
Peerless Venerable

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Fallen_Ghost · Fantasy
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88 Chs

The Hanging Faith

Joey didn't even think about it, he turned around and ran away, but a blue light flashed, and a big tree fell down directly, blocking Joey's way.

This... Joey took a deep breath, turned around, and faced Yunbao. He knew that it was very difficult to find a chance to escape now.

"Human, you are very powerful. It took me only a minute to block you here." Yunbao's voice was very calm, as if he had no deep hatred with Joey. However, the clouded leopard's blood-red eyes revealed its truest feelings.

Joey remained silent. No matter what Joey says now, Yunbao can't make Yunbao give up his decision to kill himself. And Hu'er is sleeping soundly now, and doesn't seem to wake up at all. Probably because of killing those Gale Wolves, Hu'er used some kind of power, or some kind of secret technique. Now he is a little weak and needs to sleep for a while.