
Peerless Immortal Emperor

In a chaotic world that had never known peace and order, one man has taken the duty to fix everything no matter the cost. Start from after the fourth war and into the Boruto era. Disclaimer: I don't own anything.

EternalBliss4U · Anime & Comics
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65 Chs

Chapter 15

Returning home for the night, Naruto was completely sober even after drinking countless liters of the strongest drink available that was even capable of taking out a giant beast with a single cup.

It was the wonder brought by being the Jinchuriki, especially Kurama's. Naruto did have some healing ability from his Uzumaki Gene's, but it was completely minor and wasn't enough for such a task. It was unfortunate, but he only got half of the Uzumaki starter package.

"I agree with what the Hokage has said, Mei Terumi would be the better choice for Isobu. We will find another way for my strength to increase. Maybe, one of those mystical beings could be a good substitute." Kakashi and Naruto lay on the back of a giant whale that was around 2 kilometer in size. It was one of the biggest underwater species in the Dark Ocean, though it was completely dwarfed by the Ocean King also known as the Abyss of the Deep called the Leviathan.

Relaxing on the gigantic beast, the duo watched the night sky while the whales moved in unison and all the other beast seemed to have a desire to move in unity with them because of the peaceful aura from Naruto.

"Byakko? I think it was the only lightning style beast."

"Maybe, but there are others as well. There is a lightning dragon and even a lightning Owl. If we are going for the best, I think I want to fuse with the dragon. Though, it won't really be much of boost since the dragon would be weaker than me." Kakashi answered casually while making the figures of those creatures with illusions.

It didn't seem Kakashi held much belief in using other creatures as alternatives because how weak they seemed in comparison.

"What about the Monster King then? Shouldn't it be a good alternative?"

"Naruto, the fusion with the other creatures wouldn't really work since they actually lack chakra levels. Look at this beast and see that it barely has any chakra in direct opposition to its body size. Just because a creature is big, doesn't mean it has a large chakra reserve. That is only true for the Bijuu, since they are chakra beasts and actually made from it.

It would be better to just wait for the Hokage to use the genes of those creatures, instead of fusing with them. They could be used as summons but a fusion partner is not it. It would require a lot of hard work to push their chakra levels up, like the Inuzuka clan does with their dogs." Kakashi turned to Naruto and said his points. It showed the difference in their view as Kakashi didn't think about empowering the beasts around them to a new level and he also didn't believe in giving a full boost to the rest of humanity.

Just like Tsunade, he had also lived through war and couldn't really trust people to such an extent. The idea seemed ideal on paper but it was just asking for trouble since the beasts would definitely cause a mess.

"Is it better to have more powerful beasts to help us? They are already powerful without chakra, so once we give it to them then their abilities go through another boost. It should allow us to not get limited to the Bijuu. I think I can easily boost other beasts once I learn how to do it." Naruto felt excited to see another way to boost the power of humanity. He hadn't even considered creating other powerful beasts for fusion. It truly was useful talking to intelligent and experienced individuals.

Looking at Naruto's expression, it seems he had just dropped the axe on his foot. It was impossible to get him to reconsider and Kakashi's reason for denying it would be his distrust of people and other creatures.

"Fine, I will treat you how to raise a ninja pet since you might actually need it to create your summons." Kakashi gave in to Naruto's flow and accepted that the world was changing, and it might be completely different within five years with their current pace.

He didn't know if it was for the better or for the worst, but he was going to fight for it alongside his little brother.

'I will never allow him to die.' It was the only thing that was clear in his mind. He had become extremely protective of Naruto and for that, the former copy ninja was willing to go to the extremes.

"I am listening." Naruto was happy to learn and spend time with Kakashi. It really felt like family now, completely different from the past. The relationship had evolved from student and teacher to a familial bond.

"Okay, let me show you with this whale." Kakashi placed his hand on the whale and made his chakra spread through its nervous system/chakra system.

It had a little flame of chakra that was barely enough for an academy student. Connecting with the system, Kakashi started pouring his chakra inside its chakra center. The small flame was easily overflowed, so Kakashi guided the rest into its body to further strengthen it.

The process was delicate as Kakashi was focusing on the chakra center and the rest of the body. With a single mistake, the creature's chakra system could burst and kill it in the process or the other body parts could rupture from a mistake.

It was an extremely slow process and most of the chakra was completely wasted. Naruto could see why it took many years to actually boost a pet to become a proper partner. It was why the Inuzuka clan started at infancy instead of teenage hood.

"Now you try, let's see if it is possible to accelerate It." Kakashi stopped since his method barely made a change even after expanding half of his chakra.

"Okay let me try." Naruto had observed with his eyes so it was exactly stored in memory and with his perfect control, he was able to replicate it with ease.

Naruto copied the steps without his Six Paths Mode and Kurama mode, though he was already partially in six paths mode because of the Rinne-Sharingan.

The difference was clear as the Whale went through visible changes because of Naruto's high quality chakra. With his perfect control, Naruto was able to utilize all of the chakra and not let a single drop slip away.

It was difficult increasing the chakra reserve of the creature; however the physical capabilities were enhanced at a visible pace.

The experiment was a success, and with the full power from Naruto it could even reach further heights.

"It seems like we can use this idea. So, how about taming the leviathan for me?" Kakashi had the crazy idea of fusing with multiple beasts representing the different elements. It would easily become equivalent to fusing with a Bijuu and he would be able to support Naruto properly.

Looking at his smile, Naruto also smiled and the duo jumped from the back of the whale to hunt down the ocean king.