
Peerless Immortal Emperor

In a chaotic world that had never known peace and order, one man has taken the duty to fix everything no matter the cost. Start from after the fourth war and into the Boruto era. Disclaimer: I don't own anything.

EternalBliss4U · Anime & Comics
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65 Chs

Chapter 28

"Free yourself from worries and let me guide you." Hamura seemed to have gained some presence from the energy vessel.

Hinata looked at the elderly man, and decided to trust him because of Matatabi's emotions flowing toward her heart.

Letting it all go, Hinata flew towards the Energy Vessel and entered the center where the Byakugan seemed to cover her whole body.

"Don't be afraid, I will awaken your powers." The Tenseigan Sage's hand covered her eyes and she felt hollow for a moment before some other eyes were placed inside.

Among the sea of Byakugan, there was a lone pair of Tensiegan eyes and they were implanted into Hinata. Normally, if Hinata had just taken the eyes of her sibling then it would have also awakened her Tenseigan.

Just like the Mangekyo Sharingan process, Tenseigan required the exchange of eyes. The eyes needed to be pure and the chakra extremely powerful to awaken it. Hinata had fulfilled those conditions with the addition of Matatabi.

"It will take some time to adjust, so let the power flow and take it all in."

Hinata felt the change begin as her body burned from the powerful chakra entering her system. She writhed in pain and screamed because of the enormous energy of the vessel.

Even Hamura was unable to weaken the pain because it would affect the process.


While Hinata was bathed in the ultimate power of one thousand years plus some centuries, Toneri was angered by her sudden disappearance. He knew she couldn't do it, so it meant that there was an intruder.

The whole region was on full alert to search for Hinata and the intruder. Giant humanoid puppets, monsters and even dragons flew around to find her.

"Where did she go?" Toneri gnashed his teeth and threw the chair he was sitting on. He was getting impatient.

Just then, he found someone landing on the moon. It was Killer Bee all dressed to for battle.

"Hey moon people, I come in peace. So, let me inside yo." Bee knocked on the moon surface and asked for permission. He didn't know the way inside, so the other option would be to make one.

He didn't have any helmet or oxygen supply on him since all Shinobi could create oxygen from chakra while Bee didn't need to breathe because of his status as a Jinchuuriki.

The radiation was harmful for normal human beings, but Shinobi could easily bypass such low levels of radiation on the moon.

Bee moved around the moon asking for permission and Toneri decided to meet him since the Shinobi might end up making a hole to his sanctuary.

"Why are you here, human?"Toneri's puppet spoke with disdain as he considered himself a celestial being above people of earth. He was the chosen one, the one that stood above all.

"Let me see here, I am here to talk to you about the condition of the planet and to know if you have any intentions to intervene."

"I am already aware of the condition of this planet. And, what will you do if I intend to intervene?" Toneri narrowed his gaze as countless puppets surrounded the dup and made a barrier to trap Bee.

"What do you want to do with the planet?" Bee noticed the threatening tone and the barrier, but he continued his talk.

"Peace, I wish to create the world envisioned by the Sage."

"Oh, that's great. We are down with that totally, my bro and this old man are with you all the way if that's your goal. They all about balance since its wack since Naruto got this boost from the Sage, you dig."

"I don't need your permission for anything, human. You had your chance, now you will submit to my desires. Do you understand the words that I am saying?"

"Not cool, man. Not cool, why you gotta be like that. Ya know we got to battle if that's your game….Partner, let's go." Bee didn't hesitate to enter his hybrid form and activate his chakra armor powered by the Lightning Heart.

Bee's body transformed into 5 meter giant while his skin tone turned reddish pink and his skin became like leather. Large horns came out from his skull while his eyes turned pitch black. His lower body turned to become like an octopus, as large tentacles formed his legs before turning into thick legs.

'It is fortunate that Naruto gave us the gift, Bee. You really need to take his side next time.' Gyuki reminded him as various skills had become part of him once he had devoured the skill orb left by his father.

'That's why I am trying to gain the balance before they reach for extreme decisions.'

'Maybe you need to be direct about it next time.'

'I know.'

Bee talked with his partner casually as it was an easy task to smash through the chakra chains and barriers created by the puppets.

"Is that all you got?" Bee asked as he finished smashing everything with his tentacles that discharged lightning on impact.

Looking at the ugly creature, Toneri was annoyed by the fact that he was forced to take action. Bee had too much power for his puppets to handle.

With just his fusion form, Bee had grown to large country level or almost continental level and with his armor boost with the Lightning heart it had become continental plus.

He was strong enough to fight against Juubito without any support.

"You will regret this day for all your life." Toneri was livid as he ripped off the restraints on his eyes and teleported to the surface of the moon.

Toneri activates his Tenseigan, gaining a cyan-coloured chakra shroud with six magatama markings on his collar, dark markings over his eyebrows and lower eyelids, and a single horn shaped like Kaguya's extending from his forehead. The shroud constantly radiated flickering flames of chakra, and his clothing and hair continuously billowed upwards as if caught in a strong breeze.

The power radiating from him was like the sea. It was the power from Hamura's Tenseigan and Toneri's talent. It made Bee's power feel insignificant.

Regardless, Toneri was not happy as the process had been disturbed. He had yet to fully accept the power of Hamura. It was only around 70%, he had only needed just one more day.

"Bow to your new Lord the new Sage of Tenseigan, Toneri Otsutsuki." Toneri announced with arrogance as his power washed over Bee like a wave that physically pushed him down.

"I bow to no one." Bee shook his tentacle at him playfully before shooting black ink towards Toneri.

Guilty Black

It was one of the new techniques that Gyuki learned. The black ink turned extremely poisonous while possessing paralyzing lightning abilities that also drained chakra.

It was like dark water jet that cut through everything in the way, but Toneri didn't even consider it a threat.

"Futile struggle" Toneri's chakra cloak easily cancelled the attack and he retaliated with a simple chakra blast.

It looked small in comparison but it moved extremely fast and gave off a dangerous feeling.

Bee couldn't even react and his passive defence saved him. The chakra armors passive barrier blocked the chakra blast for a second that Bee utilized to sink into the shadows.

Dodging the move, Bee held onto the Lighting Sword and charged its full power while utilizing one of Gyuki's new moves.

To distract Toneri, Bee used the drones that shot light beams. The attacks were light speed, but Toneri seemed to be faster and could easily shoot the drones down.

Bee didn't have time to waste, so he reacted the moment the last drone was shot down.

Tera Blaster

It was a technique that was thousand times stronger than Mega electro shocker. Mega Electro shocker was a technique that condensed lightning into the horns or another specific point. It was strong enough to completely erase a country from the map.

On the other hand, Tera Blaster went further by utilizing the energy of the world to multiply the power of the condensed lightning.

It was the strongest attack held by Gyuki. Though, he had yet to master it so he could only multiply the power by 50.

Other than the multiplication, it also contained the power of darkness so it was extremely corrosive and drained energy.

With so much power charged into the lightning sword, it felt he was holding the world in his hand. It was like the world ended when it hit the chakra shroud.

No, it ended up hitting only the Truth Seeking ball shield that appeared before Toneri. However, it was lucky that Bee's attack was using nature energy.

Without a sound since there was no atmosphere on the surface of the moon, Toneri floated in place while everything around was about to get annihilated.

Bee couldn't control the damage and it seemed that the moon was about to be destroyed from his careless move.

Toneri used command his shield to extend and it devoured the whole attack before it could extend, containing the whole explosion inside.

The blade broke and Toneri caught Bee with his psychokinesis.

"Commendable effort mortal, but still very much futile… Now, you shall serve my interest." Toneri smiled as he extended his towards Bee with a glowing green ball.

It was a technique called Puppet technique that he used on Hinata.

"Never gonna give up!" Bee muttered as Gyuki caused his chakra to react with the lightning heart and explode.

With a black lightning storm that covered the moon various miles, being visible from earth, Bee survived by sacrificing a tentacle.

It was the 8 lives technique for Gyuki, one life for each tail. It took a lot of effort and time to recharge a tail once it was used, and each time weakened him.

It would have been enough to attract Naruto's attention as Bee wanted, but Toneri had extended the barrier of the sanctuary to hide the battle.

Toneri closed his eyes as he saw the maggot escape from him and decided to punish him. Without any chance to react, Toneri hit Bee with a palm strike that sent him crashing.

Localized Reincarnation explosion

It looked normal but within seconds the danger showed itself as Bee found the chakra inside his body condensing into an orb around his body.

The condensed chakra exploded with dark red energy beam that hallowed out a part of the moon, leaving Bee on the verge of death as his chakra was fully consumed by the explosion.

It seemed to be over when Toneri's gaze turned towards the sanctuary and he realized where Hinata had hidden.

"Stop, I will not allow your tyranny." Hinata flew from the energy vessel towards the battlefield as she had become aware of it.

She had also stopped before the procedure was done because of Bee's condition.

"You dare defile the Tenseigan Vessel!" Forgetting all his adoration for the beautiful creature, Toneri was absolutely riled up by the fact that Hinata had not just touched the sacred item but even absorbed its powers.

Silver Wheel Reincarnation Explosion

With a command, the Truth Seeking balls started to spin and release a silvery tornado that erased everything in its path.

Hinata fully activated her eyes and she was covered by the Tenseigan chakra mode. Unlike Toneri, she was blue colored. Without a moment of hesitation, she used her Truth Seeking balls as barrier.

However, the power of the move was too much for Hinata. She was sent flying beyond the moon while her shields seemed to deteriorate at a fast pace.

'Hinata, fuse with me!' Matatabi spoke with urgency and flames consumed Hinata.

Hinata took on a flame from, leaving her flesh body, and it combined with her chakra mode. With her base strength sky rocketing, the Tenseigan gave her another boost as she was able to draw upon even more chakra.

Omega Burst

Just like Bee, Hinata had also received the skill orb and Matatabi had learnt the techniques left by her father.

The skill induced a super-detonation over the surrounding kilometers with an intense flash, releasing huge amounts of flames that countered the silver wind of death.