
Penniless Celebrity

Miku is a kind and pretty woman; she was involved in showbiz at a young age. She got her first movie project where she met his leading man; his name is Nikki. Nikki feels that Miku is the strange actress that he ever met. What will Nikki discover to Miku? Why does Miku become involved in showbiz at a young age?

MikixAce · Teen
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5 Chs


I'm starting to lose my consciousness but suddenly someone opened the door. The voice is very familiar; who's that person? I heard the footsteps of that person and he's approaching. I felt the grip of Majo was starting to lose and she surprisingly let me go. Before she let me go I feel she was trembling, she was paused at the moment when the person suddenly appeared there. I don't know why she did that but I was relieved that she let me go; I can finally breathe! Someone pulled me at my back and when I looked at that person it was him; It was Haru.

"H-Haru, why are you here?"

" You? Why are you like that? You let yourself to beaten like that!"

"I don't want to fight her and I don't want to hurt her."

"But you let her hurt you, is that right?"


He just sighed when I apologized to him and he suddenly looks at Majo's location. Majo was trembling when she saw Haru was looking at her. I was wondering why she's afraid of Haru? Haru is a nice and kind guy. I think Haru can't hurt anyone here and I don't think he can hurt a woman.

"Hey, Majo!"


"Why did you do this to Miku, huh?"

"Uh-we're just having fun, right, Miku?"

"FUN!? Do you think it's fun to be beaten???"

"No! please, Haru. Let me go, I'll not bother Miku anymore."

I was confused about what's happening. Haru is calm in this state but Majo seems she was terrified. Haru is approaching Majo but Majo is moving away, she does not want to be near Haru, I wonder why.

"Please, stay away, Haru."

"What's your problem, Majo? I'm just talking to you."

"Please, let me go. I just wanted to leave this room."

I don't know what's happening but Majo's eyes are screaming, she's terrified of Haru. I don't get why she's terrified of Haru. It looks like she's almost crying because of fear. Haru was sitting on the chair in front of Majo and he just watching her.

"Why do you want to leave this room, Majo? I just came here a while ago. You don't want to talk to me, huh?"

"…Haru, just let her go. It's fine."

"See Haru? Miku wanted me to leave on this room so, please let me go outside?"

"Are you sure, Miku?"

"Yes, I'm fine and I needed to go to the McDonalds."

"Is it great, Majo? Miku is kind so she wanted you to leave. Now leave."

Majo quickly runs to leave the room and I felt I'm still weak because my head was bleeding. Haru immediately approaches me and he saw my head is bleeding.

"Are you an idiot? What will happen if you got serious injury because of Majo?"

"Don't worry, I'm fine."

"You are not fine, Miku. Let's go to the school clinic and I think Ms. Ayu was still there."

"But I'm fine."

"Don't be stubborn, Miku."

He immediately carried me on his shoulder and we went to the school clinic. When Haru opened the door he saw Ms. Ayu, she was arranging the patient's records. She immediately saw my head was bleeding and she seems worried about my condition. Haru helps me to seat on the chair properly and Ms. Ayu started to treat my wound.

"What happened? Why Miku's head is bleeding?"

"I don't know the whole story but when I opened the door I saw Miku was lifting by her neck. She was choking by someone."

"Who's the one who's lifting her?"

"No new, it still Majo,"

"Are you alright, Miku?"

"Yes. I'm totally fine, Ms. Ayu. Thank you for your concern."

Ms. Ayu treats some of my wounds that I got when Majo beat me. I also got bruises around within my body, my stylish will be troubled with these bruises. I also got scratches on my neck because the nails of Majo were too long and I would say it's kinda painful.

"You should report her to the principal and to the police station because you got a lot of injuries because of what she did to you, Miku"

"….No, It's fine, Ms. Ayu"

"What are you serious, Miku? After what she did to you?"

"Yes, Haru. I don't want to make it worst."

"But Miku, you are on the edge of death at that moment and you don't intend to report this case to the police?"

"No, I don't have to intend to report on what happened to me. I'm still alive and that's the important thing."


"No, please no, Haru. You should understand."

"If it is your decision Miku, we will respect it but you should tell us if Majo was messing you up again, okay?"

"Thank you, Ms. Ayu."

"If I did not come in the classroom, Miku might be dead right now."

"Why did she do that to you, Miku?"

"I don't know why did she do that. She just immediately attacked me out of nowhere and I don't know why she's aggressive."

"She's just a psychopath, Ms. Ayu. All of the students knew that." –Haru

"Did you say something that might be triggered her?"

"I did not say anything but-

"But what?"

"when she found out that I am an actress she immediately becomes aggressive."

I suddenly mentioned that I'm an actress, I'm such an idiot. I forgot what happened between me and Ayumi when they found out that I'm an actress. They just left me behind and they don't want to befriend me. I don't know if they will be the same if they knew that I'm an actress. I don't want them to change because they just found out something about me. I just instantly close my eyes and bite my lips because they might be mad at me but I was wrong.

"Wait, what? Are you an actress, Miku?" –Haru

"Ah- that's why you looked so familiar with me, Miku."

"Do you know her, Ms. Ayu?"

"Yes, I saw her at the cover magazine last night."

Ms. Ayu immediately finding the magazine in every cabinet and she found it. She gives it to Haru and his reaction was hilarious. His mouth has gaped when she saw me in the cover magazine. Ms. Ayu closed the mouth of Haru.

"Is this really you, Miku?"


"You are gorgeous on the cover magazine, Miku."

"Thank you, Ms. Ayu."

"Why I did not know you, Miku?"-Haru

"Miku was not popular yet like the other actresses. You are just new, right, Miku?"

"Yes. It is just the beginning of my career."

"I can't even believe that you are an actress, Miku."

"I know, Haru. I'm not expecting to be popular as the other actresses. I'm contented that what I have and where am I."

To be honest, I don't want to be part of celebrities. My parents are the ones who decide within my future but looking at their eyes they were not supporting my career. They are just relying on me because I am the only one who was working to pay our bills and support our needs. They are just hanging around with their friends. I'm not blaming them because they don't have any work but I'm thankful because I'm useful to them. We amused ourselves by talking and I forgot that I need to go to the McDonalds to have a job. I need to go home too as soon as possible because I need to cook our dinner. I immediately pick up my things.

"Where are you going, Miku? You are still recovering. you should take a rest."

"I'm sorry, Ms. Ayu but I need to go."

"It seems you are in a hurry, Miku…"

"Not now Haru, Let's talk tomorrow. I need to go now. See you tomorrow!"

"Wait, Miku!"

"Yes, Ms. Ayu?"

"You should go to the hospital to check up your head because it might have serious damage"

"I will go to the hospital by tomorrow but now I need to go something important. See yo----"

"You should go now, Miku."

"Sorry, Ms. Ayu but I can't. I will go to the hospital by tomorrow, I promise."

"I will mark your word. Take care!"

"I will. See you!"

I run as fast as I can to arrive at McDonald's. I passed my resume and take an interview before I leave he notices my bandage on my head and some part of the body.

"Would you mind if I ask about your bandages?"

"Ah, about my bandages even on my head?"

"Yes, I was distracted about your injuries."

"Ah, don't mind it, sir, I just got a slight accident but I'm fine right now."

"Ah, okay. You should be careful next time. You only have one life and you should value it."

"Thank you, sir, I will remember what you told about life. See you tomorrow."

I should value my life, huh? He does not know that it's not my life because this life belongs to my parents. I'm just following what they told me, I'm just like their puppet. I went straight home and it looks like no one is home. The lights are off and it's quiet, I open the lights and went to my room. I change my clothes and went to the kitchen to make our dinner. I fried mackerel Scad and I sautéed the leftover cabbage in the refrigerator. Before my parents come home I finished cooking and I served it on the table. I heard someone open the door and I immediately greet them with a smile.

"Welcome home, mom and dad."

"is the dinner served?"

"Yes, dad.

They just looked at me and did not say anything except asking about the dinner. They did not even ask about my bandages within my head and body. They are looking at me like nothing happened. We went to the kitchen to eat. My mom was eating but my dad is just staring at the fried mackerel and sautéed cabbage.

"Is there any problem, dad?"

"Are you seriously asking what's wrong? What are these food?"

"It's fried mackerel and sautéed cabbage, dad."

"Don't make me an idiot. I know it's fried mackerel and sautéed cabbage, What I mean do you think I will eat those?"

"I'm sorry, dad but I'm still don't have any money to buy meat."

I was surprised when my dad suddenly grabbed my clothes, I look at my mother, she's still eating and it looks like she does not want to meddle in this situation. He slapped my face and he looks like mad about the food, he does not want a mackerel.

"You are such a useless daughter! You did not help us with anything. YOU ARE WORTHLESS!"

He suddenly grabbed my hair and he started to tweak. My head was starting to bleed again because my wound was not yet healed. I started to cry because it was painful and I beg him to let me go from tweaking my hair.

"I'm so sorry, dad! Please let go of my hair, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts. Please let it go."

"Let her go, Ito. Look at her head, it was bleeding. Don't make it worst."

"Tsk. Do what you want, I'll sleep now."

"Miku, if you are doing your job right, you will never feel that pain. You should follow what we tell to you and if you wanted to make us happy."

My mom and dad went to their room to sleep while I, was left behind here in the kitchen. My head hurt so much, it was painful and it was still bleeding. I continue my food and after eating I clean all of the messed. While I'm wiping the table I notice the bloodstain on the floor, I wiped it. I went to the bathroom and look in the mirror. I saw in the mirror a pretty woman; her blood was dripping down her face from her head. She looks miserable and pathetic; I instantly remember that woman is me. I take a shower and went to my room to change all of my bandages. I started to change the bandage in my head and it takes a lot of time to treat your wounds. I suck at bandaging but it is better than dripping your blood into your bed. I lie down on my bed and I instantly fall asleep. I suddenly woke up when I heard that noisy sound; it was my alarm clock. I get up in my bed and I went straight to the kitchen to preheat the sautéed cabbage and mackerel that we ate last night. I hope they will eat those foods because it will be a waste and I think I will be the one who will eat those when I come home later. I started to groom myself and go straight into the studio. When I arrived at the studio they were just looking at me like they want me to ask what happened. I saw Nikki looking at me he's also curious about my condition like why do I have many bandages around my head and body; He seems worried. I just remember that my manager did not call me last night to remember our shoot for the movie but now he's approaching me all of the sudden.

"Why are you here, Miku? You should not be here."

"huh? What do you mean, sir?"