
People with Superpowers Don’t Want to Be Popular

Question: What would you do if you had omnipotent superpowers? To dominate the world? Or do whatever you want? Or maybe... Kamikawa Ren’s answer was that he wanted to be an ordinary person. As a creature with true superpowers, he always tries to be like ordinary people. During class, listen carefully to Mafuyu’s Sensei lecture like a normal student. After class, he patiently lectured the Nakano quintuplets about the topic like normal students. After school, like ordinary members, worked hard to help President Shinomiya solve her problems. After returning home, he friendly played games with Gabriel like normal friends. In this way, he has worked hard to become an ordinary person. However, what made him a little confused was, would the lives of ordinary people be the same as his?

Takamiya_Shin · Anime & Comics
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754 Chs

Angel Raphiel


Ren subconsciously wanted to refuse.

The thing Vigne asked him to do was beyond his abilities.

He could barely hold a conversation with other people now, and he couldn't do things like help ask things for now.

"It's best not to let Gab know that we want to give her a birthday present," Vigne added, "I wanted to surprise Gab."

Even though Ren wanted to just refuse, but after thinking that he didn't know what gift to give Gabriel, the idea of refusing faded away.

After all, he also wanted to give Gabriel a gift she liked, so he planned to try it.

This was not only to help Vigne, but also for himself.

"I tried my best."

"Thank you," Vigne thanked him.

"You're welcome."

Thinking she had finished speaking, when Ren was about to leave, Vigne said shyly: "Also, Kamikawa-san, can I borrow your house for Wednesday night?"

"Borrow my house?"

Ren repeated.

"Yeah, because Gab seemed to have forgotten, and never told everyone that her birthday was coming up," Vigne explained, "So, I wanted to throw a birthday party to celebrate it. Just in case Gab really forgot her birthday."

"Then, after much consideration, only Kamikawa-san's house is suitable as a place to hold a birthday. Besides, my house is a bit too far from Gab's house, so it's not convenient for Gab to come."


Ren agreed without hesitation.

He didn't care about celebrating Gabriel's birthday in his own home, it was for Gabriel's sake.

"I'm really sorry to bother you. Then I'll clean the room for you," Vigne thanked him again.


Before Ren finished speaking, a female voice came from behind him and interrupted him.

"Excuse me, were you discussing Gabriel birthday celebration?"

Looking back, he saw a silver-haired girl radiating holy light standing not far from him, looking at him with a smile.

(Angel? Or the same demon as Vigne?)

Feeling the holy light on her body, Ren's innate detection superpower was activated again.

[Name: Raphiel Ainsworth Shiraha]

[Gender: Famale]

[Age: 16]

[Race: Angel]

(She is an angel like Gabriel)

Seeing the information displayed by the super powers, Ren felt much more relieved.

Because Gabriel was an angel, he had a good impression of angels.

"You?" Vigne asked.

"Sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Raphiel Ainsworth Shiraha. I am the same classmate as Gabriel, and I am also her good friend."

Raphiel continued to smile and introduced herself to them without haste.

"Are you in Gab's class?" Vigne realizes that this girl is actually an angel.

"Yeah, Gabriel didn't tell you before?" Raphiel looked a little surprised.

"Maybe Gab has been too busy recently and forgot."

Vigne took the initiative to explain.

"It doesn't matter, I don't care about this," Raphiel narrowed her eyes, "Compared to this, I care more about the birthday party you just mentioned. Can you allow me to attend?"

"Since you are Gab's friend, of course you can participate," Vigne agreed simply.

"Thank you, Vigne-san." Raphiel still had a smile on her face, "Of course, there is Kamikawa-san. After the party is over, I will stay and help clean up together."

"There's no need to trouble Raphiel-san about this, I can handle it myself," Vigne refused.

"Cleaning alone will definitely be a hassle, so let me help you a little." Raphiel's attitude was very firm.

(You are an angel like Gab)

After sighing in her heart, Vigne agreed: "Then it will be your hard work."

"It doesn't matter if it's hard work, I would be very happy if I could do something for Gabriel," Raphiel said indifferently.

Ren who had not spoken since earlier, was thinking about a question.

That's why this angel named Raphiel knows his name?

Just now, he obviously didn't introduce himself.

Very weird.



As Ren walked according to the navigation, he thought about how he could ask Gabriel what she wanted when he got to her house.

When they had just finished tutoring not long ago, Fumino and the others were also talking about giving Gabriel a birthday gift.

As Gabriel's friends, they were of course invited by Vigne.

In other words, now except for Gabriel, basically all of them know about her birthday party.

Apart from that, Vigne also reminded it not to tell Gabriel about this, because she wanted to give her a surprise.

Despite not understanding what a surprise was, Vigne said it would make Gabriel happy, so they agreed.

However, as a result the task becomes more difficult.

Without getting caught, find out what Gabriel wants.

"Woof woof woof! Woof woof woof!"

Just as he was about to say his words, there was a wave of dog barks from the corner ahead.


For some reason, Ren felt that the dog's bark sounded familiar, as if it were Satania's voice.

As Ren walked around the corner, he saw Satania holding a pineapple bun in her hand and barking, and came face to face with a small white dog opposite her. Next to her, he had just seen it during the day. Raphiel passed by and was covering her mouth, smiling silently.

"What's going on here?"

Ren didn't understand the meaning of this scene.

The only thing he could understand was that one should not bark like a dog.

The current Satania, for example, is really strange.

"Eh? Kamikawa-san?"

At this time, Raphiel saw Ren standing at the intersection.

"Good afternoon."

After hesitating for a moment, Ren walked over.

"Good afternoon," Raphiel answered with a smile.


Satania was stunned for a moment and subconsciously looked towards the intersection.

The moment she raised her head, the little white dog jumped up and bit the pineapple bun in her hand, and once again took the pineapple bun from her hand.

Then, the little white dog ran across with the pineapple bun in its mouth.

"My pineapple bread..."

After realizing that her pineapple bread had been robbed again, Satania couldn't help but cry.