

The beginning of deep pain experience

Micheal was a trunk drive, who used to transport Cooper from Zambia to South Africa. he became famous of the safe driving and honesty. He had a family which consisted of his wife and son.

The company where he used to work the conditions started becoming very bad, and the salary became small to take care of the family. As the days passes the child got sick, so they quickly rashes to the hospital were they found a line of patients.

They had to wait until his son was attended to, the doctor told him in privet that his son has few days to live unless he under goes a surgery which costs twenty three million kwacha k 23 000000. Now Micheal had neither cash nor someone to lend him money coz this was a huge amount of money which can cost him five years of saving.

The following day while his son in the hospital he went to work, he explained everything to the owner of the company unexpectedly the the owner responded negavily saying let him die so that now salary will be enough they will be less expenses.

He was annoyed he went straight to the hospital to check hoping maybe his son will get better. To be continued :