
Gabriel Clearly Doesn’t Like Me

"In the future? Isn't this just summer vacation?"

It was only at that moment that Ren realized her choice of words.

"If not?" Asumi said without hesitation, "I owe you a lot, but cooking for you during the summer vacation alone is not enough to repay your kindness."

"You don't need to trouble yourself too much." Ren refused, "Cooking for me during the summer vacation is already enough."

"What about after the summer vacation? Will someone cook for you then?"

Asumi turned around and walked to the kitchen, saying this to him as she put on apron.

Ren answered honestly: "Yes. Gabriel will come back then, and she will cook for me."

"Gabriel? Who's that? Your girlfriend, or what?"

Asumi seemed very interested in this matter and asked eagerly.

Generally, besides the mother, the only possibility for a woman to cook for a boy is either a girlfriend or a caretaker.

And clearly, if Ren called her by her first name, the girl definitely wasn't his mother.

As a caretaker, there's no summer vacation, so the only remaining option is a girlfriend.

"My good friend lives next to me." Ren emphasized specifically, "She used to cook for me, but she's not here now during the summer vacation and has gone home."

"...Good friend?"

After saying that word again, Asumi's tone became very gentle.

"Even if you're just friends, is there a reason for her to cook for you?"

"I just can't cook. I used to eat bread three times a day. She wanted to take care of me, so she helped me cook."

Ren didn't hide anything and recounted his past.

"I might understand." Asumi concluded, "Even before the summer vacation, did you always bother her to cook for you?"


After thinking for a moment, Ren agreed with her statement.

Because she needed to cook for him, Gabriel had to wake up early to make breakfast and lunch for himself. She also had to make dinner for him in the evening, which took away her playing time.

It was indeed troublesome for her.

"In that case, I'll even need to take care of your three meals a day in the future." Asumi winked at him and said with a smile.


Ren didn't understand what she was thinking.

"Do you think she's willing to cook for you all the time without feeling troubled?" Asumi asked.

"I don't know. But she said I could always trouble her. She's already used to being bothered by me."

Ren remembered clearly what Gabriel had said.

"From what you've said, she still considers it a bother, but she's used to it." Asumi continued, "By the way, do you think she likes you?"

If the girl named Gabriel liked Ren, then what's called a bother wouldn't be a problem at all, but it would become like a tsundere statement.

"She doesn't like me. We're just good friends." Ren remembered clearly, "She said there's no possibility between us and asked me to give up the idea of marrying her. She sees me as a good friend."

This is what Gabriel said back then when he and Gabriel were chatting about lovers and marriage.

Therefore, it can be judged from those words that Gabriel will never like him.

They're just good friends.

"Cruel speech." Asumi sighed.

Based on Ren's recounting just now, she could basically confirm that the girl named Gabriel really didn't like Ren at all, and she couldn't be a tsundere.

Even if she were a tsundere, she couldn't say that there's no possibility and Ren must give up on marrying her.

In other words, she really thought it would be troublesome to cook for Ren, and she said it truthfully.

"Great, right? Being good friends."

Ren felt nothing wrong with Gabriel's words.

"That's true, but Kouhai-kun, don't you think it's okay to let a girl who finds it difficult to cook for you keep cooking for you?"

After making sure that the girl who cooked for Ren in the past didn't like him, Asumi didn't worry.

If the girl named Gabriel liked him, she wouldn't be able to take over the right to cook for him.

But because she finds it difficult to cook for Ren and doesn't like him, it's better for everyone to take over the right to cook for him.

Gabriel has one more thing that she thinks is troublesome. She can repay her debt to him. Ren still has someone who cooks for him.

Kill three birds with one stone, the best result.

"It's not good."

Ren nodded.

"So, can I start worrying about you from now on, Kominami-senpai?"

Ren made a decision and asked very seriously.

"Okay. I'll make breakfast for you first, please wait a moment."

Asumi answered and started busy in the kitchen.


Ren sat back at the table, opened the letter he planned to send to Gabriel, and took out the letter paper.

Opening the letter paper, he took the pen and continued writing on it.

Luckily, he left some blank lines last night, otherwise he would have to write them again.

He planned to tell Gabriel the good news that Asumi would cook for him in the future, so there was no need to trouble her anymore.

Gabriel would surely be very happy to know this.

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