

"Olympus is not happy." That's the first thing Chiron told me as I returned to camp. 

"I don't care" I respond, "It doesn't matter if they're happy anymore. I need you to gather the remaining campers or I will." I tell him.

"Why do you want to gather the campers?" Chiron asks, "They've been through enough today." 

"I know they have. That's why I need to talk to them." I respond. 

"Okay. I'll gather them. I'll have them meet at the dining pavillion." He answers. As I begin to walk away he adds, "But Percy, please don't do anything stupid." 

I'm gonna do something stupid. But not something without reason. As the campers all gather I call them to attention. 

"DEMIGODS. We went through a lot today. We fought together for the safety of the world and for ourselves. At least that's what we've been told and what we told ourselves. In truth we've just picked the lesser of two evils. Kronos would have truly brought an end to us all. However, that is not much worse than where we are today. Living under the gods' leadership has almost brought us to ruin repeatedly, and today it happened again. From the moment I turned twelve the gods and their agenda have been destroying my life. For many of you it's the same. Some don't even have homes to return to. Most have had friends or family die. I'm tired of it. I'm done helping the gods or even listening to them. I think many of you should do the same. Which is why tomorrow I set off for the underworld. I will bring Annabeth back even if I have to tear down every Olypian to do it. It's time for humans to be our own leaders. No more titans or gods to do it for us. And when I bring her back, I'll nominate Annabeth to lead us. I won't ask you to risk your lives or try to overthrow the gods. I just ask you to stop doing their bidding and please don't stop me. Any that wish to come with me to try to revive a relative of their own can feel free to join me. My goal is not to tear down the gods, but if they stand in my way I will. Who's with me?" As I finish my impromptu speech the camp erupts into cheers and many set off immediately to prepare for the journey. Chiron looks at me sadly like he knew this would happen then walks away. 

I head back to my cabin to sleep, but right before my eyes close for the night the shadows in my cabin darken as someone steps out of them. 

"Are you sure you know what you're doing?" Nico asks me

"The only thing I'm sure of is that anyone who tries to stand in the way of me bringing Annabeth back will not stand for long." 

"I'm not here to try to stop you Percy. I just want to know if you're serious about what you said?"

"I'm serious Nico. Serious enough to cut down anyone in my way." I respond

"Then I want in. I know a faster way to the underworld than Charon's store or the musical cave. We'll have to go single file but it's much closer than any of the well known methods, and it'll let us out right outside of the fields of asphodel. I go there sometimes for the peace it offers."

"Okay I'll be counting on you Nico. For what it's worth I'm sorry you have to be part of this at such a young age. Also if you double cross me or get in my way I will send you to your father the fast way."

"I'm as sick of them as you are. There's no need to threaten me Jackson." After saying his piece Nico fades into shadows and I'm left alone. I close my eyes and hope sleep will overtake me. I'm no longer afraid of nightmares. My life has already become one. 


As dreams take me I find myself face to face with a minor god I've met recently. Morpheus looks at me for a second before speaking. 

"It was very bold of you to threaten the gods the way you did and expect no consequences. They will come for you. I however wish you luck. We both know I'm no fan of the Olympians. Good luck." Before I get the chance to ask any questions Morpheus snaps his fingers and I'm awake. Sunlight is filtering through the window. That one exchange lasted the whole night. 

I quickly put together a bag for my journey to the underworld. It's just a couple sets of clean clothes, a first aid kit and some ambrosia and nectar. Not much else is useful in the underworld. 

Once i'm done packing the first thing I do is look for Nico. He isn't in his cabin so I check the dining pavilion where I find him waiting along with some of the campers who are following me to the underworld. I don't much feel like talking so I just nod at them and go to grab what could be the last real food I get to eat for a while. For the first time in 4 years I don't sacrifice my food to the gods and I think they notice. The sky darkens and thunder rumbles in the distance. I ignore this and continue eating. It seems the gods don't like this either because it soon starts to rain. In a moment of impulsivity I flip off the sky. 

In response to this lightning strikes. It seems that Zeus is tired of my insolence. I feel it before I see it so I use the rain to make a path from above me to the ground. This successfully grounds the lightning and pisses Zeus off even more. Just the static from the strike makes my hair stand on end and makes me taste iron. For the first time since Annabeth died I smile a real genuine smile. The gods turned me into a warrior to fight their battles. I'll use their training to win mine. If Zeus wants to stop me from bringing Annabeth back he'll have to come down himself. I beat his son once and I'll beat him if I have to. 

After this little episode I pretend like nothing happened and go to get more bacon. You can't eat in the underworld and I'm not looking forward to the hunger I'll go through while there. Once it seems like everyone who's going to show up has shown up I approach Nico.

"Are you ready?" I ask him. 

"Yes I'm itching to walk down a tunnel for 2 hours to get to literal hell" he responds sarcastically.

"Cool lead the way" I say, ignoring his sarcasm. He just shakes his head and starts walking, shouldering his pack along the way. To my surprise he heads towards the forest. I quickly follow. As I do the campers follow as well. When we reach the border of the forest I see Chiron there to greet us. 

"Please don't get in my way. I don't want to lose another friend." I tell him somberly. 

"I'm not here to stop you. Just to wish you luck and say goodbye." He responds, "Thank you for everything you've done for camp and the world. The gods may not appreciate it but I definitely do." 

"Thank you for that. I'll see you later." I tell him with a weak attempt at a smile. I nod at Nico to lead the way. Nico walks to the creek where Luke summoned that scorpion to try to kill me all those years ago. I look at Nico questioningly.

"Did you think Luke was powerful enough to summon a monster that dangerous through the barrier?" He asks, "There's been an entrance to the underworld here the whole time. It'll be a little uncomfortable for most because it's really wet and kind of cramped but if we go single file it shouldn't be too bad." He explains. 

It sounds perfect for me so I just think 'don't get wet' and lead the way. As always it works and I remain perfectly dry. I set a brisk pace and start walking. As an afterthought I command the water, 'Stay off my friends.' Hopefully that helps them on the way down.

Give me stones and motivation or i'll adopt batman and send him to the moon.

KayserWritescreators' thoughts