
Pelagus Fabula

This story follows the story Mordred who seeks strength to defeat Adam in the next magical war. While making connections through his journey he discovers the dark side of every race and his encounter with the powerful beings.

Iuvenis_Lectorem · Fantasy
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48 Chs

The God's Bane

(- April 7, 2061/ 9:00 AM/ Current location: Trauzagaien -)

As Mordred is being taken away by a single tree branch, Alice is slicing and plowing through the flora that Mordred is expelling. The durability and its density is nothing to joke around since it is made from pure mana. She is impressed and scared with the results of her creation. With each strike that Alice caused, the armor on her hand slowly lose its durability. Her armor that supported her every movement is out of power and is weighing her down. Only her raw strength and willpower could save her now.

Things seemed like it was the end for her until...

It stopped.

She was encased inside of a pure white Magi steel.

Her gauntlet that was on the brink of shattering finally broke into tiny little pieces.

[Alice: Plot armor much?]

She used her teleporter and went into where Videns is located.

Alice sees her lying on the ground lifeless while smiling.

[Alice: Wake up low life.]

After a few seconds, the hole that Anastasia made is restored back and healed without any scars. He stood up and patted his body to remove the dirt that covered his body.

[Videns: Impressive. Your old age has not deteriorated your perception.]

[Alice: To think you were still alive after using Herrschermagius.]

[Videns: Thanks to my Stasis and being Nidhogg's spirit vassal, I've attained the closest form of immortality.]

[Alice: Cool, now let's go back to headquar-]

Something or rather, someone fell in front of Alice.

Filia and Raiden are wielding the weapons thought to be lost during the war.

[Alice: You two! How and where did you find the Old armory's Catastrophe class weapons?]

[Old Keeper: You don't need to know that. What matters right now is how you will save your skins.]

Above them is a plane from the Old armory called "Intactus Corax". This plane is focused on stealth, speed and reconnaissance. Perfect for spying unto other territories.

Videns told to Alice.

[Videns: If he is what I think he is then I'm certain that the possibility of him finally appearing himself is 100%.]

[Alice: The Patron Saint Isidore Seville.]

(W/N: Isidore Seville is Old keeper's full name)

Isidore surveyed the area and only saw Videns and Alice. Seeing as the only people present here are these two, he concluded that Mordred lost the battle. This angered him deeply.

From the looks of it. She has won the battle against Mordred. The amount of destruction she caused. I will rectify it. (Isidore)

Isidore shouted to Filia and Raiden.

[Isidore: My Children Rage! My Children Scream! My Children Fight! Reclaim What Is Lost By Taking Their Lives!]


(- 10 minutes before the fight. -)

(- 8:51 AM/ Current location: Air space-)

[Isidore: Listen to me well you two. At best, you have about 10 minutes to use the God's bane in it's full power by using it's reserves. After using all of its reserves it will switch to using your own mana as a source.]

[Raiden: You didn't tell me that this sword has a reserve! I was prepared to use my life for it.]

[Isidore: That's why I want you to be wise and fast when using it. Find a window of opportunity and push through it.]

[Filia: How many strikes can we do with this?]

[Isidore: You only have 5 strikes. After that, your life. Is everything clear?]

[Filia and Raiden: Yessir!]

Good! Mordred has found good and competent friends. I really am proud of him. (Isidore)


(- Present time -)

(- 9:00 AM/ Current location: Trauzagaien University -)

Without hesitation, the energy that was stored inside the God's bane is released in a sweeping motion by Raiden. The home and establishments that stood for decades have been erased in a blink of an eye.

Videns and Alice jumped away from the incoming blast of uncontrolled energy and narrowly dodged as a result.

[Videns: Whoa! That's from the Old Armory?]

Filia quickly lunged forth and attacked Alice. She swung the blade overhead and the energy from its reserves started emerging. With nothing to place her foot on, she maneuvered her body in such a way that it would let her use Filia's blade as a foothold. With the assistance of the impact, she is finally out of range against her lethal strike. The whole region shook as the Magical energy expelled from the weapon collided with the ground.

Raiden's body is cloaked with wind magic just like the time when he fought Mordred. Using his body, he crashed into Videns, causing him to be dragged around and break through walls.

[Raiden: Heh, I could use this guy as a wrecking ball.]

[Videns: Would you believe me if I said that I can turn you into one?]

Videns twisted his body and switched roles with Raiden. With his palm on Raiden's face, he continued doing what Raiden was doing. Breaking down walls with his body and finally throwing him into an innocent wall of a children's restaurant.

Bouncing off the tiles where young and aspiring youth used to run around. He landed at a throne from a previous cosplay party prop with a perfect sitting position.

Everything seemed to be over. Videns starts to observe his opponent, his opponent was lifeless and lacks signs of movement.

[Videns: Sheesh, that was intense. See ya later.]

He turned around and walked back to Alice to assist her but Raiden had other plans for him. The figure behind him started cackling. Videns turned to see that he was sitting cross legged, holding his sword to his shoulders and eating an unwrapped burger in front of him.

[Raiden: Man! This sure takes me back to when I used to sneak out of my room just so I could eat some low-class food.]

[Videns: That's an impressive durability kid. I wonder how you stack up to John.]

[Raiden: The hell's he gotta do with all of this?]

I'm practically naked right now. I don't see my sword anywhere, my cloak was torn to shreds and I'm only wearing pants and shoes. Alice, we need to escape. (Videns)


(-Meanwhile at Filia and Alice-)

The sounds of a worn down sword and a refined alloy clashing and deflecting from one another can be heard all over the wreckage.

I don't have many chances at this fight. She has more experience and talent compared to mine but everything this bitch has is exhausted. Not killing her right now is like losing the easiest high paying job. I just need a window. It doesn't have to be big at all. (Filia)

The ground crack with each step that she makes while closing her distance to Alice. Her sheer force of the pace can make a person lose balance.

While flowing through the battle, Alice and Filia reached a road flooded with water.

Both of them are in the center. Filia saw an opportunity.

Filia thrusted her blade which Alice dodged easily. With her right leg, she kicks the blade away and into the wall of a house.

Alice looked in her eyes to see a reaction but all she had was seriousness. She have something planned but it was hard to predict what it was.

Without an incantation, her opponent's hand started to electrify with magic.

[Filia: {Rugiet Collisus!}]

Filia went for a haymaker towards her jaw which sadly missed by Alice leaning back by a few inches. But that was not her intention. Her fist continued to fall towards the water that both of them were stepping on. This was idiotic of her since there are multiple countermeasures for it. Such as jumping away.

What's she even doing? (Alice)

Alice jumped back to avoid being electrocuted by her magic.

Just as her hand was above the water by a few centimeters, the lightning faded in a flash, revealing an open hand instead of a fist.

[Filia: Tribute Summon! Ladon!]

Filia likely deduced that the water from the ground is mixed with magical properties since this road hosts stores that sell liquidized mana for experiments, weapon engravings, and even mana stone creation. Seeing as the containers and vials inside of it are broken and dripping down the road.

All the water converged into a flat circle. The water evaporated instantly and a magic circle appeared with multiple heads of Ladon emerging from it.

I'm not exactly proficient in tribute summoning but with this much it's checkmate! (Filia)

Alice is only a few seconds away from her death if she doesn't do something now.

Each of Ladon's heads started firing fire balls successively like a machine gun.

I'll admit, she got me good, but not good enough. (Alice)

A bright light flashed and she disappeared, missing all the shots that Ladon fired. Leaving only a trace of mana residue.

[Filia: That bitch just escaped.]

[Ladon: Impressive. I do not regret making a contract with you.]

[Filia: Wait, you mean you regretted it before?]

The God's bane flew back to Filia's hands and rested it at her shoulder while emanating a glow of anger towards Ladon.

Filia started to bicker at Ladon for a few minutes or so. Ladon has no way of countering it. She soon changed the topic.

[Filia: I wonder how Raiden is doing.]