
Percy Jackson: The Son of Hades, Blessed by Death

In "Mystic Rebirth: A Percy Jackson Odyssey," Alex, a troubled teenager, is granted a second chance at life by Hades and Thanatos, with the power of Mystic Eyes of Death Perception. Reborn as a demigod, he joins Percy Jackson's quest to recover Zeus's stolen lightning bolt. The story culminates with the revelation that Alex's Mystic Eyes hold the key to a prophecy, setting the stage for more action, mysteries, and destiny-defining adventures. (This is slightly AU. Annabeth is not on the quest at the start, and Percy has better control of his powers making him stronger and is more mature, though may edit and make percy reckless like the original.)

_The_Author_ · Book&Literature
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Chapter 5: Ares' Proposal

The fast-food restaurant seemed to hold its breath as the god of war, Ares, regarded the group of demigods before him. His fiery eyes bore into each of them with an intensity that sent shivers down their spines. Ares's cruel smile widened as he reveled in their unease.

After a tense silence, Ares finally spoke, his voice dripping with arrogance. "I have a proposition for you, demigods. You see, I have a shield, a precious artifact of mine, and it seems I've left it in a place that's become rather inconvenient for me."

Annabeth, always the strategist, raised an eyebrow. "And what's this place, Ares?"

Ares leaned in closer, his voice a low, ominous rumble. "Waterland, an abandoned water park not too far from here. My shield is hidden there, and I require someone to retrieve it for me."

Percy couldn't help but feel a surge of skepticism. "Why can't you retrieve it yourself, Ares? You're a god."

Ares's grin turned wicked, and he chuckled darkly. "Ah, you see, Waterland is a place filled with memories, not all of them pleasant. It's inhabited by spirits and creatures that have taken a liking to my shield. I'd rather not deal with them directly, so I need your... talents."

Alex's Mystic Eyes of Death Perception tingled with suspicion. "What's in it for us if we help you, Ares?"

The god of war's grin never faltered. "Demigods always want something in return, don't they? Very well, if you retrieve my shield, I'll grant each of you a favor. Anything you desire, within reason, of course."

Annabeth exchanged glances with the others, a calculating look in her gray eyes. "And if we refuse?"

Ares's demeanor turned menacing, and he leaned even closer to Annabeth, his voice a dangerous whisper. "Then you'll have earned my wrath, and I assure you, demigods, you won't like the consequences."

The threat hung in the air, leaving the demigods with a sense of dread. Ares was not to be trifled with, and his proposal came with a price.

Percy spoke up, his voice filled with reluctant acceptance. "All right, Ares. We'll retrieve your shield from Waterland. But after this, we expect you to keep your word."

Ares's cruel smile returned. "Very well. I'll be watching your progress closely. Now go, and don't keep me waiting."

With their agreement made, Ares turned and left the fast-food restaurant, leaving the demigods to contemplate their next move. Waterland, an abandoned water park filled with both memories and dangers, awaited them.

As they exited the restaurant, Annabeth couldn't help but voice her concerns. "We're dealing with Ares here. Retrieving his shield might be more dangerous than it seems."

Percy nodded in agreement. "But we don't have much of a choice. We can't afford to anger a god like Ares."

With their decision made, they set off toward Waterland, their path fraught with uncertainty and trepidation. The stolen lightning bolt remained their ultimate goal, but now they faced a new challenge—retrieving Ares's shield from a place that held both peril and the weight of divine favor.

The journey to Waterland was about to begin, and the demigods knew that they were stepping into a world of memories and spirits, where the line between the living and the supernatural was blurred.

As the group of demigods approached Waterland, they couldn't help but feel a sense of foreboding. The abandoned water park loomed before them like a forgotten relic, its once vibrant colors now faded, and its rides standing as silent sentinels of a bygone era.

Alex scanned the surroundings with his Mystic Eyes, sensing a lingering aura of nostalgia mixed with something darker. He couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to Waterland than met the eye. It was as if the memories of the place held secrets waiting to be uncovered.

Annabeth, equally perceptive, took note of the park's abandoned state and the eerie quiet that enveloped it. "This place gives me the creeps," she admitted, her voice low.

Percy nodded in agreement, his gaze fixed on the massive tunnel of love ride that dominated the center of the park. Its once-cheery facade now looked weathered and worn, and an ancient Greek letter "H" was etched onto the side of the ride.

Alex furrowed his brow as he studied the symbol. "That's the Greek letter for 'H.' What could it mean?"

Annabeth's gray eyes narrowed with suspicion. "I have a feeling it's not a coincidence. We should be cautious."

The group approached the entrance to the tunnel of love ride, its gaping mouth a portal to the unknown. The feeling of war, a palpable presence that weighed heavily on their hearts, seemed to emanate from the ride.

Alex hesitated, his Mystic Eyes detecting an eerie resonance within the tunnel. "Something doesn't feel right," he warned, his voice filled with unease.

Percy nodded, his grip on Riptide tightening. "We should proceed with caution. Annabeth, what do you make of that 'H'?"

Annabeth's gaze remained fixed on the symbol as she contemplated its significance. "It could stand for Hades, the god of the Underworld. This place might have a connection to him, or it could be a trap."

The demigods exchanged knowing glances, their instincts telling them that the tunnel of love ride held secrets and dangers they had yet to uncover. They knew they couldn't enter it without a plan, and the feeling of war that hung in the air only heightened their suspicions.

With their guard up and their curiosity piqued, they stood before the entrance to the tunnel, ready to unravel the mysteries of Waterland. The stolen lightning bolt remained their ultimate goal, but the road ahead was fraught with challenges, and the first of them lay within the depths of the tunnel of love.

As they prepared to step inside, the demigods couldn't help but wonder what secrets and dangers awaited them within, and whether Ares's shield was truly hidden there or if they had been lured into a web of divine intrigue.