
People are in Dragon Ball, the strongest Son Gohan

Su Mu accidentally traveled to the Dragon Ball World Son Gohan when he was a child. And he successfully activated the pickup attribute system. [Ding, the battle attribute +100 dropped from the front. ] [Ding, the skill attribute of the King's Fist is dropped from the front. ] ...... Since then, his life has been on the hook, shocking everyone. Sun Wukong: "I didn't expect the power hidden in Gohan's body to be so powerful, and the combat power has far surpassed me." King of the Northern Realm: "This kid's talent is called a monster, and my real world boxing can be seen just once!" Vegeta: "No, it's impossible, I'm so likely to lose to the son of a lower-level warrior?" Krillin: "Bick is indeed a generation of demon kings, and he can teach such terrifying evildoers." Frieza: "What? , What? Are you... a Super Saiyan?" Sharu: "How could this be, how could Son Gohan's power be so powerful?" Kaiō Shin: "What's the situation? This power has surpassed God!"... ps: The introduction is weak, please move to the main text. ... It will be a copy and paste nothing to say about fixing since I don't know much about English I would do it in Spanish so that it reads better

Copia_San · Anime & Comics
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360 Chs

Chapter 291 Saiyan God VS God of Destruction

King of the Holy Land.

"Is this the Saiyan God that Beerus-sama spoke of?"

Whis, who had not yet fought in the distance, was slightly shocked to see Vegeta's transformation.

I didn't expect these Saiyans to be so terrifying, and they have all cultivated into gods.

This is clearly the breath of God!

It seems that these Saiyans really cannot be ignored.

They never thought that human beings could cultivate into gods.

"That's right, this is the form of the Saiyan God."

"I can also transform into this form. Haha."

Sun Wukong saw that his opponent was so interested in this form.

He is also in the form of a Super Saiyan God in an instant.

"Hehehe, interesting. Let me see how powerful this Saiyan God is."

Whis also wanted to see the power of this Saiyan God.

See if this form is really as powerful as Beerus-sama said.

"bring it on."

Sun Wukong saw the calm expression on Wes' face.

He also had a look of fighting intent, and rushed towards Wes.

"Good come."

Whis punched Sun Wukong, who was rushing towards him.

He also wanted to try the opponent's strength, so everyone played head-to-head.


The two fists the size of sandbags collided instantly.

A terrifying air wave dissipated in all directions.

The ground is full of flying sand and rocks, and smoke and dust are everywhere.

Everyone tried to block their eyes.

For fear of dust running into his eyes.

Bang bang bang.

The two scuffled together in an instant.

The sound of the collision of forces continued to be heard in the smoke.

[Ding, drop 100 combat attributes. ]

[Combat power attribute +1 million. ]


The battle between Weiss and Sun Wukong begins.

The sound of the system kept coming out of Sun Wuhan's mind.

He stared at Wes, as if expecting something.

huh huh.

Weiss and Sun Wukong flew out of the smoke.

They hit from the ground into the air.


on another battlefield.


Vegeta, the God of Super Saiyan, punched Beerus, the God of Destruction.

Beerus also threw a punch.

Both are testing each other's strength.


Both of them were shaken back several steps by each other.

"Good guy, I didn't expect your combat power to be so powerful."

After Vegeta was shaken back, he immediately charged up again.

Beerus was also secretly shocked.

He did not expect that the fighting power of this Super Saiyan God was so strong.

Bang bang bang.

The two collided again.

Every time there is a collision, a deep pit is exposed on the ground.

They hit the air from the ground.

Everyone saw that their scalps were numb, which was too terrifying.

"Ancestor, who are these two?"

"Is their aura really too great?"

At this time, Kaiohshen and Jabeet came back to their senses.

They asked impatiently to the old god of the realm.

Everyone focused their attention on the old man.

They all want to know who is this guy who fought back and forth with the Saiyan God?

Why did they seal the old world king in the divine sword.

"This cat-like guy is Beerus, the god of destruction."

"And the one who fights with Sun Wukong is the angel Weiss, who is the master and attendant of the God of Destruction."

The old god of the realm looked at everyone.

He slowly revealed the identities of the two.

"Ancestor, are you saying that this guy is the legendary God of Destruction, Beerus? And the angel, Whis?"

"No wonder their breath is so terrifying."

Both Kaiwangshen and Jabeet were shocked when they heard what the old Kaiwangshen said.

Both of them shivered with fear, and took two steps back involuntarily.

I didn't expect these two guys to be the legendary God of Destruction and Lord Angel.

"Lord Realm King God, what the hell are the gods of destruction and angels?"

"Yeah, why haven't we heard of it?"

Trunks and Son Goten were so frightened when they saw Kaiohshen and Jabeet when they heard the God of Destruction.

The two of them were very curious, and neither had heard of a character with this number appearing.

Bick and others have never heard of this character.

They all looked at the old god of the realm, hoping to know the identity of the other party.

"It's normal that you two haven't heard of it."

"Even we are seeing them for the first time now."

"The God of Destruction is a god above our King God. According to legend, he likes to sleep very much, and he sleeps for a hundred years."

"Angels are the masters and attendants of the God of Destruction. He will take care of each other's daily life."

Before the old Kaiwang Shen made a sound, Kaiwang Shen and Jabeet both took a deep breath.

They speak out about the things that destroy God.

"I didn't expect that there are gods of destruction and angels on top of Kaiwang God?"

"Yeah, I didn't expect the battle between these two guys to be so strong."

After listening to the conversation between Kaiwangshen and Jabeet, everyone understood.

"Vegeta, right? It's time for the warm-up to end now."

The sound of destroying the myth fell, his strength and speed skyrocketed and he punched Vegeta.


Vegeta didn't expect the other party to keep a hand, and he hadn't had time to defend.

He could only block Beerus' fists with his hands crossed.


It was as if Vegeta had been hit by a 100-yard van.

His whole body flew out.

"Damn it, it's still a warm-up after playing so much just now?"

"Is this Beerus too scary?"

Krillin was also shocked when he heard what Beerus said.

I didn't expect this battle of the God of Destruction to be so terrifying.

"Gohan-san, do you think my dad can win?"

"Trunks, your dad can't win."

Trunks asked Son Gohan next to him with a worried look on his face.

Son Gohan knew that Beerus' destructive power had not been used yet.

Even Vegeta's Super Saiyan can't defeat Beerus.

Boom boom boom.

The energy bomb in Vegeta's hand, which flew out, was madly bombarding Beerus.

Everyone saw Beerus spread his palms in front of him.


The energy bomb exploded, and the billowing smoke enveloped Beerus.

"Da da da...."

Vegeta saw the energy bomb hit Beerus.

The energy bomb in his hand seemed to be free of money and slammed towards the explosion.


The explosion was filled with flames and smoke billowing from the sky.

Seeing this fire-intensive energy bomb explode, everyone's scalp is numb.


on another battlefield.

"Monkey King, I admit that your form of the Saiyan God is quite powerful."

"But I'm sorry, you met my angel Weiss, and I'll show you the power of our angel family."

Weiss smiled at Sun Wukong.

His speed and perception have been greatly improved.

It's like knowing what Monkey King's next move is every time.

"how can that be?"

The more and more Sun Wukong fought, the more frightened he became.

He felt that his movements and tricks were clearly seen by the opponent.
