
perception of a new world

appearing in a new world with only the clothes on their back and a book with instructions

psamathe · Realistic
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chapter 1, a new world

Darkness, but only for a moment before they opened their eyes, with their eyes open the world invaded their eyes, a bright light followed by rustling sounds and a warm feeling over coming them, the world welcomed them to being with all its grandeur, they did not know what anything was but a feeling from their head quickly made sense of what was happening and gave words to the actions to the welcome the world gave it, the bright sun, illuminating everything it can, rustling of leaves making a pleasant sound, guided by the wind, warmed by the sun to not be cold but a pleasant breeze, they did not know who they were or how they knew all these words came from but the mind held information to help him see the world and understand what was happening. Sitting by a tree in green grass they were next welcomed by a feeling from something in their chest it beat calmly like a drum, spurring them into motion, helping him stand, the mind did it's job and helped what he now knew as the heart to keep his ballance as he rose, the world seeming pleased by this action by the sound of chirps in the distance, but the mind said those were birds, not that they knew what a bird was at this moment. And next, not a welcome but a warning, it brought them out of their confusion and into a suspicion of everything around them, this gut feeling the mind called it alerted them of their surroundings, of the fabric that covered their body, of the heavy weight hidden in the folds of this fabric. They investigated this object in the pockets of their clothing it was small, had to be to fit in such a pocket but it was the main point of interest, the mind was the first to call as it was something important to it, a book, something that had to be understood by the mind before the other two could make a opinion on it, on its opening there were scribbles but as they examined it more closer it was writing, instructions on the first page were simple instructions on how they should survive this place they are and how to make what they needed. The heart was glad for the information and the gut did not seem to care, the mind was the most interested but flipping randomly through the book seemed confusing so it decided to focus going page to page which the gut agreed with the mind, and on that first page requested them to perceive their limbs and that's what they did, they examined their hands and arms the book requested and there they were two limbs, five fingers on each, the heart beat with excitement, blood readying the arms, the mind brought forth the next request from the book so they searched for anything to collect, and the world offered, branches have fallen, waiting for them to arrive to collect, fruit had grown on plants calling for any thing that needs to eat to help spread its seeds, and that's what they did