
People with Superpowers Don’t Want to Be Popular

Question: What would you do if you had omnipotent superpowers? To dominate the world? Or do whatever you want? Or maybe... Kamikawa Ren’s answer was that he wanted to be an ordinary person. As a creature with true superpowers, he always tries to be like ordinary people. During class, listen carefully to Mafuyu’s Sensei lecture like a normal student. After class, he patiently lectured the Nakano quintuplets about the topic like normal students. After school, like ordinary members, worked hard to help President Shinomiya solve her problems. After returning home, he friendly played games with Gabriel like normal friends. In this way, he has worked hard to become an ordinary person. However, what made him a little confused was, would the lives of ordinary people be the same as his?

Takamiya_Shin · Anime & Comics
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754 Chs

Something I Can’t Refuse

On the weekend, in front of the convenience store.

"Sensei, what's wrong with you?"

Seeing Mafuyu walking out of the convenience store with three or four full bags, Ren asked.

"This issue has nothing to do with you as a student."

Although the bags were heavy and difficult to carry, Mafuyu still wanted to pretend to be calm and composed in front of the students.

But as soon as she spoke, the bags in her hands suddenly tore, and the items she bought scattered a bit.

"Huh, why is the bag broken?" Mafuyu panicked and wanted to pick up the items that fell to the ground.

Seeing this scene, Ren calmly said, "Do you need help?"


After hesitating for a moment, Mafuyu chose to accept his help.

"It's embarrassing that as a Sensei, I still have to receive help from my own student in a situation like this."

On the way home, seeing Ren helping to carry two bags and following her, Mafuyu seemed a bit dissatisfied with herself.

Ren didn't respond, just listened quietly.

Soon, they both arrived at Mafuyu's house.

Ren was not surprised to see the room that he had helped clean just last week now in a mess again.

"Next time, I'll definitely clean the room."

Feeling his gaze observing the room, Mafuyu assured him somewhat unconvincingly.

"Yes." Ren nodded nonchalantly, then asked, "Do you still need my help this time?"

He had heard Mafuyu say similar words many times, but it never materialized.

"Please." Mafuyu tilted her head to the side in embarrassment, "If possible, please clean the kitchen."


Ren began to clean the room.

Meanwhile, Mafuyu started sorting out the items she had taken from the convenience store.

"Pork, onions, soy sauce..."

Seeing her sitting on the floor taking out various ingredients from the bags, instead of instant food like instant noodles, Ren finally asked, "Sensei, why did you buy so many ingredients?"

If someone else bought that many ingredients, he wouldn't be curious at all, let alone ask directly.

But the problem was Mafuyu, someone who used to only buy instant food at the convenience store, today bought ingredients unlike usual – wasn't this too suspicious?

Even he, an Esper, felt that something was off with this issue.

Hearing his rhetorical question, Mafuyu did not intend to hide anything and immediately explained, "Because the economics teacher is sick and needs a week off, so I was asked to help the class."

"You don't know how to cook, right?" Ren guessed.

"H-how did you know?"

Struck by his words, Mafuyu looked confused.

Pointing to the trash like the instant noodle bucket he had cleaned, Ren answered, "People who can cook don't buy a lot of fast food and order takeout every day."

"That's true."

After looking at the trash, Mafuyu admitted that she couldn't cook.

However, Ren had already guessed it, so there was no need to deny it, especially since she couldn't deny it.

"Then why did you agree to help?" Ren didn't quite understand this.

Although Mafuyu didn't know how to cook, he still agreed to something beyond his capabilities.

This contradicted the most important common sense he had followed during this period.

You can help your classmates and teachers according to your own abilities without affecting yourself.

If applying this common sense to Mafuyu, the premise should be the same, and it should align with his abilities.

But he happened to violate this premise.

Is it because of her identity? Or something else?

If this common sense is wrong, then Ren needs to change his current behavior.


Mafuyu fell silent.

How should she answer this question?

Couldn't she just say that she can't cook to protect her image at school?

Even if she might not have much dignity left in Ren's eyes, she would never say anything that could make her lose all her dignity in an instant.

Therefore, when she was about to say an unnecessary lie to divert the topic, she looked into his clear eyes.

For a moment, the reason she originally wanted to say got stuck in her throat, and she couldn't say it.

She suddenly had a feeling that what she says next is crucial.

"Because that's life."

After thinking for a moment, Mafuyu explained slowly.


This answer was beyond Ren's understanding.

"That's right."

Mafuyu nodded and said gently, "People will face many things in life, but not every time they have the right to choose. After facing something that cannot be chosen, you just have to accept the choice, even if you don't know how to do it, you just have to find a way to do it, and do it well, there's no other way."


Ren didn't quite understand what Mafuyu was saying, so he could only write it down and plan to study it later.

But as long as the common sense he had followed so far doesn't make a mistake, it's okay.

However, will he also face things he can't choose?

Seeing him seemingly trusting her explanation, Mafuyu sighed quietly in relief.

Finally, she maintained the remaining dignity as a teacher.

"That's why I had no choice but to agree to help."

Following what she had just said, Mafuyu explained like this.


Ren agreed with her reasoning.

Because it was something that couldn't be refused, there was nothing they could do.

"Okay, quickly clean the kitchen so I can get ready to learn how to cook." Realizing that Ren had no intention of leaving, Mafuyu urged.

She was afraid Ren would react and find out that she was lying.


So, Ren continued to clean, while Mafuyu continued to arrange her things.

After some time, the room was cleaned.

"Okay, it's time to start."

Seeing the kitchen had been cleaned, Mafuyu took out the apron she bought and prepared to showcase her skills.

She struggled a bit to put on the apron.

"What's wrong with this apron? Why can't I put it on?"