
People with Superpowers Don’t Want to Be Popular

Question: What would you do if you had omnipotent superpowers? To dominate the world? Or do whatever you want? Or maybe... Kamikawa Ren’s answer was that he wanted to be an ordinary person. As a creature with true superpowers, he always tries to be like ordinary people. During class, listen carefully to Mafuyu’s Sensei lecture like a normal student. After class, he patiently lectured the Nakano quintuplets about the topic like normal students. After school, like ordinary members, worked hard to help President Shinomiya solve her problems. After returning home, he friendly played games with Gabriel like normal friends. In this way, he has worked hard to become an ordinary person. However, what made him a little confused was, would the lives of ordinary people be the same as his?

Takamiya_Shin · Anime & Comics
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754 Chs

He’s Serious!

"Kamikawa-kun, did you just say to give it? Or did I mishear?" Kaguya hesitated slightly, wondering if she misheard.

After all, it's somewhat unrealistic to buy a planetarium and just give it away.

"To give it." Ren reiterated.

"...In other words, Kamikawa-kun, you want to buy a planetarium and give it to someone else as a gift, but no one wants to sell it to you, so you want me to help introduce it?" Kaguya ended her words after a moment of silence.

"That's right." Ren confirmed.

That's what he thought.

"I dare ask, who do you plan to buy this planetarium for? Your family?" Kaguya guessed as best as she could.

In fact, she wouldn't easily explore personal matters like who the gift is for.

But the problem is, she's too curious.

"Furuhashi Fumino."

Since he's seeking Kaguya's help, Ren had no intention of hiding anything.

"...Is this a sign of love between you two?" Kaguya almost instantly considered this possibility.

She knew that Fumino was very fond of astronomy.

Therefore, it could be said that Ren is most appropriate in buying a planetarium and giving it to Fumino as a sign of love.

"No, it's just a regular gift." Ren denied.

"A regular gift? What do you mean?" Kaguya suddenly felt her IQ lacking.

"It's like a birthday gift."

After arranging his words for a moment, Ren continued to answer.

"Then why are you giving a gift to Furuhashi-san?" Kaguya then asked.

"We'll exchange gifts, and she'll give me a gift."

"Will she give you a gift like a planetarium?"

"I don't know. Besides, she could give me anything."

"Is Furuhashi-san your girlfriend?"



"Really not."

"Do you like Furuhashi-san?"

"I don't like her; we're just classmates."

"...Kamikawa-kun, do you have a misunderstanding about ordinary people this time?"

After confirming various details with him, Kaguya said with a somewhat gentle tone.

Is a planetarium a regular gift?

"No misunderstanding."

Ren felt he knew a lot about ordinary people.

"So, Shinomiya-san, can you help me?"

"Wait a moment, let me understand the situation first."

Kaguya felt her values greatly affected and needed time to calm herself down.

As the eldest daughter of the Shinomiya family, she certainly received all kinds of expensive gifts.

But would an ordinary classmate give someone a planetarium just like that?

She was a little confused.


Hearing this, Ren stopped talking and waited calmly.

A few moments later, the coffee they ordered arrived.

So, he drank coffee and thought about other things.

"I can help you buy the planetarium."

After spending a lot of time and sorting out her thoughts, Kaguya agreed to his request.

"Thank you."

Ren thanked her.

With this, the first gift is now available.

"Buying a planetarium might require a lot of money. Do you need to ask your family?" Kaguya reminded.

"No need."

So, Ren took out his bank card and handed it over.

"There should be enough money here. If not, you can let me know."

"Wait a moment."

After seeing the bank card he gave her, Kaguya finally confirmed that he was serious and not joking.

"What's wrong?"

Ren didn't quite understand what was happening with her this time.

"I'll call Hayasaka here. She can help you buy the planetarium."

Saying this, Kaguya took out her phone and sent an email to Hayasaka.


As long as it helps him, it doesn't matter who comes.

Shortly after, Hayasaka entered the cafe and walked straight toward them.

"Kamikawa-kun, good afternoon."

After greeting him, Hayasaka looked at Kaguya: "Kaguya-sama, is there something you want to ask me?"

"Alright, you should sit down first. Everything is a bit complicated. Let's talk slowly."

Kaguya sat a little further in and gave space to her.


Although she didn't know what was going on, Hayasaka still sat next to Kaguya.

Then, Kaguya explained Ren's needs.

"Kamikawa-kun, are you serious?" After listening, Hayasaka couldn't help but glance at the bank card on the table.

"Absolutely." Ren's answer was very firm.

"Kaguya-sama, aren't you trying to persuade him? Isn't it too heavy to give a planetarium as a gift?" Realizing his expression wasn't shaken at all, Hayasaka and Kaguya began to communicate calmly.

"It's impossible." Kaguya sipped her coffee and firmly persuaded.

"For example, I want to recommend some other gifts. If Furuhashi-san likes astronomy, giving her an astronomical telescope would be a good choice, wouldn't it?" Hayasaka immediately thought of another suggestion.

"That's right." Kaguya also considered this gift good, "Then, can you try to persuade him?"

"Why isn't Kaguya-sama saying anything?"

Hayasaka suddenly realized something was wrong.

It makes sense if such a simple persuasion method is unlikely to be thought of by Kaguya.

"I was waiting for you to come."

Kaguya said without beating around the bush.

Is this troublesome?


With a slightly complicated mood, Hayasaka smiled and said, "Kamikawa-kun, I think it's a bit inappropriate to give Furuhashi-san a planetarium? What if she doesn't accept it? Moreover, this gift is too expensive."

"I think just giving an astronomical telescope is enough."

"There's also an astronomical telescope in the planetarium." Ren said seriously.

"I know, but don't you think giving an astronomical telescope is more suitable for your status as a high school student?" Hayasaka continued to persuade.

Ren emphasized, "The planetarium is a gift I worked hard for."


"So, that won't change."

If Ren changes his gift so easily, wouldn't the time he spent thinking about this gift be wasted?

After all, there is an astronomical telescope in the planetarium, even if Fumino doesn't accept the planetarium, it's not too late for him to give her that astronomical telescope.

"Hayasaka, I asked you to come here to help Kamikawa-kun, not to deny him." Kaguya criticized her dissatisfied.

Hayasaka: "..."

She knew that was the case.

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