
Pelagus Fabula

This story follows the story Mordred who seeks strength to defeat Adam in the next magical war. While making connections through his journey he discovers the dark side of every race and his encounter with the powerful beings.

Iuvenis_Lectorem · Fantasy
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48 Chs

Thorned battle

(April 7, 2061/ 8:27 AM/ Current location: Demon King's forest-)

[Elf: Is this my end?]

Muto is about to slash until something bright hits his eye.

What is that? (Muto)

He looked at it keenly and saw her crown with a single red jewel attached to it.

A rare Reburoculis, capable of storing any fire-based magic up to Deca-Grade Attack spells. (Evangel)

Wait. Isn't that only given to Elven Royalty? What is that doing here?...

What if. (Muto)

The weightless Giant sword that he made dematerialized and invocated another sword but smaller and longer.

Best not to trigger any defensive spell if I want to interrogate her. (Muto)

He slashes off the Griffon's head and seized the Elf out of it. Muto painfully held her. By gripping her wrist as a way to do it.

He has various amount of spellswords aimed all around themselves.

[Muto: Answer my question and I won't kill you.]

She is unwilling to answer. Neither is the Elf encouraged to.

[Elf: Just kill me. I'm not worth keeping alive.]

[Muto: Is that so.]

Muto inquired a question before getting to the point.

[Muto: I won't ask about your past but I will ask one thing.]

[Elf: I have no ears to the one who killed an innocent Flock.]

Innocent? The fuck are you saying? Those Griffons were about to kill me and I acted out with the notion of self-defense. Your race is retarded as batshit. (Muto)

[Muto: I'm gonna say it anyway. Do plants have life? Your kind clings to the idea that all lives are valuable. What if something insignificant as a house plant has life.]

[Elf: Plants have no life. We do not hold any connections with them. That is the curse of the Elven race.]

[Muto: Say that to a Dryad. Well then, my last question is: Will you stand with me?]

[Elf: As if I will, Family killer.]

[Muto: I told you it was self-defense.]

[Elf: Is that all you can say Demon?]

[Muto: I can say that you weigh more than a hippopotamus and that would still be a compliment.]

[Elf: Say That Again And I'll Skewer You!]

[Muto: That's the spirit!]

[Elf: Huh?]

The Elf is left to wonder about his words

[Muto: You sound alive.]

[Elf: Alive... I guess I still am.]

[Muto: Are you gonna waste the life they gave you?]

The Elf looked down and saw the Griffons that took care of her. They gave their lives without question nor hesitation.

So one answer came to mind.

[Elf: Let me be your Servant!]


(-April 7, 2061/ 8:30 AM/ Current location: Trauzagaien University-)

Thankfully, the students as well as the teachers have been evacuated by Primis and the school staff before all went into chaos.

A wall behind the school can be heard demolished by the two combatants.

Anastasia and Videns.

Their duel expands to the Football field. Stakes of blood and steel strings are ubiquitous to be seen from the University district.

The lines between who is stronger cannot be speculated for none of those two have yet to be wounded. The sentries that blocked Anastasia's escape have perished from thorns entrenched through their chests.

Both are on the offensive and neither are they gonna change it.

Videns' has not even used the rapier yet.

Anastasia recognized that he is charging energy constantly to the sword continuously to a level where it's beginning to overheat.

She has been striving to halt it but has yet to be successful.

I'm losing plenty of mana from using Vlad the Impaler. But it's worth it. An alteration of method is required if I want to kill him. (Anastasia)

Anastasia pushed him away with wind magic.

Videns made a quick recovery after flipping a few times.

She stops attacking him and stands on the flat field.

Anastasia took a deep breath and exhaled loudly.

[Videns: Oh come on! It was just getting fun.]

She stanced herself.

A stance from a particular Martial Arts style of the person they looked up upon, has been used indefinitely.

[Videns: Wing Chun?.....]

Videns is perplexed by the change in her style.

Blood flared out of her body and hastily draped itself around Anastasia's legs and arms. It solidifies and a red glowing aura appears.

He is looking at her. Thinking of every possible move that she can give rise to with an obsolete stance. Videns has his rapier in a stabbing position, tight to his face.

Videns rescinds his cords.

A calm and bitter stare down.

The scenery, looking like a Colosseum made of thorns.

[Videns: You planned this from the start. Keeping me here won't change anything.]

[Anastasia: Death will be your fate and I will keep it that way.]

[Videns: In a sense, you've already done your revenge. Why do it again?]

[Anastasia: Revenge is about permanency. You should not be alive after it. As long as you live, I will exact justice for my deceased members of Einfall.]

[Videns: Our old party?]

The two face off with an unimaginable amount of zeal.

Videns lunges towards Anastasia.

His speed creates leverage that multiplies the vigor of his rapier plus the energy stocked from that weapon may be able to obliterate anything that she can thwart with.

It is a straightforward answer to the gut. An honest attack.

Nevertheless, a simple attack can be stopped with a simple defense.

She blocks with her right leg and whirls it to the other angle.

And after that.

All Hell breaks loose.

The wall of thorns was eradicated. The gale rendered by his attack brushed off all of its grass behind her. Half of the Football field is gone by mere gusts of his onslaught.

Anastasia sweeps his legs, prompting Videns to slump. While in the air, She elbows his back causing him to descend faster than he was before.

Down to the ground, She shortly followed with a spurt of blows that made Videns block with his arms.

Each hit is fueled by Magical energy that results in shockwaves. Burrowing to the ground with monstrous force.

His jacket that is protecting his body is losing mana at an alarming rate. If it loses its mana reserves, his arms will have irreversible damage.

With the mana that his jacket is storing. He sacrifices it to escape Anastasia's perpetual blows.

Videns' only form of defense, sacrificed with only a nick of time.

This is bad. I can't place my strings on a flat surface. My jacket is gone and I've already used his rapier. What now? (Videns)

Anastasia charges at him.

Videns in a state of panic, tried to stab her with the rapier he's brandishing.

He is a master of precision so it's no surprise that Videns will aim for her eyes.

Yet that panic attack is stymied by mana elicited parry. Causing him to free his grip of the weapon.

With moves as sharp as lightning and blows as hard as diamonds, Anastasia struck his right side, liver and left rib. All accurate moves and spots.

He speedily corrects his stance but Anastasia preempts him to.

He gave a weak straight punch that Anastasia parried, followed with a strike to the jaw, left rib and an elbow to the face.

This three hit combo, downed his perception of time and his conception.

She rapidly strikes his stomach in quick succession that moves up to his chest like a jackhammer.

Videns is losing consciousness.

She positions her hand to where his diaphragm is located.

Anastasia gave a lethal one-inch punch to the stomach and sent him flying.

A one-inch punch that broke the sound barrier.

As he is in the state of overflowing adrenaline and branched thinking. She grabbed his legs mid-air and pulled him in to give another strike.

Blasts of wind burst out of her elbow and Anastasia's knuckles bolstered with staggering amounts of mana and blood-made spikes on her knuckles.

A hit from that may end his life.

Her right arm simmering with magical energy, Anastasia brought a downward pummel.

In Videns' last moments as he sees her fist, bit by bit reach his face.

He had few words to say.

[Videns: {Fiat Mihi Laborem Et Dolorem Manifesta Sunt. Forma Sit Veritas, Herrschmagius.}]

Anastasia's fist that was about to hit him mysteriously vanished, so is Videns. Something rumbled from behind her. Like magic spells being deployed on an unfeasible rate.

Did he just use Herrschmagius? That isn't possible. That spell isn't even magic to begin with. How did Videns do it? (Anastasia)

Even after cutting off Anastasia's arm she can't feel pain after her ascension to the seat of Gospel.

[Videns: Scared?]

Videns are staring right in front of her. So close that their faces might touch.

The air he gives off is straight up sickening to look at. He isn't even human anymore.

He's a

[Anastasia: Nidhogg's Blight!]