
Level One Celestial Gene

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Ding Hao could not hear a thing that was going on upstairs. He was too focused on the book.

It was a thick book with lots of information, but he was not taking it all in. He picked the topics that he enjoyed. He only read the parts which contained the information that he needed.

"Jiuzhou is vas. There are many different types of celestial genes. They are element celestial genes, with gold, wood, water, and fire as the bases. They can be integrated with one another and bring about different variations of celestial genes. Then there are the weaponry celestial genes: saber, spear, sword, and halberd. The best are sacrificial vessels. Battle weaponry is the second-best while daily devices are the worst. The beast celestial genes depended on the nobility of the beast. The nobler the beast the better it would be. A fiercer beast was good as well.

"Furthermore, there are mutation celestial genes, ghosts celestial genes, dark celestial genes, growth celestial genes, and the best are the genius celestial genes. However, there are even superior level one celestial genes…" 

"Superior level one celestial gene!" Ding Hao murmured. He complained that it was unfair that there were people with superior level one celestial genes when he hasn't even been awakened at age 15."

He continued reading the book. 

"According to the other dimensions of this world, people who possess the celestial gene are unique. However, as Little Jiuzhou is in Heaven's Will System, they have awakened celestial genes. The celestial gene is an energy in the body. It breaks through the Ren and Du meridians and the Baihui acupoint. It does this in order to communicate with the heavens, before finally unlocking the celestial gene.

"Thus, the unlocking of the celestial gene, level one to nine, depends on a person's physical fitness, meridians, and mental strength. The object of visualization is not important. Ten people visualize the dragon. Some of them unlock the dragon's horn celestial genes, some unlock the dragon's claw celestial genes, and some even unlock the dragon's feces celestial genes. The key is in the person's body. The object of visualization is not as important. The quality of celestial genes has nothing to do with age…"

"That's amazing!"

Ding Hao almost clapped his hands when he finished the book.

According to the book, it was quite simple. If one wanted to unlock a good celestial gene, the key was to train the constitution, meridian, and mental strength! As long as one trained these three things well, one would be able to unlock a great celestial gene.

Furthermore, it was unimportant at what age the gene was unlocked. 

Although many people were awakened at eight years old, it may not be a good celestial gene! Usually, those great characters tried to delay the awakening on purpose, as they wanted to train the constitution, meridian, and mental strength first. The person who awakened after training the constitution received better genes. 

"That's wonderful news!"

The further Ding Hao read the more he agreed with it and couldn't stop clapping. The author of the book was Min Zhengyuan.

"It turns out that people are mistaken. They think that the earlier one is awakened the better it is. They fear that the later in life one gets the chances of being awakened decreases. According to this book, it is the opposite. I wonder what kind of celestial gene will I unlock?"

After he finished the book, he anticipated that he would unlock greater celestial genes.

'I could meditate regularly in order to train the mind. If I were to absorb large amounts of medicinal pills and go for body training, I'm sure I'll be able to unlock an extraordinary celestial gene!'

At this moment, Ding Hao's eyes were sparkling!

"I can't! I can't do it!"

At this very moment, a loud noise came from upstairs. Many people started talking.

"Son, don't give up! Just follow Celestial Teacher Min's instructions," Boss Shang said.

"It's ok, it's ok. Don't rush it. You are doing great." The woman's voice was soothing. She said, "The most important thing about entering a meditative state is to quiet the eyes, the ears, and the mind. Don't rush it…"

And the troubled voice said, "But I really can't focus and be quiet. Forget it, teacher. I can't do it!"

'This may be an opportunity!' Ding Hao thought. Then he placed the book down and walked up the stairs to the second floor.

'What a beautiful lady. She is just like a fairy.' Ding Hao was watching Celestial Teacher Min from behind. He could not help but stare at her bottom first. He then focused on what was happening in front of him. 

The boss of the bookshop did not lie. His son was 13 years old. He was tall. He had a hot temper. Thus, it was difficult for him to meditate. That was why they hired Celestial Teacher Min to teach him in hopes that he would learn how to meditate and achieve the awakened state.

Unfortunately, the son had a hot temper!

Although Celestial Teacher Min had used some celestial power, the son could only achieve a low-stage meditative state. It was also quite useless, as he could only maintain it for a short period of time. 

"Xiao Hai, don't get angry. Practice the breathing technique with me. Inhale and exhale. Let the breath become smooth and slow…"

Celestial Teacher Min was great at what she did. Her soothing voice combined with her technique made the boss's son calm down. Ten minutes later, he finally went into a meditative state.

Celestial Teacher Min took a jade talisman and stuck it on his forehead. There was a dark red colored mist.

"It's still a lower-stage meditative state." Celestial Teacher Min shook her head.

At this moment, Ding Hao came over. Perhaps it was the sound of his footsteps or the vibration it made on the wooden floor. The young man came out from the meditative state and shouted, "I can't do it!"

Everybody looked at Ding Hao, thinking that it was his fault that the young man was out of the meditative state.

The beautiful Celestial Teacher Min said, "Being roused by such light footsteps, it is not hard to tell that Xiao Hai has a hot temper. Even if nobody woke him up, the poor quality of meditation can't help achieve awakening."

After she said that, the people stopped blaming Ding Hao. Boss Shang clapped, sighed, and said, "This is unfortunate. Even the greatest celestial teacher could not help you. It's ok, Xiao Hai. I'll take care of you for the rest of your life!"

Boss Shan uttered those words in defeat. He had given up hope that his son would ever be awakened. He would become a piece of trash that would need to be cared for for the rest of his life. This was the worst news that one could get in Jiuzhou. On earth, it was just like having a disabled child. Everybody may sympathize, but there was nothing that they could do.

But at this very moment, the young man spoke from behind the crowd. "Why don't I give it a try."

"You?" Everybody turned their heads. They saw that it was a 15 or 16 years old young man. He looked ordinary with ordinary clothing. There was nothing extraordinary about him.

Boss Shang looked at Ding Hao, sneered, and said, "Stop fooling around, kid. You told me that you are already 15 and a half years old, and you have not awakened. What makes you think you can help?"

"Fifteen and a half years old, and you still haven't awakened? Only half a year left. This will surely be a piece of trash," some people said sarcastically.

Another handsome young man who stood beside Celestial Teacher Min said sarcastically, "That's very funny. You think you are better than the celestial teacher, and you can solve problems that the celestial teacher couldn't? Not sure whether it is foolish or crazy that a kid like you who has not been awakened wants to give it a try."

Boss Shang laughed, "Young prince is right." He then said to Ding Hao, "Stop fooling around, kid."

It turned out that it was the young prince. Ding Hao sized up the young man and said to Boss Shang, "I did not actually want to help. But because you seemed like a nice guy, so I wanted to extend the favor. But it seems you got it covered, forget about it then."

Ding Hao turned and left after he finished his sentence.

But at that moment, Xiao Hai asked, "Brother, are you sure you can help? I don't want to be a piece of trash!"

Ding Hao turned his head and said, "Of course."

Xiao Hai said, "I don't like breathing in and out slowly. I don't like to calm my mind."

"Alright!" Ding Hao said. "Currently, it is like you are suffering from terrible insomnia! And it has made it very hard for you to relax and do the calming breathing exercises. What you need now is a strong sleeping pill!"

The hot-tempered Xiao Hai clapped and said, "Right, right, right! You are most certainly right!"

Celestial Teacher Min's eyes sparkled. She walked one step forward and greeted him in the fist cupping position and said, "Brother, the example that you gave was rather novel and interesting. I've never heard that before. I'm Min Qingqiu from the Jiuzhou Academy." 

"Min Qingqiu, what a great name." Ding Hao noticed that the name was followed by an origin source: Min Qingqiu from 'Jiuzhou Academy'. Thus, he tried to match that. He cupped his fist with heroic spirit. "Celestial Teacher Min is truly as beautiful as the fairies. I am the righteous and majestic Ding Hao!"

"Ding Hao, righteous and majestic." Min Qingqiu tried to hide her smile and thought that he seemed interesting.

The young prince was jealous when he saw that Min Qingqiu was smiling. He said, "Ding Hao, you haven't even been awakened. How are you going to help others to be awakened? What strong sleeping pills? Are you kidding me?"

Ding Hao said, "Young prince, although you are very handsome, there's something wrong with your hearing. I just said that I would help him meditate. I didn't say that I could help him achieve the awakened state! Meditating and being awakened are two entirely different matters. I believe the people here are aware of that."

The young prince's face turned red, and he said angrily, "Then let me ask you. With what are you going to help him to enter a meditative state? Celestial Teacher Min has a level one Youming Jade celestial gene, and she used that to help Xiao Hai meditate. What about you?"

The beautiful lady has a level one celestial gene! Ding Hao was shocked. He then took a peek at Min Qingqiu's breasts to calm himself down and said, "Young prince, there is no use of going back and forth about this. Why don't you let me give it a go? It's great if it is successful. If not he wouldn't lose anything."

"That makes sense. It would be great if it worked. If not, no harm is done too. Give it a go then." Min Qingqiu nodded.

"Senior, how could you trust…" Young price was unhappy, but since Min Qingqiu agreed, he didn't go on.

Although Boss Shang did not believe him, it would not hurt to give it a try. He said, "Kid, go ahead then."

'Even if I helped you, you wouldn't be grateful,' he thought. He decided to stall for a while.

"Come to the backstreet of Nanyuan if you want my help." He left the crowd. The crowd was stunned. 

"Who is this?" Boss Shang was stunned too.

The Young prince sneered and said, "It's all an act! He is just a crook!"

Min Qingqiu watched the young man go downstairs. She was curious.

Ding Hao went downstairs, walked out of the bookshop, and went home. He knew Boss Shang would bring his son!

He did all that in hopes of becoming famous and earning some money. This was because he saw a bright future after reading the book.

He needed a large number of medicinal pills to break through his meridian and to train his constitution. He would also need to strengthen his mind through meditation. He would become strong in constitution, meridian, and mind! He would be able to unlock a good celestial gene.

If that's the case, he was going to need a shocking quantity of medicinal pills, and it couldn't be achieved by absorbing them in shops.

Thus, he needed to earn money, lots of money. He saw the helping of others enter their meditative state as a good business opportunity.

"Humph, there's nothing you can't do, if you give it your all!"

"Ding Hao, although you may have a terrible body, I will use all kinds of methods to make you a genius!"

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