
Peerless Venerable

No longer Available

Fallen_Ghost · Fantasy
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88 Chs

Mercenaries [I]

When Joey woke up, it was already night. The night in the forest was very quiet, surrounded by the sound of insects and some nocturnal birds.

It's just that these sounds were relatively small. If it weren't for the dense trees in the forest, it would be difficult for the moonlight to penetrate through the dense leaves to the ground. Only sparse spots of light can be seen on the ground, basically unable to illuminate the surroundings.

At this time, it was time for mental power to work. Mental power, unless it was a special case, the surrounding environment can be seen at a glance. In the half a year before Joey came to Heiyun College, the tasks he took were basically tasks in the forest, and he spent a lot of nights in the forest. Naturally, he was able to quickly adapt to the extremely dark light Happening.