
Peerless Mind.

#WPC Bronze Winner.# #COMPLETED Amidst a sea of impressive individuals, Guang Fang was dismissed as a mere facade. Few saw the brilliance that lay hidden beneath his lackadaisical exterior. But one day, a mysterious event triggered a newfound responsibility within him. He was determined to discover the hidden geniuses and rulers that lay beyond the surface, embarking on a journey of self-discovery that would challenge his very identity. Through this quest, Guang Fang would finally come to know himself and his true potential.

Bright_Gabriel_9341 · Fantasy
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341 Chs

The Principal. edited

Chapter eight.

The principal

Standing before the door, I heard a deep command from inside, "Open the door!" The voice urged me to push it. The office, decorated in a simple contemporary Chinese style, was quite spacious. Principal Liu Huan exuded a fierce demeanor that instinctively kept people at a distance. However, the peculiar thing about him was the goggle he wore, which made his eyes resemble those of an owl.

Despite his intimidating and somewhat comical appearance, it was evident that he possessed a vast amount of knowledge. After all, only a person of great intellect could manage such an extensive education system. I discreetly stole glances at him, convincing myself that this Old Man wasn't as ordinary as he seemed.

Observing his desk, it was clear that he maintained a pristine work environment. Even his brown suit displayed a sense of pride, reminiscent of a peacock flaunting its feathers. Despite his fierce appearance, there was an underlying element of amusement.

"Yes, who are you, and what do you want?" His gruff voice resonated powerfully as he peered at me through his goggle-hidden wolf eyes.

"I'm Guang Fang; The adult asked for me." I marveled at how articulate I sounded, questioning whether this person standing before me was really myself.

Liu Huan didn't disappoint; he embodied the exact persona I had expected—a ghostly bird. However, that was irrelevant now, as I was unsure whether he would judge or dismiss me. After scrutinizing me for a moment, he gestured for me to take a seat. Although I felt uneasy under his piercing gaze, there was nothing I could do about it. I took a deep breath and eased into the chair, finding some semblance of relaxation.

"Why do you have this bag?" Liu Huan asked, his deep voice dry as he gestured towards the bag in my hand. It would be foolish if he wasn't intrigued. After all, what would a teacher think if a student showed up in his office carrying a grocery bag? Naturally, he would be curious, assuming there was more to the bag.

"I bought these things for you, Principal. I noticed everyone else had already bought you a gift; I'm the last one," I explained, wearing a naive smile. I unfolded three instant ramen packs, cheese, and a hamburger. They were all junk, but it didn't matter as long as it appeased the wolf this time.

"Huh? Who made such an inconsistent statement? That's a fallacy," he objected, denying his involvement and returning my burden of carrying the big cross. Damn! I thought I had some leverage. Is someone playing games with me? Why was I the only one the Old Man called? I was sure he didn't call others because they had paid him.

"Nobody, sir. I just thought..." I muttered naively, trailing off. "Sorry, I should just take them away because such things are an eyesore for his majesty," I added in a low tone, feeling uncomfortable with my civility as I reached for the bag.

However, Liu Huan forcefully knocked my hand away, dissatisfied as he examined me. Was he searching my soul?

"Why bother? You've gone through the trouble of bringing these things here, so why return them?" he objected strongly. Who said I was going to return them? I could also eat and savor their flavors. Just as I suspected, they were all wolves, ready to devour even the smallest thing they could find. Nevertheless, who would have thought he noticed my reluctance to let go? So he smiled warmly. It was the first smile I had seen from him since our conversation began, and it left me lost in thought. Was this smile meant to enjoy my snack, or was there another meaning behind it? Alas, I hope we never cross paths again in the future. We were both internally happy, but we never expressed it.

"I have investigated you: a miscreant who thrives on trouble. Throughout your life, you've encountered more curses than blessings." He paused and continued, "Moreover, no one dared to control you during your primary school days and junior high. Alas, what a kid," Liu Huan exclaimed, as if he had delved into the history of my ancestors.

Nevertheless, this is irrelevant to my present self. I have genuinely reformed. So why was he bringing it up? It felt as if I had inadvertently swallowed a fly because his gaze made me extremely uncomfortable.

"Your family name is Guang, which seems quite out of place," Liu Huan probed further, attempting to avoid raising my doubts. But how could my family name be considered strange? Numerous people across the entire Thunder Nation bear that name. I suddenly felt wronged.

This was the first time someone openly dared to bully me based on their influence and status. I had thought I had dealt with all my past wounds. Previously, those who felt invisible would grovel on their knees before me, begging me to disappear from their lives. I suddenly realized that being a good person was the most challenging job one could have. Perhaps, even gods endured so much due to that status: being a good person. This would explain why a heavenly angel couldn't withstand it any longer and made a terrible mistake.

Observing my doubt and confusion, Liu Huan sighed. "Well, it's not that it's strange, but I have searched all public records to see if there are others with the same family name as yours, and I found none." He flashed his wolf eye and added, "Additionally, your family name itself appears to have ancient origins, but it's not clear to me. Even historical experts had doubts about this."

I furrowed my brow, regarding Liu Huan skeptically. Ancient origins? Historical experts? What was he trying to accomplish? I doubted that his motive for going through all this trouble was solely due to my no-good character. What was his game? I felt irritated.

Reflecting on it now, why did this Old Man have to go to such great lengths, even consulting historians about my family name? This situation had spiraled out of control. I had believed that I employed underhanded methods, but it seemed there was someone who could outdo me.

As if sensing my displeasure, he attempted to justify his actions. "We conduct investigations on all students entering this school, not just you. However, your unruly behavior piqued our interest in you even further." Another lie had just slipped from his lips, a feeble attempt to conceal the mystery he was hiding. He knew I wouldn't be fooled, and it was only a matter of time before I uncovered the truth. When that happened, I would set this school ablaze. He desperately hoped he could prevent it.

'Whatever, I don't care anymore. What power do I have to object or question this guy's treatment of me?' I thought, resigning myself to the situation. I relaxed slightly, but deep down, I was determined not to give up. Just wait until I harness my power, and you will be no more, I sneered inwardly. After enduring a series of questions, I made my way back to the dormitory.

The student room, while average and somewhat plain, had a simple Chinese-style design. The school had provided a spacious bed in one corner, along with a table and chair. The wardrobe was closed, and everything else seemed neat and orderly. Despite its simplicity, the room was equipped with computers, monitors, and even a basic home theater system. Additionally, the room was soundproofed.

The welcoming ambiance tempted me to collapse onto the bed, too tired to change my clothes. I lay there, gazing at the ceiling while in a supine position. Out of nowhere, I heard a faint clanking sound, accompanied by a sigh. It was as if I had been transported into a dreamlike state, where a massive golden steel monument materialized in my mind. Wasn't this the exact image I had witnessed during my junior high graduation? The atmosphere felt eerily reminiscent.

The monument soared high into the sky, adorned with a majestic golden Buddha statue with multiple arms hovering behind it. It seemed both ethereal and ancient, radiating a vibrant sense of life. Observing the golden stele, one could sense its prestige, power, and an air of arrogance. It was as if this monument and its guardian held the knowledge of all things, capable of imparting wisdom beyond comprehension. The relic continuously emitted a sacred golden light. Reflecting on it now, it felt like I had encountered this object before.

"I am the 'Wisdom Emperor,'" thundered a dignified voice. Not waiting for me to react, he added, "Others also refer to me as the 'Gods-Mind.'"

Gods-Mind? Could anyone be so arrogant as to bestow upon themselves such a divine title? Not only does he claim to possess the mind of a god, but also the eyes. I detested individuals who boasted about their accomplishments.