
Peerless Immortal Emperor

In a chaotic world that had never known peace and order, one man has taken the duty to fix everything no matter the cost. Start from after the fourth war and into the Boruto era. Disclaimer: I don't own anything.

EternalBliss4U · Anime & Comics
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65 Chs

Chapter 21

Getting back to Konoha, Naruto decided to look for the little girl he had taken in. Locating her through life force signal, Naruto found her at the Orphanage. Focusing on the target, Naruto found that she was feeling scared and worried.

Flying towards the orphanage, Naruto walked into the place while being adored by the little kids that had learnt of his exploits.

Naruto smiled at the little children and posed for them. He could see himself in the little ones since they were somewhat like him. They were without parents, but that didn't mean they had to be without love. Looking at their expressions and the care takers, Naruto could see that Tsunade had been very careful with choosing the people.

"Lord Uzumaki, the little girl you brought wants to see you. She refuses to interact with anyone else. We have tried everything but she has developed a heavy trauma from her experience." The Caretaker woman informed him while feeling regretful and sad.

"It isn't your fault." Naruto gave a nod and sped towards Ai.

Inside the small room, Ai sat in the corner with a knife in her hand while her eyes were bloodshot from anxiety and fear.

Seeing him enter the room, she didn't let down her guard as Ai knew that ninja could transform.

"Hello there Ai, I am sorry that I didn't visit you sooner. I thought you would love this place, so please forgive me for my mistake. Will you?" Naruto walked closer to Ai while she glared at him and even ended up stabbing him with the knife.

It didn't break his skin and Naruto hugged Ai tightly, "Calm down Ai, no one will hurt you anymore."

However, things didn't go as planned.

"You have committed a forbidden act! You have opened the door to your heart that you swore to keep shut. " From the small body came a voice that was extremely terrifying. Ai's body started floating while pushing away Naruto with dark energy.

It wasn't hard to understand, something had taken possession of the little girl.

"Who are you?"

"Keep out of it mortal, this is between us. Or, you shall suffer for eternity." The unknown being warned Naruto.

"I promised to keep her safe, so I will have to refuse. Get out of her now!" Naruto closed the distance between them and used his Rinne-Sharingan's soul removal abilities.

Thrusting his hand into Ai's chest, Naruto caught on to the dark being attached to her soul and removed it.

"You should not have interfered, Uzumaki. We had a contract, and I always ensure the success of my deals." The dark soul slipped through his hands and turned into a spider with eye shapes on its back. Before Naruto could react, the spider had grown in presence and the surrounding seemed to shift.

Darkness seemed to coil around his body and a hole opened below him, countless spiritual hands dragged him down.

Naruto activated his full power, but was restricted by the fact that he was inside the village and couldn't just release an energy shockwave.

However, he tried to struggle with his chakra armor activated in Six Paths mode and even tried to teleport.

"It is a futile struggle, human. I am the Master of Hell, and you are invited to live there forever." The terror inducing being, spoke with a malicious tone and it was obvious that he enjoyed dragging the hero at a slow pace.

"STOP!" Ai screamed as she woke up seeing Naruto sinking into the floor.

"You know, I despise rule breakers. So, wait for your turn Ai. We will be going to hell and you will suffer your punishment."

"Please forgive him, and I will become your servant forever." Ai begged with tears in her eyes. Naruto was surprised by her words, as he didn't know she actually cared for him.

Ai had made a contract with the immortal being as her soul had wandered to another dimension when her fear and anxiety had reached the extremes. There she had met the spider and contracted the being in return for his power.

The spider allowed her to get revenge on the people that had wronged her. She had burned down the village, but it also put restrictions on her. One of them was that she was not allowed to have emotions.

However, she broke that rule when Naruto hugged her.

"I will not allow it." Naruto couldn't allow anyone to die on his watch. He would never allow others to sacrifice their lives.

Focusing all his power on the Sword of Nunoboko, Naruto willed it annihilate his target. The DNA shaped sword turned into a spear and tore through the target while making a hole in reality as the sword erased space and all matter that it touched.

It was fortunate that the sword belonged to Hagoromo, so Naruto was able to push the enemy away from the current dimension.

Feeling the pressure disappear, Naruto erased the dark hole and other things with his Truth Seeking balls that expanded to cover everything within his desired range.

Ai ran towards him and cried in his arms, "I am sorry. I am sorry." The cute little girl continued to repeat as she had almost caused her savior to suffer a fate worse than death.

"It's okay. It isn't your fault." Naruto tried to calm Ai, but she wouldn't stop. He tried to think of ways to make her relax and ended up teleporting with her to the top of the Hokage Mountain.

The sudden change in temperature shocked the little angle hiding her face into his chest.

"Look Ai, this is my favorite spot. You can see the whole village from here and the world that extends beyond from it." Naruto turned Ai towards the scenery and showed her the world that she was missing out on.

It was a wild guess, but the sudden change did help the situation a little bit as Ai realized that Naruto was trying to cheer her up and she didn't want to burden him more. Controlling her tears, Ai held onto his clothes and looked at the scenery that Naruto enjoyed.

It was not the first time she had seen a city from above a mountain, but the experience felt different this time.

"How is it?"

"It looks lively and warm." Ai described what she felt as she looked at Konoha bathed in the sunlight.

"Yeah, it is a warm place and it is your home now. The people here will love you and take care of you, so you can move around freely." Naruto put his hand on her head and brushed her long black hair.

Ai didn't know about other people, but she was willing to trust Naruto.

'I will be waiting for you, Ai. Don't think you can escape from me.' The voice of the creature spoke inside her head, making her shake in fear.

"What happened, Ai?"

"Nothing, I am just feeling cold." Ai decided to hide the fact about the creature as she was afraid for Naruto. It was her fault that it happened and she didn't want to trouble him.

The lie didn't work on Naruto since he could feel her fear clearly and realized that the creature might be communicating to her directly.

'What demonic entity is it? I need to discuss with the others and find a way to remove it from this world.' Naruto realized the danger that the spider held for the world, so he couldn't allow to roam freely and damage others.

It would be best to talk to Ai, but she was already traumatized.

"Don't worry, I will protect you." Naruto hugged her again while covering Ai within his chakra cloak, sharing his emotions with her and letting her feel everything positive. It was the ninshu that Hagoromo taught and Naruto could now finally use it at will. It was the only technique from the Sage that Naruto was extremely talented at.