
Erik VS Gunilla

Chiron nodded, "Do you know something about Bast?" Chiron asked.

"Very little, I know she is taking care of two children, and there might be potential issues from the Egyptian side. How amusing, a Cat – we can tease her when we see her," Mimir replied.

"As long as it's not Serapis," Chiron responded with seriousness.

Erik had returned to the hotel, entering through the door flanked by Hati and Sköll.

"That snake was good, we can grill it," Sköll said, licking his lips.

"Yes, the meat of a Lindworm is always a treat," I remarked. We had found a small one on the outskirts of the Middlesex Fells Reservation. Rune informed me about it, and we decided to subdue it. Hati even let me ride it to get there quickly.

"It's a shame I was young, otherwise we'd have more meat," Hati commented sadly.

Upon arriving in the lobby, I witnessed Gunilla, along with her followers Irene and Margaret, intimidating a girl wearing a green hijab – clearly a Muslim.

Hati sniffed the air, "Grandfather Loki's daughter," Hati said, looking at her.

"Mm, I understand Gunilla. I think she has some issues with the Children of Loki because she fell in love with one who turned out to be a spy," I said, slowly approaching Gunilla from behind.

"Gunilla, I see your punishment was just a slap on the wrist? I knew they wouldn't do anything serious to you, but I suppose it's my fault for expecting anything from them," I remarked, positioning myself between them. Hati and Sköll positioned themselves on either side of Gunilla's friends.

"Don't interfere, you bastard," Gunilla retorted, to which I responded by revealing my mechanical eye as my camouflage wavered.

"I don't care if you lost your virginity to Loki's spy, but you shouldn't mess with a girl who has fought bravely. You know, I'm tired of you and your arrogant attitude. You may be 500 years old, but you should act like a mature adult. You should know that I could easily take you down by force, Gunilla, Daughter of Thor, Captain Valkyrie. I challenge you to a battle to the death in the Stockholm room, one against all of your Valkyries. It's about time they learn a lesson," I declared, my voice echoing with anger, causing the three of them to take a step back from the intensity of my words.

The gods arrived, with Thor and Sif observing the scene. Frigg let out a sigh. Erik, a spitting image of Odin, stood at Odin's side.

"He looks just like you, although I find him cuter. Short hair suits him better than the long hair he used to have, and the beard," Frigg remarked in a low voice. Odin wanted to smile, but he maintained his serious demeanor.

"Tell me, Gunilla, do you and your Valkyries accept my challenge to face me in a battle to the death, or are you only brave enough to intimidate newcomers?," I asked Gunilla, while Levi was positioned between us. Hati and Sköll flanked Gunilla's friends.

"I accept, Erik Sorrow, Odin's Demigod. I will relish breaking every bone in your body on the battlefield," Gunilla responded angrily.

Thor and Sif exchanged sighs upon hearing Gunilla's response. They both understood what Erik was doing – he had implanted a thread of his Odikinesis. Odin slammed his spear and shouted, "The challenge is accepted, Erik Sorrow. If you die, you will not be revived as an Einherjar. You will remain dead, and you will not be able to use Hati or Sköll."

"Sounds good to me," I retorted coldly. Everyone left except for the girl in the hijab.

"You're crazy for doing that. She will kill you. She's very powerful," the girl warned me, fear evident in her eyes.

"First of all, hi. I'm Erik Sorrow. Maybe, who knows," I replied with a smile, revealing my mechanical eye.

"Sorry, I'm Samirah al Abbas, a new Valkyrie," Samirah introduced herself.

"A pleasure to meet you, Samirah. So, Daughter of Loki," I addressed her, causing her to give me a perplexed look.

"Don't give me that look. Both Hati and Sköll are Children of Fenrir, so technically, you're their aunt," I explained, pointing to the two wolves.

"The wolves that chase Mani, Arvak, and Alsvid," Samirah remarked, surprised by the revelation.

"Hello, Aunt," Hati and Sköll chimed in humorously.

"But since you're Odin's son," Samirah began.

"Meh, did you not notice? The old man wants me dead. His exact words: 'You will not be revived.' It implies that if I die, that's it, end of the line," I said nonchalantly, dismissing the gravity of Odin's words.

"Don't look at me like that either. Let me share a secret with you: it doesn't matter who you are a son of. You don't need to prove anything to anyone but yourself. Embrace who you are, Samirah al Abbas – the Lioness," I said, locking eyes with her. She looked back at me, her gaze drawn to my metallic eye and the blue gem within it.

I turned and headed toward the Stockholm room. Odin appeared behind Samirah.

"My son gave you some interesting advice," Odin remarked to Samirah, who looked at him with concern.

"Sir, is it true what he said? Do you want him dead?" Samirah asked.

"No, quite the opposite. I want him alive. But between you and me, Samirah, Erik will become everything that I am not. Where I have failed, he will succeed. I subject him to the most challenging trials so that he may grow in the face of adversity. A diamond can only be formed under pressure. You know why we father children with mortals?" Odin questioned.

"No, sir," Samirah replied.

"Some would say it's for them to remember us. But the truth is, Samirah, my son has more potential than us. Erik fought Sköll and Hati at the age of 10. He fought them for months in a hunting game. His initial intention was to take them down with him – a sort of suicide mission. But they accepted him as a friend and joined him. I believe that when Ragnarök arrives, he might be able to prevent it. It's ironic; I tried every means to defy destiny, but it's not me. It's my son who is destined," Odin explained, his gaze directed at his son.

"Are you certain, sir?" Samirah asked, her worry palpable.

"Yes, my dear. Now, let's observe. But be warned, what you're about to witness might be quite unsettling. Many of my Valkyries will be haunted by new nightmares," Odin said.

The Stockholm room was a vast space that could transform into ancient or modern cities – from icy landscapes to swamps and beyond. The current setting resembled

a forest.

Gunilla and approximately twenty Valkyries stood clad in chain mail, swan cloaks, and wielding spears of light.

"In the Stockholm room today, we witness a battle between Erik Sorrow, Son of Odin, and Gunilla, Daughter of Thor and Captain of the Valkyries," Tyr announced from a raised platform.

Observing the scene, I studied the group of Valkyries.

"Before we commence, does anyone wish to withdraw?" I asked, looking at them. They shot me venomous glares but refrained from stepping back.

"No one will withdraw. We are warriors, forged in battles tougher than yours," Gunilla declared. I could sense her determination.

I approached the Valkyries, my form obscured by a mist that exuded a sense of war and fear. Their tension grew as they felt cold sweat on their backs – a sensation of being stalked.

The mist was infused with war-like dominance, and fear seeped into them subtly, unnoticed. The application of fear was akin to a snake slithering in the grass, ready to strike. I moved silently, placing Ansuz runes throughout the area.

After ten minutes, I began to whistle softly – a sinister melody that heightened their anxiety. I intensified their fear to the maximum, expertly blending their fear and anger. I incorporated the presences of Hati and Sköll, ensuring they felt the despair of dying.

Gunilla's group of Valkyries succumbed to panic, their panic amplified by the red-haired Boudica who launched a light spear in the direction of one of my whistles.

Capitalizing on her reaction, I sprinted towards Boudica, seizing her face and pinning her to the ground. I dragged her out of the defensive circle in an unstoppable tackle, leading her deep into the forest.

"One down, nineteen to go, Gunilla," I taunted through the rune, my voice echoing ominously. I whisked Boudica away, using Emergency Wristbands to teleport her out. The impact hit Gunilla and her Valkyries, resulting in the death of eight of them due to the runes embedded within Boudica.

"Eight less, twelve remain. How unfortunate," I laughed, the sound carrying on the mist-laden wind.

The gods watched, intrigued by the unfolding spectacle.

"Sir, there's something strange about their behavior. They seem different," Samirah noted. Odin exchanged a knowing look with Tyr, who chuckled softly.

"My brother is using Odikinesis, and he's being quite inventive with it. The mist is suffused with his fear, mixed with his anger. He's toying with the Valkyries' minds, tormenting them," Tyr explained.

"Essentially, Erik is conducting psychological warfare. He planted a seed in their subconscious earlier, and now he's causing it to sprout. He's heightening their anger and fear, combined with the eerie whistle to indicate an impending attack. It's causing them to lose their sanity. Samirah, one of our flaws is our inherent belligerence. We tend to jump into battle without thinking, and Erik is exploiting that," Sif elaborated.

"But what he's doing isn't dishonorable," Samirah stated, observing that Erik wasn't directly fighting them; he was more like a hunter.

"No, it's actually quite clever. Erik is facing twenty immortals on his own, and as far as he's concerned, Gunilla isn't worth the honor. That's reserved for a worthy adversary. Right now, Erik is a hunter – the apex predator of this realm," Odin said, focusing his gaze on Erik's actions.

"Sir, is what he's doing safe?" Samirah inquired with concern.

"Rest assured, he's not endangering them. It might be terrifying for them, but they will be unharmed physically. Erik knows exactly what he's doing," Odin reassured.

Erik continued to eliminate the Valkyries in various unsettling ways, separating them from their group. He didn't employ weapons; instead, he used his hands to break arms, legs, or freeze them. He created runes, producing sounds of breaking bones and screams throughout the forest – a haunting symphony that played on their fears.

Gunilla, Irene, and Margaret were the only ones left, standing back to back with shields and spears raised. I created two magical copies and approached Irene and Margaret. Their reaction was swift – they impaled the copies with their spears.

"I got him," they both shouted triumphantly, causing the clones to vanish in mist, their Thurisaz Runes falling to the ground.

"Thurisaz," I intoned, triggering an explosion that consumed Irene and Margaret. Gunilla was thrown against a tree, her mace falling to the ground as I caught it with my foot, preventing it from striking her.

"Pathetic, Gunilla. Alone and without your Valkyries, you're not as formidable as you thought," I taunted, my laughter sending shivers down her spine. Levi remained steady in my hand as I pressed its head against the mace, creating a disturbing screeching sound. Gunilla struggled to regain her composure, her voice trembling as she attempted to speak.

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