
People with Superpowers Don’t Want to Be Popular

Question: What would you do if you had omnipotent superpowers? To dominate the world? Or do whatever you want? Or maybe... Kamikawa Ren’s answer was that he wanted to be an ordinary person. As a creature with true superpowers, he always tries to be like ordinary people. During class, listen carefully to Mafuyu’s Sensei lecture like a normal student. After class, he patiently lectured the Nakano quintuplets about the topic like normal students. After school, like ordinary members, worked hard to help President Shinomiya solve her problems. After returning home, he friendly played games with Gabriel like normal friends. In this way, he has worked hard to become an ordinary person. However, what made him a little confused was, would the lives of ordinary people be the same as his?

Takamiya_Shin · Anime & Comics
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754 Chs

I don't like him and I can't like him

"You are hesitating, right?"

Seeing her like this, Ichika understood something.

Itsuki's rebuttal just now could be said to be very firm, but she still had doubts about the matter.

This is enough to prove something.

"No, I'm not doubting, I was just… Thinking about how to answer appropriately," Itsuki came back to her senses and explained.

"If you didn't blush when you said this, maybe I would believe your explanation."

Without realizing it, poking Itsuki's already reddened cheek, Ichika reminded her with a smile.


Hearing her words, Itsuki touched her hot cheek. Realizing what she had revealed, she hurriedly changed the topic: "Um... Kamikawa-san looks like he's about to start giving a lecture. Come quickly and sit down and prepare."

After saying this, Itsuki took out textbook from bag and sat down on a chair, ignoring Ichika and the others.

"That is as expected."

Ichika wasn't surprised by that, because she had expected Itsuki's reaction to be like this.

Otherwise, she wouldn't look so comfortable.

"I really didn't expect it," Yotsuba said with a sigh.

In the afternoon, she was surprised when she heard the news that Itsuki had brought water for Ren.

At that time, she never thought Itsuki would fall in love with Ren.

After knowing this fact, what happened next was a headache.

Nino likes Ren, Itsuki also likes Ren, and according to Nino, she also likes Ren, what kind of confusing relationship is this?

Moreover, when Nino said she wanted to help her, Yotsuba felt like she didn't have enough brain cells.

What mistake did she make to put herself in such a situation?

Come to think of it, now she wanted to find Ren to clarify her doubts. Not only did she have to worry about Nino, but she also had to consider Itsuki's feelings.

She felt uncomfortable.

Nino looked at Itsuki and then at Yotsuba, feeling a little unsure of what to do.

She just promised to help Yotsuba yesterday, but today she finds out that Itsuki has also fallen in love with Ren.

What's this?

Why did that man make her two younger sisters like him at the same time?

Thinking like this, Nino looked at Ren and found that he was chatting with Fumino and the others, she felt annoyed.

(Really, he didn't notice at all? Are you still having an affair with another girl?)

However, it was difficult for her to say anything. After all, her two younger sisters only liked Ren and had no real relationship with him. There was nothing Nino could do if she wanted him not to.

Therefore, Nino could only feel resentment in her heart towards her two younger sisters.

But then again, should she continue to help Yotsuba?

If she helps, she always feels sorry for Itsuki, if she doesn't help, she breaks her promise.

This put her in a dilemma.

Before she had time to think about what she wanted to do, with Itsuki's gentle request, Ren ended the chat with Fumino and the others and started giving a lecture.

So Nino gave up and continued to think and listen carefully to the class.

After all, her own affairs are more important.

She promised Naoki to study hard, and she didn't want to break her promise.


Soon, Ren finished talking about some knowledge points and announced that it was time to rest.

Once he returned to the couch and sat down, Asumi appeared behind him with a smile on her face and squeezed his shoulder.

"What are you doing now?"

Sensing her movement, Ren became confused.

Maybe this is also the job of a teaching assistant?

"This is also the job of a teaching assistant. Kouhai-kun, you've worked really hard after giving the lecture, so let me help you relax." Asumi explained with a smile, "However, this is my first time giving a massage. If the power used is not good enough, you must tell me."

In order to get the high salary that Ren gave her with peace of mind, she thought of many tricks, one of which was giving him a massage.

Anyway, don't take too long of a break, give him a little massage to relax him, maybe it can make him more enthusiastic about teaching.


Hearing the answer, Ren accepted the massage that Asumi gave him.

A few moments later, Itsuki came with a glass of water.

After receiving the water, Ren's mood became a little subtle.

Wasn't he here to help teach some of them? Why was he treated well?

After struggling with this question for a while and confirming that he couldn't think of an answer, Ren wisely chose to agree to this fact.

There were many questions he couldn't think of an answer to, and this was one of them.

Seeing Itsuki sitting down again, Ichika walked over, quietly pointed at Asumi who was massaging Ren, and asked her: "Itsuki, what do you think of this scene?"

"What do you think? There isn't any."

Itsuki shook her head.

"Like being angry, wanting to replace him, and jealousy," Ichika gave several examples.

"I had the idea to help massage Kamikawa-san, but I still don't have the mind to be jealous." Pursing her lips, Itsuki said slowly.

"Eh? Why?" Ichika was confused by this.

Whatever happens, it will definitely make you feel uncomfortable when you see the person you like having a very good relationship with the opposite sex.


Itsuki didn't say anything, just lowered her head, avoiding the question.

Seeing Itsuki's appearance, Ichika's tone became gentler: "Can you tell Onee-san? I might be able to give you some good advice."

After a while, Itsuki whispered: "Because I am very grateful that he is willing to help me teach and study, and I also like hanging out with him. Although sometimes he can act strange and say some strange things, I'm okay with him."

"I have fallen in love with him several times, and I also thought about what would happen if I were with him. If Kamikawa-san confesses to me, I most likely won't refuse."

"But I can't like him. If I like him and pursue him, if it succeeds then everyone will be happy, but if it fails it will definitely be awkward for us to get along."

"I couldn't get along with Kamikawa-san as naturally as I do now, and I couldn't do anything for him. I couldn't chat happily with Furuhashi-san and the others as usual. Indispensable in our chat. Ichika, I can't destroy our relationship just because of my crush."

"So, I don't like him and I can't like him."

After saying this, Itsuki looked at Ren sitting on the sofa, chuckled and said, "Maintain the status quo."