
Percy Jackson: Human Gamer

[Ping! Hello Nathan, I am the system. To continue tutorial please think/say main menu.] "Huh" And that is how my life went from garbage, to shit.

Plebston323 · Book&Literature
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25 Chs

Chapter Eight: Partners

"I'll ask you again, what are you doing here? And how did you get in here." Daedalus repeated, as I quickly made a plan. I hope that my Cha score helps, because this could be my one-way ticket to power.

"Ah, Daedalus. Just the Demi-God I wanted to see. I've been looking for you." I said as his eye's narrow. I continue to speak while looking at his works. They were quite amazing if I say so myself.

"You see, I've come across something so ancient that even Athena doesn't know about it, I'm sure that at one point it could even erase that mark of yours." I watch as he looks warily at me.

"And pray tell, how'd you come across this if my mother couldn't." He said, spitting out mother. I smile.

"Oh it came to me, though any details are confidential at the moment. But that can change with an oath of secrecy, on the styx." I said as his eyes widen before narrowing. I see he's contemplating but still thinks it could be a trap.

"I'm sure your wary at such an oath, so I'll make my own. I swear on the river styx that if Daedalus swears an oath on the river styx to not tell, message, or inform anyone or anything of what I'll tell him about the artifact I speak about, in full truth." I said as I hear distant rumbling.

I see Daedalus' face morph into pure shock before greed. The knowledge of an ancient artifact not known by anyone besides the man in front of him is enticing, the fact it can remove his disgusting mark is just a cherry on top.

"I swear on the river styx to agree to your terms, now what is this artifact you talk about." Daedalus says as I hold up my hand. I face him and speak with at most seriousness.

"I know you have something recording our conversation right now, turn it off." I bluff, theres no way for me to know but my smirk grows as his eyes widen again before he walks to a random computer and shows me his surveillance network.

"There," He said as he turns off all the cameras and mikes. "All off, now what is it and where is it? The sooner I see it the more I-we can learn." He corrected halfway through, though I clearly heard him as I chuckle.

"As I said earlier, this artifact has come to me and forced it's way to my soul. It's quite literally apart of me, now thats not to say theres anything wrong so calm down." I say as his eyes were filled with anger, before calming it as to know what it is.

"It has changed my soul itself as to make me it's host, I call it the system. It seems to be able to increase my growth rate to that of a monster, I went from a average human's strength to that of a child of Ares himself with 3 weeks of poultry training." I said as his eyes widen.

A human's limits is small, especially their growth. So for me to say I've grown so strong so quickly with mortal workouts is nearly impossible, the only exception is me.

"Not only has it made my growth phenomenal but it's given me a way to track one's loyalty to me, a private pocket in space that can hold items in status for me, it has even made my mind impervious to mind control and intrusions." I said as he gets more and more excited before asking the question I was waiting for.

"How will it get rid of my mark?" He asked as my smirk turns into a smile. Now the main part of my plan.

"That is up to you, you can either wait for me to get strong enough to erase it, or," I say as I make eye contact and hold out my hand, "You can help me get there, and follow me to become the strongest, the most impressive thing the system did was make my limits, non-existent." I said he freezes.

"L-limitless?" He asked shocked, even the gods had limits, at least thats what he thinks. I laugh out load.

"Limitless," I agree,"Now, do you join me? Will you join me on my path to greatness?" I asked as he thinks for a second before smiling back at me and shakes my hand.

"Swear it." He said as I raise an eyebrow. He clarifies.

"On the styx, I want to make sure we're together on this, partners?" He said, as we swore on the styx to not betray on another. I laugh as I pat his back.

"Now, let's get to planning eh? Partner?" I ask jokingly, together we'll make our way to the top. Pantheons be damned, they're gonna watch as me, a human, surpasses them.

"Yes, come I have plenty of ideas already." He says as he gestures for me to follow him as he walks to another room. Before a thought came to me.

'I wonder how I'll explain to Lou where I've been.'


Hello there! As you've noticed it's a short chapter, but the next will be around 2k words and a possible time skip. Anyway whatcha peoples think? Any good? Review! No seriously I see all these nice comments but I haven't got s rating yet. See ya!