
Pelagus Fabula

This story follows the story Mordred who seeks strength to defeat Adam in the next magical war. While making connections through his journey he discovers the dark side of every race and his encounter with the powerful beings.

Iuvenis_Lectorem · Fantasy
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48 Chs

A peculiar individual

(-April 6, 2061/ 10:31 AM / Current location: Demon Kingdom's Guild-)

Muto finished his evaluation. The receptionist that evaluated him, gave him something before he left.

[Receptionist: Please wear this.]

[Muto: What is it?]

[Receptionist: It is a badge that shows your rank. The higher your rank is, the greater your privileges become.]

[Muto: I see.]

Muto wears his badge with the number of his rank, engraved in it.

He asks a receptionist.

[Muto: Can I sell the monster that I hunted then?]

[Receptionist: What monster?]

The receptionist followed Muto outside the guild. She saw a corpse of a Monsterfied Gorilla just lying outside. The stench can be smelled in a few meters. Some of the Hunters who were eating at the Guild left because of the smell.

[Receptionist: Why Would You Keep It Outside?!]

[Muto: Then where am I supposed to leave it when I am not registered yet?]

[Receptionist: You have a point there but please leave it in a place where it doesn't inconvenience others.]

The receptionist asks him.

[Receptionist: Do you need a carrier for it? It looks really large and needs one.]

[Muto: No worries, I'm strong enough on my own.]

[Receptionist: Really?]

[Muto: Yes, I can.]

[Receptionist: Just Do It!]

[Muto: What the?]

[Receptionist: Sorry, a force of habit. Let's go then.]

Muto dragged along a corpse while the Receptionist leads him to a place where Hunters sell their hunted monsters.

They arrived at a butcher shop.

[Muto: Is this the place?]

[Receptionist: Yep. This is the place.]

They both went inside and greeted the butcher.

The Butcher of the Demon Kingdom's Guild. Destro Sarumin.

Known for his skill with his knife and his quick work with Monster corpses. His precision, elegance, and unyielding sanity towards corpses, made him known as the "Swift Lacerator".

[Destro: Oh. It's been a long time since I saw one this big. How'd ya get one when a Monsterfied Gorilla is placed very deep in the Forest?]

[Muto: I traveled through the forest. It wasn't as pleasant as you'd think.]

[Destro: I know. So you want that butchered?]

[Muto: Of course.]

Muto brought the Monsterfied Gorilla to his table. Destro grabs one of his knives and makes quick work of slicing up the parts and pulling out important parts of its body.

It was going smoothly until he stopped in the middle of it all.

[Destro: That's strange. I have never seen anything like it.]

[Receptionist: Is there something wrong?]

[Destro: The Mana core has lost all of its magical energy. That isn't supposed to happen until you break it open.]

[Muto: How did that happen?]

Muto lies as he naturally breathes.

[Destro: Well, not my problem.]

Destro shrugs it off like dust on top of his shoulders.

He went to his office and came back with a receipt.

[Destro: Here rookie.]

Destro hands it to him.

He accepted it then asked a question.

[Muto: What do I do with this?]

[Destro: You give it to the receptionist. After that, you get your money.]

[Muto: I am learning as I go aren't I?]

Mordred and the Receptionist went back to the Guild. Some of the hunters came back after the smell was gone. The Receptionist goes back to his post and accepts the receipt.

[Receptionist: Here's your payment. 10 gold coins.]

[Muto: That's it?]

[Receptionist: That's high you know. 1 gold coin is equal to 100 silver coins.]

[Muto: You're joking right? Uhhhhh.]

Muto's mind goes blank and in a standstill, trying to know what her name is.

[Receptionist: Its Lepage.]

[Muto: You're joking right? Lepage]

[Lepage: I'm not joking.]

Muto left with his 10 gold and into an Inn near the Guild. The man at the counter, feared for his life when he saw him but still greeted him with a smile.

[Man: Welcome to the Zorbe inn. How may we service you?]

[Muto: One room with one bed please.]

[Man: Right away!]

The man at the counter performed his task with blistering speed with fear for his life.

[Man: Here you go, sir.]

The man handed him a piece of paper and keys with a number on it.


(-April 7, 2061/ 8:10 AM/ Current location: Trauzagaien University-)

Mordred entered the school and saw the board on the main hallway. It was a row of names, numbers, and ratings with a rank at the end.

He looked far and wide of his name and Mordred found it in the very end.


His Affinity, Attributes, Mana capacity, and Mana quality are covered up to make it more acceptable for the school's system.

In the Class-S list, he saw their names. Anna and Raiden.

2 people arrived and tapped Mordred's shoulder.

[Anna: Did something bad happen.]

[Mordred: No. I got on the list. Why are we in the class-S? Weren't we supposed to be in class-B5?]

[Raiden: The evaluation test isn't just there for simply evaluating a student. The test results determine what class you should be in.]

[Mordred: Looks like we're together again.]

A girl with reddish skin, wearing a white uniform, a wristband, and scales on her neck and nape, walks up and talks to him.

[????: Hello there Mordred Mcdowell. I am from the Dragon race, Filia C. Draco. I'll be observing your every action from now until the end of your University life.]

Raiden joins in and speaks in a yakuza style tone.

[Raiden: Hey, hey! What business does the Draco Household want with him? Such a grand race won't just become an observer right? Furthermore, why him of all people?]

[Filia: That information is confidential. I am here for the mere orders of my family's head. Your questions are useless.]

Anna threatens Filia

[Anna: Still, the fact that someone is spying on Mordred raises a lot of questions. If I told everyone that you're spying at someone. Wouldn't the students, guardians, people outside the school will perceive the Draco Household badly.]

[Filia: I am fine with that as long as I finish what I've started.]

The threat didn't work. Her goal continues as it is.

[Mordred: Do what you want. Just a reminder.]

[Filia: What is it?]

Mordred told her in a threatening way.

[Mordred: If you do something more than you're told then I'm afraid I'd have to stop it.]

[Filia: I understand.]

Mordred and his friends walk away to their designated rooms for education. He walks inside to see only 5 other students inside the classroom.

Those 5 of them are good looking men, blessed by the Gods.

And all of them are fawning over a petite girl.

[Mordred: Tch.]

[Anna: You clicked your tongue. Something is bothering you?]

[Mordred: These people are a pain in the ass once you talk to them. They act all High and mighty just to win the love of one person.]

[Anna: That's called "Simping".]

[Mordred: Simping?]

The teacher walks inside the class, a little bit off schedule.

[T.Mark: I am your homeroom teacher and history teacher, Mark Palles. I hope that all of you will treat me kindly.]

The day continued as is. The teacher writes to the blackboard about the first world war. Other subjects came along as time went by.