
Peerless Venerable

No longer Available

Fallen_Ghost · Fantasy
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88 Chs

Parting [I]

However, whether it was a human, a beast, or those strange existences, they all have one characteristic, that is, they exude a powerful aura. These auras were far inferior to those of a holy powerhouse like Daigamat.

These people, beasts, and strange existences are probably existences of the level of gods.

Joey vaguely remembered what a senior said: "Joey, you should practice hard, this world is not so simple..."

This world was not so simple. Could it be that the semi-black space filled with countless light spots and spheres is the real appearance of this world?

These things, Joey couldn't understand at all now.

Forget it, let's take a look at the exercises left by the seniors.

As soon as Joey moved mentally, a few large characters appeared in his mind.

""Chaos and Nothingness Art"!"

Joey couldn't help being shocked. Although Joey didn't understand the meaning of these five words, the domineering spirit in them was fully revealed.