
Pelagus Fabula

This story follows the story Mordred who seeks strength to defeat Adam in the next magical war. While making connections through his journey he discovers the dark side of every race and his encounter with the powerful beings.

Iuvenis_Lectorem · Fantasy
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48 Chs

Overwhelming power

(-1 day before the attack-)

(April 6, 2061/ 6:30 AM/ Current location: Alice's office-)

Alice is explaining the plan to Videns at her office. Videns is sitting to hear the lecture and Alice is teaching the steps on what to do and what not to do.

[Alice: There will be two groups. The 1st platoon will be infiltrating Charles's mansion to find the Core of his sword. The second platoon will be focusing on capturing Clone: 666. 1st platoon will infiltrate using a MTD to get near the mansion. Once the platoon is there, the 1st platoon's sub-group will lose intentionally and give Anastasia, The Gospel of Darkness information that the 2nd platoon will be attacking the university. Then the main group of the 1st platoon will infiltrate the mansion to search for the core. The 2nd platoon's goal is diversion itself. We just need to pull that Gospel out of that mansion until we get what we need.]

(W/N: MTD stands for Mass Teleportation Device.)

Videns raised his hands to ask a question.

[Videns: So what is my role in this?]

[Alice: You'll be revealing yourself to the decoy target. By the time that the Gospel of Darkness receives the information, you're there to solidify the Idea that capturing Clone: 666 is the main objective.]

[Videns: Wait, so clone 666 comes later? How valuable is that core?]

[Alice: It's the only thing I need to perfect the clones. The core has the power to refine mana at an impossible rate. That's why I have to get it no matter the cost.]


(-April 7, 2061/ 8:21 AM/ Current location: Trauzagaien University-)

As Videns stared at the two while humming his tune. He sees the target item in Mordred's glove. This of course made him confused.

[Videns: I think we messed up.]

He dials his phone and calls Alice.

[Videns: I think we messed up. The core is with Clone: 666.]

[Alice: Change of plans. Call all of the troops to converge in the University.]

[Videns: Understood.]


(-Meanwhile at the Mansion-)

(-8:22 AM-)

A hail of bullets raining down. Charles' mansion is being defended by a barrier connected through the Country's magic core. The reserve itself is highly refined and nearly unlimited so the chances of the Magic barrier being destroyed is but a myth.

The men, women, and children were evacuated before this had all begun.

With very little force from Charles's mansion, they were able to wipe out 3/4th of the members of the platoon.

This is all thanks to the Head Butler of Charles's Mansion.

[Alpha: Shit. It still hurts.]

Alpha is wounded on her legs. Yet she continues to fight while hiding behind the Barrier.

[Sebastián: It's time that you rest Alpha. Your wound isn't going to heal itself that way.]

[Alpha: Just shut up and shoot. We swore fidelity and unwavering loyalty to Lord Charles didn't we?]

[Sebastián: So you have the strength to protect this place and yet you can't protect yourself. Just please stay back and heal your wound.]

As they brace for another wave of bullets, the sounds of Airship engines sounded like moving away and the lead that never seemed to end has stopped.

Sebastián took a peek and saw that they are moving to another place which is oddly where Mordred learns at.

[Sebastián: We might have a problem here.]

Sebastián pulled out his phone and called Anastasia


(-At Trauzagaien University-)

(-8:23 AM-)

Videns and Anastasia are glaring at each other, trying to ascertain how they can defeat each other. And at the center of those glares is the person he is attempting to be used as bait. He is also the person that she is teaching.

Anastasia's phone vibrated inside her pocket. Ending the stare down of two mighty opponents.

She answers the phone.

[Anastasia: What is it?]

[Sebastián: Just now, the airship that attacked the mansion is heading towards the University. I advise that you move away to cause less damage to the school.]

[Anastasia: The Mansion was attacked? How did I not know this?]

A blade glinted on the side of her peripheral. A blade that he used back in the war. So sharp, so elegant, so sinful. It always garnered the attention of women. Aside from its beauty, its poison is one of the deadliest.

Just as it was about to stab her eye. Its direction swerved away and barely missed, caused by an abrupt magic-made wind.

Videns jump back to create distance.

His speed and precision far outclass the fencers that lived their entire life with the blade.

Mordred is in the danger zone.

He is a liability if he stays and tries to fight alongside Anastasia.

Just who is he? He suddenly entered Anastasia's range in a blur. What is he made of even? (Mordred)

[Anastasia: Take this and go with your friends.]

She gave Mordred an item of peculiar origins. The item that Anastasia gave him is a long-distance portable teleporter.

[Anastasia: I'll give this to you. Make sure that you're with your companions when you use it.]

[Mordred: Right.]

Mordred ran back to the classroom to get his friends out of the University.

All that is left is.

[Anastasia: Why didn't you immediately run to capture him?]

[Videns: Even if I did you would stop me so that's a "No".]

[Anastasia: Yeah, you're right.]

[Anastasia: I have a question before we trash this place.]

[Videns: Go ahead.]

[Anastasia: How did you get his rapier?]

Her aura changed. Bloodlust was in the air and Videns was savoring it. His vision of her is like a raging beast. Out of control and has gone feral.

[Videns: I'm not telling you.]

As their killing intent starts to flow out of them like a gas leak, Alice's soldiers come in. Videns taps his earpiece to communicate with Alice.

[Videns: Boss, the target has been compromised and left for another location.]

[Alice: Don't mind it. Meanwhile, hold her off while I enter the field. Copy?]

[Videns: Copy.]

The line ended and Videns' blade was rumbling. His men backed up and activated their shields.

[Videns: How long was it when we fought?]

[Anastasia: Hard to say. I remember drinking all of your blood after you broke the Oath. You shouldn't be alive right now.]

[Videns: And yet I am.]

Videns' is suddenly surrounded by steel strings and mana. The air became difficult to breathe and he stood like a fencer.

[Videns: Now, Satiate my boredom.]


(-8:24 AM/ Current location: Central Plaza-)

Mordred, Anna, Alice, Raiden, and Filia all are teleported to the Central Plaza. Not knowing the situation, Raiden asks a question.

[Raiden: Hey, didn't we agree that we would kill some bad guys? What happened?]

[Mordred: Change of plans. We need to escape or else we'll be dead.]

[Filia: Before I complain, Who made you change your decision?]

[Mordred: It wasn't me. It was Teacher Anastasia that ordered me to. And, that guy she's fighting right now is bad news.]

[Filia: What is his name?]

[Mordred: I don't know yet but all I can say is that he could kill us at any moment if we stayed.]

After their conversation, something fell right in front of their eyes. A cocoon made of Magic Alloy and Titanium, it demolished the ground and sent dust flying everywhere.

The townspeople are alerted and begin running away from the scene.

Soon after, the cocoon tore open and a person came out.

She is none other than Alice.

The Chief Executive Officer of the Vanidicus Industries. AKA The Queen Of Destruction.

Dawning a red, self-customized battle armor and a High-Frequency Saber. She is a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield. Not only is she capable of destroying an army on her own, but she could also make one of her own.

The Police came rushing in with their standard-issue weapons. 82 of them to be exact.

It looks like she is a sworn enemy of Trauzagaien if most of the Police force of the sector is voluntarily participating. (Mordred)

Mordred and his allies made a run for it and passed the guards that were rushing towards her. They have gotten to a pretty far breadth to be outside of her presence.

Most of the Police force are wielding melee weapons since there are a few remaining Civilians in the field, Including Mordred.

[Alice: Save your breath.]

Alice is in front of them while staring back.

What happened to them? (Mordred)

A drizzle of blood. A downpour of death. Limbs, heads, torsos, organs, every body part conceivable are plummeting down like snow.

She is without a doubt.

The Queen of Destruction.