go into the bathroom and get my cell phone, and I'll show you the design sketches for the new car." I lied to him, more or less, the sketches were actually on my cell phone, but it was in my pocket. " I left my cell phone on the sink in my bathroom. "I pointed to the door on my left, directly into a trap."

"Leave it with me, I'm curious to see." He said excitedly, heading for the fake bathroom, Hephaestus was disconnected, even if he had come to my room dozens of times, I doubt he would have remembered that the bathroom door was on the other side of the room. He continued walking in the direction I had indicated, until he entered the room/cage, I got up and slammed the door shut just as I heard him ask. "Hey, I don't see any cell phone in here..." I locked the door, now he wouldn't be able to open it anymore, not unless he had the remote control or was outside. "Hey, what kind of joke is that?"

"You'll thank me later, so stay calm, brother." I shouted from the other side, without waiting for an answer, and went out of my room. When I came out of the door, my mother came out of the other side smiling with satisfaction.

POV: Hera

I was in front of Aphrodite's Palace, which was actually Hephaestus' old palace, but since the episode 7 years ago, Hephaestus doesn't stay here anymore, so he doesn't meet Aphrodite. I kept waiting for Percy's message, and when I got it, I smiled and entered the palace, going straight to the top floor, where she was sitting on the bed, amidst dozens of Hephaestus' inventions, staring at nothing thoughtfully. I'd been feeling sorry for her for the last few months, so I came up with the idea with Percy and helped him create the room/cage.

"Aphrodite, darling, I need your help urgently." I said excitedly, approaching her, but she didn't respond with the same enthusiasm, she just looked at me, her eyes were almost dull.

"I'm not in the mood today, Hera."

"What's all this about?" I asked, slightly irritated, her surrender was getting on my nerves. "There's no such thing as not being in the mood today, you're going to come and help me anyway." Without waiting for her to reply, I grabbed her by the arm and dragged her into my palace.

"Wait..." She tried to say, but before she could continue, I teleported us to the room where one of the trap doors was.

"I'm going on a romantic date with Zeus, and I want your help getting dressed." I said smiling, and she smiled a little, her eyes sparkling a little more. "I know it's one of your specialties, so I need your help."

"Right, right." She laughed, raising her hands up in surrender. "You win again, Queen Hera." She joked, smiling.

"Good, I'm glad you came to help me." I said happily. "That's my new closet, go in there and pick out the clothes you want me to wear, whatever you say today will be law, I'll wear it."

"Thank you very much, friend." Said Aphrodite smiling, her eyes shining a little brighter, nowhere near what they once were, but much better than before, it was noticeable. "I really needed to get out for a while, didn't I?"

"Yes, you did." I said smiling. "Besides, I bet you'd love to help me, I'm sure." She was so happy that she went into the bedroom without even blinking. I stood at the door watching her, she was excited, looking at the dresses, shoes and the many accessories I had put there to imitate a real closet. I let the time pass, it was very easy, and soon it was five minutes into my appointment with Percy, so I closed the door and locked it as Percy had instructed me.

"What are you doing locking me in here Hera? Let me go now." Aphrodite demanded angrily.

"I'm sorry, Aphrodite, but it was mine and Percy's idea, we just want to help." I replied. So I ignored her and went outside, at the same moment as Percy, he was smiling victoriously, our plan had worked. "No problem?"

"Yes, it was very easy." He smiled in reply. He took a remote control from his pocket, it was black and small, with several buttons. Percy pressed a button and the white-painted wall in front of us became transparent, allowing us to see what was going on inside the room/cage, and inside was an angry Hephaestus and Aphrodite, both of whom were still shouting angrily and cursing a lot. "They can't see us yet, only we can see them." Percy explained to me, smiling. "Now, I think it's best to put them together, don't you?"

"Yes, you can." I replied, he pressed another button, the separation between the two disappeared, they could see each other, they froze, looking at each other, without reaction.

"Did you do that?" Hephaestus asked Aphrodite angrily.

"No, I don't know what's going on." Argued Aphrodite. "Hera had asked me to help her..."

"Stop." Hephaestus interrupted her. "You can stop wasting your breath, nothing you tell me will make me believe you."

"Stop being so stuborn." Said Aphrodite angrily. Then they started arguing, Hephaestus accusing her of being one of Aphrodite's plans to win him back, and Aphrodite trying to convince him that she had nothing to do with it.

"I think we'd better explain the situation and the terms to them, or they'll never get out of this blame game." Percy concluded.

"I think so too, let them see and hear us." I ordered Percy. He pressed another button on his remote control. There was a kind of differentiated glow on the transparent surface we were looking at. At that same moment, the bickering between the two imprisoned gods fell silent, they turned their attention to us, at first staring at us in amazement, then understanding began to take hold and both of them no longer looked at us angrily.


"YOU'RE WRONG, HEPHAESTUS." I shouted, interrupting him mid-sentence. "Aphrodite didn't know anything either, she's just as much a victim of the plan as you are, the plan came from Percy, I'm just helping him."


"I DOUBT IT BROTHER." Percy shouted, laughing. "I THINK YOU'LL KILL EACH OTHER WITH PLEASURE." He didn't just say that, this kid has been a little too complacent lately, I know he's a child way beyond his years, he had a lot of knowledge, he was very intelligent and clever, but he still hadn't learned the ropes of when to say things. I slapped him upside the head. "I'm sorry, Mom, but it's the truth."

"You're not old enough to understand or talk about it, Percy, let the adults do the talking." I said firmly, and he nodded quickly, remaining silent.

"Percy, when I leave here, you're dead." Hephaestus threatened angrily. "Do you really think you can hold me here?"

"I've done my best, with everything you've taught me, I've used the toughest materials and blacksmith's magic, even you won't be able to get out that easily, brother." Said Percy smiling in defiance, which didn't make Hephaestus any more excited.

"AND YOU, MOM, HOW CAN YOU HELP HIM?" Hephaestus shouted angrily, asking me.

"I am the goddess of marriage, my son." I said firmly. "I know you two love each other, and you're going to be together." When I saw that he was about to retort, I went ahead and said it. "And no more random conversations, you'll be stuck there until you put an end to this problem, or break up once and for all, or, please, listen to your hearts and get back together." She smiled at them, Aphrodite seemed to understand the plan, she was already expressing a little smile. "I love you, son, I'm doing this for your sake, I know that only together can you truly be happy."

"I'm already happy without being around that traitor." Hephaestus said angrily.

"No, you're not happy, you're just deluding yourself, going out with lots and lots of women, every day a different one, just attraction, sex and nothing else, that's not being happy, in fact, it's very sad." I said seriously, Hephaestus didn't reply, he continued with the same stubbornness. "There is no happiness in being so alone, without affection, companionship, without love, stop being hard-headed, you've been in this "childish quarrel" for seven years and I'm sorry Aphrodite, but Hephaestus is right." Hephaestus smiled victoriously and Aphrodite cried. "But you lost your point when you turned into a chicken, Hephaestus."

"I'm moving on." Hephaestus tried to argue.

"I'm sorry son, but you're not moving on." I looked at him sadly. "Anyway, that's enough talk, you're staying there until you come back or finish once and for all."

"THAT'S IT." Shouted Percy in approval.

"One last thing, Hephaestus." He looked at me, I held my gaze and said with conviction. "It's been seven years since she cheated on you, seven years since she ran after you, day and night." I glanced at the two of them inside, Aphrodite gave the slightest smile, she knew that this trap would be the best way to get through to my son, to sort things out. As for my son, Hephaestus, he was red with anger, very angry. I'd done everything possible for them, everything in my power and Percy's, I just hoped it would work, I had nothing left to say, now all I had to do was wait. "Percy, you can close the walls and we'll get out of here and let the two of you settle down."

"I just wanted to say something quickly." Percy said seriously. "Hephaestus, my brother, I love you, I love you both, I hope you get back together, I'm rooting for you, I think you'll be happier together. Bye." He said, smiling at them both and before Hephaestus could say anything else, Percy added. "GOOD LUCK." He shouted, pressing a button on the control, and the wall returned to normal, white. "Now all we can do is wait, Mom, we'll come back tomorrow to check it out!"

POV: Aphrodite.

Hephaestus ignored me completely, the whole time he pretended not to hear me, he spent the first two hours trying to escape, but he couldn't and kept muttering to himself:

"CRAZY, I'll never teach anyone again, they get really good, so good that they end up trapping me." I laughed, and he smiled a little, but disguised it.

"Well, that's what you get for being a good teacher." I said, and he just rolled his eyes and ignored me again. "What? That way we'll be here for the rest of our immortality." I tried to argue, but he didn't answer me, and sat down as far away as possible, it hurt me, it hurt a lot, he didn't even want to be near me, imagine kissing me and loving me. Without paying attention, I started to cry, he noticed and rolled his eyes again and turned to the wall, that was the last straw, I felt the fury rise in my chest, now he would listen to me, even if I had to beat him, tie him up. I got up and walked over to him and turned him to look at me. "You're going to listen to me now, good or bad, we're going to talk."

"Stop the drama, I've already told you that I have nothing more to say to you." he said without looking at me, staring at the wall.

"Why are you doing this to me?" I asked angrily, but as usual, he didn't even bother to answer me. "I've been chasing you for seven years now." He laughed and sneered, but didn't say anything. "What? You're going to keep ignoring me like this, you're not even going to talk to me, let's talk Hephaestus, you have to understand that I LOVE YOU."

"I don't want or need to listen to your lies." He said dismissively.

"Why don't you believe me?" I asked, crying, but as always, he remained silent. "Fine, if you don't believe me, I understand, but if you don't believe your mother, she's confirmed that it's true."

"I don't care if it's true or not."

"What do you mean, nothing I do or say will make you believe that I've changed?"

"Change isn't enough." He said seriously, for the first time in 7 years he looked me in the eye, his beautiful eyes were slightly watery. "Nothing you do will change the hole you've made in my heart, there's no repairing it, even I'm not a machine, I have feelings, and you've gone so deep into them, but so deep that I don't think there's even a scrap left."

"Forgive me, forgive me." I cried, kneeling at his feet.

"There's no forgiveness for what you did to me, there isn't." He said, crying. "You were married to me for how many years? Millions, and how many children did you give me? None, as for my brothers, about 5, you're lucky that I'm too calm and foolish, if it were anyone else, he would have ripped your head off and thrown you into Tartarus."

"I regret it Hephaestus, I regret it so much, you have no idea how much I regret it, I've always loved you, I'll always love you, and you stand there ignoring me, it's been 7 years since I've even kissed or touched another person." He started to laugh. "Why are you laughing?"

"Aphrodite, I'm going to tell you something, I don't care about you anymore, nor do I want to see you painted gold in front of me, but I have to tell you this, you're suffocating me, driving me crazy, do you want to know why I cheated on you?" He asked, I didn't want to know, I had already forgiven him for that, I didn't even want to think about it. But before I could answer, he had already said it. "I cheated to see if you could see how much it hurt, how much it hurt me, at first I didn't even care about mortals, but you didn't stop there, gods, my brothers, even my father, you deserve something much worse than just running after me, you don't deserve death, no, that would be too easy, you deserve to suffer, live and suffer for an eternity, I think I should turn you into something as ugly as Medusa, or worse."

"Don't talk like that." I said, crying, while holding onto his leg.

"You deserve the trash, I've always loved you and I still do, I hate myself every day of my eternity for wanting you, I've had sex with thousands of women in the last 7 years, maybe millions, I can't even count or remember them all anymore, but I've never gotten you out of my head, but I can't suffer anymore, I so wish I could believe in you." He said crying, I'd never seen him cry, never, I was paralyzed, I didn't know what to say, I could only cry. "WHY, HELL, WHY DO YOU GET TO ME SO MUCH?"

"BECAUSE YOU LOVE ME, JUST LIKE I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU SO MUCH, IT ONLY TOOK ME A WHILE TO FIND OUT, AND NOW I HAVE TO FACE YOU." I said kneeling down, I missed your caresses so much, your warmth, your strong arms holding me. "FOR ALL THAT IS SACRED, I SWEAR THAT I WILL NEVER BETRAY YOU AGAIN IF YOU TAKE ME BACK, NO, I SWEAR THAT EVEN IF YOU DON'T TAKE ME BACK, I WILL NEVER GO AFTER ANOTHER, I WILL NEVER TAKE ANOTHER TO GIVE ME LOVE, I DON'T WANT ANOTHER, I ONLY WANT YOU, BUT NO ONE ELSE, IF YOU CAN'T ACCEPT ME, I UNDERSTAND, BUT KNOW THAT I WILL WAIT FOR YOU, I WILL WAIT FOR YOU FOR ALL ETERNITY, I SWEAR BY THE RIVER STYX." I heard the thunder echo, sealing my pact. Hephaestus smiled, and hugged me, for a moment, I was even a little frozen, without reaction, I was so happy to feel his body again, how good it was to feel his warmth, his smell of oil with musk, it was so welcoming and exciting. "Please take me back, I want you back with me so much, I want to have children with you and I promise..." He glued our lips together, that kiss made me go limp and very horny. That minty taste was so good.

"Don't make any more promises my love, I believe in you." He said smiling at me, the widest and most beautiful smile I'd ever seen him give, and I'm sure mine was the same, because I was happier than ever, I'd finally gotten on good terms with him, and I never wanted to hurt him again.

"I want more than anything to make you the happiest god of all, I don't know what I had in mind..."I was interrupted again by another kiss, this one longer and more lustful, he gently separated us, giving us long kisses.

"SHH, let's put a stone in the past, let's not talk about it anymore, only the future matters." He kissed me again, this time faster and harder. "I've missed your kiss so much, the smell of flowers, the taste of your mouth, holding you..." It was my turn to interrupt him, well I hadn't played in seven years, I was climbing the walls, I was soaking wet down there, just from kissing.

"Much talk and little action." I smiled mischievously and he laughed.

"So 7 years has left you climbing the walls."

"You have no idea how much." I said ripping his blouse, and scratching his defined abdomen, they say he's ugly, but in fact it's quite the opposite, he was very handsome, more handsome than anyone, he smiled and started kissing my neck, it gave me goosebumps, those warm lips, he grabbed my ass and squeezed, I gasped, it was very tasty, he lifted me up, and gave me a breathtaking kiss, his tongue danced with me in perfect synchrony, it was very good. I was only wearing a red silk dress, he laid me down on the bed Percy had put in the room/jail, and tore my dress off, I had no bra on, he wasted no time, and sucked on the right one, he bit down hard, sucked and licked, while the right one was squeezed and caressed, I squirmed and moaned his name, I came, it was the first time I'd come without even being touched, I was really in the mood, he smiled when he saw that I'd already reached my peak.

"Already? That's fast, I didn't even touch you."

"Stop talking and suck me off." I said, bending down towards my crotch, he tore off my red thong and started kissing my thighs, only to see me delirious and cursing at him. "Come on, my love, stop teasing me." He laughed and started to do the job, he did it very well, better than anyone, his tongue went in and out, he caressed my clitoris and bit it, I was delirious and rolled my eyes, I no longer moaned, I screamed with pleasure, he penetrated me with 3 fingers, I squirmed on the bed, his fingers were thick and big, I soon came again, he licked everything off and came up to kiss me, the kiss was long and with lots of strokes and squeezes, he wasn't being gentle, and I loved it, but it was my turn to give him pleasure.

"Now it's my turn." Saying that, I laid him down on the bed, opened his underpants and pulled them down with his underwear and sneakers, and started to masturbate him, and suck the whole length, the part that didn't fit in my mouth I massaged, he moaned my name and squeezed my hair helping me with the movements, soon he came, hot and salty, it was so tasty, I swallowed it all. He didn't even wait for anything, he threw me on the bed and turned me over, leaving me on all fours, and started sucking my anus, I was writhing, it was so delicious, he held me with both hands and squeezed my buttocks hard, slapping me every now and then, and caressed my clitoris, and soon I came, in his hand, he gave it to me to suck, I sucked his fingers until there was nothing left, he smiled and kissed me, I threw him on the bed, and sat on his member, he completed me like no other, I started to move up and down, he took turns squeezing my breasts, waist and ass, he was rough, that pleased me a lot, soon we came together, he turned me over leaving me on all fours and said:

"I like it like this." And he started thrusting very hard into my anus, I screamed with pleasure, he slapped my ass hard, but that only made me feel more pleasure, after a while we came, and we changed positions again, and again, and again, between dozens of orgasms and a lot of pleasure, we stayed at this pace for hours, until we were disturbed by a voice, Percy's voice.

"Hello, I'm asking for a minute's attention from my prisoners." He asked, making me stop moving while he was on top of Hephaestus. "I expect you to be presentable, you have one minute to put some clothes on, there are children here, you see." I heard a slap, a probable slap from Hera, Hephaestus and I laughed, Percy loved teasing his mother. "Hey... Mom, I'm just warning you."

"No, you were talking nonsense, you bad boy." Hera said angrily. "Now stop joking."

"All right, all right," said Percy, laughing. "You heard me, I'll open it in a minute."

"Well, let's continue this at home." Hephaestus gave me a quick kiss, he snapped his fingers and we were dressed as before, he hugged me from behind and kept kissing my neck, soon the wall turned to glass, and our two jailers appeared on it, they smiled with satisfaction when they saw us.

"I knew they'd come back, I always knew." Celebrated Percy.

"Yes, yes, I'm so glad it's finally over." Hera said happily. "I just hope that now they respect each other and, above all, love each other even more." She smiled at us.

"And we're back, now open these doors so we can continue what you've hindered us from doing." Hephaestus smiled.

"My love, Percy is just a child." I reproached him, as I slapped his arm, and he laughed in response.

"That's right, Aphrodite is right, you irresponsible, frivolous, foolish, brainless, crazy." Hera was berating her older son, while citing all the synonyms to describe his idiocy. "Percy's just a baby." Percy rolled his eyes.

"I'M NOT A BABY, MOM, I'm almost 12 years old, if we were in England I'd already be considered a man at the age of 10, I could even be arrested, just like I could if we lived in Panama or Hungary." said Percy indignantly.

"I don't care, you're a North American boy, we live in the USA, if we were in ancient Greece, you'd still be a minor until you were 15."

"When are you going to stop calling me BABY?"

"Only when you turn 150."

"Hey... That sucks." Said Percy rolling his eyes, but Hera didn't like his language and slapped him upside the head. " Ow... MOTHER."

"Watch your filthy mouth, Perseus." She argued. "Or else I'll have to wash it out with soap."

"Okay, I'll be quiet, and I'll get them out of there." He said, running his hand over the place where he had been slapped on the right shoulder. "Well, before you go, I need to tell you not to tell anyone about this, and that we have the same plan for two other quarreling gods, who happen to be my father and grandmother." Said Percy seriously.

"I like this plan, I really agree with you Percy, these two are going to be a lot of work, but it's clear that they have hidden feelings for each other." I said seriously, but I was so happy, so happy that I had gotten back together with the love of my eternity, that I had to give Percy a present. "And Percy, for what you've done to me and Hephaestus, I want to tell you that I won't get in the way of any of your relationships, and I want to give you my blessing, you deserved so much more."

"I'll accept your gifts with happiness and honor, but I was already content with just the happiness of the two of you, and may you be happy, but even so I'm happy to know that you won't get in the way of my relationships Aphrodite." Saying that, he pressed a button on that remote control he had, and a door appeared in the transparent wall, we went out through it, I threw the ball of energy from my blessing at Percy, it was slightly pink, as soon as it hit Percy's body, he glowed slightly, in the same shade as the energy I had sent him. "I'll make a point of teaching you how to use my powers later, but right now I'm going to enjoy my husband." Saying this, I gave Percy a hug and a kiss.

"I'm so happy for you." Said Percy smiling, he really was a sweetheart. Then I went towards Hera.

"Thank you Hera, I promise not to hurt your son anymore." I said between hugs, Hera holding me tightly.

"I know you won't Aphrodite, I know you won't, you've learned your lesson, the hard way." Said Hera hugging me, I liked her very much, I turned around and saw Hephaestus hugging and saying to Percy.

"Thank you little brother, I love you so much." He said, still hugging his brother.

"I love you too, brother." Percy smiled in response.

"One more thing, congratulations, you made a very good room/cage, and you remembered to stop me from summoning tools and even teleporting, very clever."

"I learned from the best." Said Percy smiling at his brother, making Hephaestus smile even wider, while messing up Percy's hair even more.

"And I hope you'll be happy when you get a girlfriend..."

"Which I hope will take a long time." Said Hera interrupting her eldest son. "Are we clear, Mr. Perseus?" Hera asked seriously. Even though she was also a goddess of love, Hera was still jealous of her youngest son, but I know that she will have to accept the loves that Percy will have in the future. Percy rolled his eyes and laughed at his mother's drama.

"We're clear, Mom!" Percy replied. Making Hephaestus laugh, and turn his attention back to his mother.

"Thank you, Mom, I love you very much." Hephaestus hugged his mother and kissed Hera's cheek. In response, Hera smiled broadly, her eyes watering. "Stop crying, crybaby." Hera slapped her son in response.

"Don't make fun, I love you too, my son." Said Hera, hugging her eldest son tightly. "Now Athena and Poseidon are missing, our little secrets." She winked at me, I smiled and nodded, I knew those two loved each other too much. And they wouldn't admit it to each other, neither of them would give in, especially Athena, who wouldn't accept feelings, only logic is more logic.

"Please call me when you lock them up." I said laughing, I really wanted to help this beautiful couple accept each other. They nodded positively at my request. I went over to Hephaestus, taking hold of his strong arm. "Let's continue our little party, my love."