
Pelagus Fabula

This story follows the story Mordred who seeks strength to defeat Adam in the next magical war. While making connections through his journey he discovers the dark side of every race and his encounter with the powerful beings.

Iuvenis_Lectorem · Fantasy
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48 Chs


(-March 1, 3061/ 11:38 Pm/ Current location: Mansion Hallways-)

Anastasia walks down the hall where Charles's office lies.

While she was walking, she pressed the wound that Mordred made.

Amazing. It's been a pretty long time since anyone made a mark on my body.

Anastasia rubbed her forehead. The blood and wound disappear like erasing a mistake from a paper.

She walks in.

Charles asks a question.

[Charles: So, how was he? Did he do a good job or not?]

[Anastasia: Well, he was almost like him. His planning is the same as his but the personality is a polar opposite.]

[Charles: I see. He has more potential than I thought. By July, I'll be enrolling him at Trauzagaien University. I trust that you teach him everything you know.]

[Anastasia: Who do you think I am?]

[Charles: With that settled.]

Charles stands up and grabs his coat.

[Charles: Let's go to the Black market Auction house.]

Charles walks out of the room. Anastasia follows suit.


(-March 1, 2061/ 12:02 PM/ Current location: America's Black Market Auction House-)

Anastasia and Charles walk down the stairs that lead to the Auction. They reached the bottom and saw Nobles with luxurious clothing and accessories.

Anastasia whispers softly to his ear.

[Anastasia: Why are we here exactly?]

[Charles: I received word that he will come here to the auction. Whether or not this is true, I decided to visit this place.]

[Anastasia: By "He" you mean the Berserker?]

[Charles: Yep, my best friend will be here.]

A man wearing a tuxedo greets them.

[????: Greetings, my name is Damian. I'll be escorting you to the auction.]

[Charles: Lead the way.]

Anastasia and Charles are taken to a balcony that overlooks a stage.

The Auctioneer speaks to the mic he's holding.

[Auctioneer: Greeting and welcome to America's Black Market Auction House. We may be a bit off schedule but it's worth it for what we are selling today. First off.]

One of his assistants pulls out one of the auction items covered in glass.

[Auctioneer: The first one on the list is the Highest grade healing potion ever created with only 10 of them left. It has the power to regrow lost limbs and cure every illness known to man. Starting bid by 100k.]

A man on the bottom floor rang the bell.

And another one rang the bell.

[????: I bid 150k.]

[Auctioneer: 150k going once. Going twice.]

The bell rang again. This time it's from the upper floor.

[????: I counter bid with 250k.]

[Auctioneer: 250k Going once. Going twice.]

No one dared to oppose his bid.

[Auctioneer: Sold! To the man with the white top hat.]

Anastasia and Charles are waiting for the man to meet them.

The man wearing a tuxedo came to Charles's seat with a guest behind him.

[Man in tuxedo: I recognize that you are acquainted with this man.]

[Charles: I am.]

[Man in tuxedo: Splendid! I'll leave him to you.]

The man wearing a tuxedo left the balcony.

What Charles saw was his old friend.

He was not wearing a formal outfit but he's wearing a leather jacket and jeans.

His body is much sturdier and well built than before. While his complexion stayed the same.

[????: It's been a long time. How's your country?]

[Charles: It's going pretty good actually and also Sup John.]

[John: And who is that behind you? Don't tell me you lost your virginity.]

Anastasia giggles in an unrestrained manner while whacking the table repeatedly.

[Anastasia: Me with him? Nah. What can you expect from him? He is too pure.]

Charles with his vexed voice

[Charles: In more pressing matters.]

He clears his throat.

[Charles: As we all know that the Cataclysm connected the two worlds of Orbis Terrarum and Earth, right now, beings like Monsters, Elves, Undead, Beastman, Dragons, etc, started to appear and most of the human population are going through an evolutionary process. Alice plans to evolve humanity forcibly and we cannot let that happen.]

John asks a question.

[John: For what reason are we opposing her?]

Anastasia answers.

[Anastasia: It will not end well. The immortality that she speaks of is a mistake. It takes most of the person's magical energy. Something like losing an arm would take the body's entire Magical energy just to regrow it back. In which case Mana deficiency will be their cause of death. Unless she has a source of untapped magical energy then it would have been possible.]

[John: I see. Not only that, but it will also skyrocket Alice's social standing and she will be perceived as a Saint of sorts. The media will only view her positively and leave out the truth of what she has done.]

[Charles: We need to prevent this from happening at all costs, so.]

Charles opens his hands for him to shake it.

[Charles: Will you serve under me again?]

John smiled with nostalgia in his mind. He recalls a familiar scene.

[John: For you, I'd do anything.]

He grabs hold of his hand and shakes it.

Back then they merely remained as friends but now, John sees him as a King of his land.

[John: Reunion is important but what do we do about that?]

As he says while pointing behind his back.

Groups of thieves, killers, and scums waiting for a chance to rob or kill them.

One of them spoke in an American accent.

[Thief: You're the king of Trauzagaien right? Hand over your money and we won't do anything else.]

As he said while playing with his knife.

These retards think I didn't bring anything that would protect me.

Charles sighs and looks at Anastasia

[Charles: Anastasia, can you beat them all?]

[Anastasia: That order is mere child's play.]

Anastasia stands up and walks to the men carrying weapons.

Her wrist sprung 5 circles of gyrates.

Anastasia's palm had a faint glow.

She asks Charles a question.

[Anastasia: Hey Charles! Is it fine to destroy the auction house?]

[Charles: It's fine. This is part of the black market after all.]

Anastasia smiled with unspeakable intent.