
Peerless Immortal Emperor

In a chaotic world that had never known peace and order, one man has taken the duty to fix everything no matter the cost. Start from after the fourth war and into the Boruto era. Disclaimer: I don't own anything.

EternalBliss4U · Anime & Comics
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65 Chs

Chapter 13

Going back to Shukaku, he arrived in Suna that was more than 3000 Kilometers from Konoha within mere seconds. It was a testament of his speed as he moved faster than lightning itself, though it paled in comparison to the Juubi. The beast of calamity could perceive light, and it was fortunate that it couldn't actually move at that speed.

Shukaku didn't enter Suna and appeared outside of it, casting a huge shadow on the hidden village. However, it didn't cause a mass panic like the past because the people trusted Gaara.

The Young Kazekage with blood red hair flew upon his sand cloud and appeared in front of the beast that had made his early life a living hell. Gaara had many reasons to despise the creature, but just like he had forgiven his other loved ones he had forgiven Shukaku. He had come to understand why the beast acted in such a manner and saw himself in the wild being.

"Naruto, Shukaku, it is nice to see you so soon. I have been really busy these days, so I have been unable to make sometime. So, I am happy to see you arrive here." Gaara greeted them courteously, especially since he cared for Naruto more than anyone else. To him they were brothers, he even felt closer to Naruto more than his actual siblings because of their similar beginnings.

To repay the past favors, Gaara had tried to help Naruto in his own way. However, it was unfortunate that Sasuke's bond was more precious to him.

"I thought you would hate to see me again." Shukaku also knew that he had been a terrible partner and felt awkward facing Gaara. He was like a child that got easily excited, only to realize things when he was facing them.

"I don't hate you. I feel sad for your circumstances and hope to make a world that doesn't allow such a thing to happen again." Gaara looked mature and confident unlike the immature visage of the hero. It was apparent when you put the two young men together.

Shukaku stared at him for a time in silence before laughing out loud, "I like you. Let's work together this time, how about it?"

Looking at the over enthusiastic Giant Tanuki, Gaara didn't understand where the proposal was coming from and turned to Naruto.

"Gaara, there is something I need to share with you." Naruto had let the duo talk it out before opening his mouth to ruin the Kazekage's mood.

"I see. I am delighted that you trusted me with such knowledge…Naruto; never forget that I am always there for you. You are a brother to me. However, what you are doing will invite hatred since you only recommended people from Konoha and Suna. What about the other three? Do you plan to sideline them?" Gaara thought about things in a proper manner and saw the bigger picture, unlike the inexperienced Naruto who didn't realize the impact of his decision.

"Of course not, I want every one of us to work together. The war had brought us together, so we need to use it to build a strong bond. I just didn't mention other names because I didn't know about them. I can't recommend people without having full confidence in them."

"I know what you are thinking, but the others wouldn't see it that way. They would think that you are pushing them down and amassing strength to your side. I suggest you find people from other nations for the other partners, instead of looking inside Konoha and Suna. I can recommend Mei Terumi the Mizukage as a candidate, and for the rest I will leave it to your discretion."

"Is that so, I never thought about it that way. I will go and talk to them tomorrow before looking for the other candidates since we need to start now before anything unexpected takes place. The appearance of the Juubi and Kaguya might have alerted beings that we don't want to see." Naruto digested what he heard and thought about it. He didn't understand such a thing instantly but decided to think on it later in depth.

"Come on, let's fuse together already. I want to see our unique transformation." Shukaku was like an impatient child as he felt jealous of Kurama's fusion with Naruto.

Gaara saw a child in the beast and re-evaluated his perception which had been clouded by false narratives and a dark experience.

"Very well, let us join together." Gaara took of his robe and shirt before Shukaku came in like a sand tsunami and a seal formed on the Kazekage with his help.

Unlike the previous seals, this was voluntary and used the concept similar to Naruto's seal. This way, Gaara and Shukaku's chakra was completely connected and they could meet in the spirit world since their souls became interconnected.

Gaara and Shukaku both accepted the relationship, allowing their chakras to fuse causing the young man's body to collapse into sand particles before reforming as a spirit of sand or a sand elemental with harden armor for the upper body and lower body as a sand storm. The whole body was covered in black fuinjutsu seal like marks.

Feeling their power, Naruto was able to confirm once again that the fusion really did more than just add the power of both partners. It more than doubled it and even increased the quality of the chakra. It would add the powers of both and then multiply it by two.

Shukaku was 300 meters tall giant at full force and he had chakra that was suitable to his size, being formed from the Juubi that had planet's worth of energy.

Gaara on the other hand also had a huge chakra reserve because of his lineage and being the Jinchuuriki of a beast.

Through the fusion, the chakra was compressed to a humanoid body allowing it to grow massively in quality and power as the massive amount was inside such a tiny body.

It allowed the duo to go from city level to small country level, which was beyond Naruto's expectations. He really hadn't understood the process until he saw it with his eyes.

With just a fusion, the duo had gained the power to annihilate Kingdoms from the map with a single move.

If Naruto hadn't gained the Six Path's mode, just Killer Bee, Gaara and one other fusion would be enough to stop him.

Looking at it another way, if humanity hadn't treated the tailed beast in a wrong manner, then the fusions would have been common, and the fourth war would have been over before it started. It truly was a tragedy brought from the foundation of hatred and jealousy. It further reinforced Naruto's desire for unity between all of humanity, if they wished to stop such problems from taking place.

"Woohoo! I got the power. Who's got the power, Shukaku's got the power!" The childish beast couldn't hold his joy under control and went out of control with his loud shouts.

Fortunately, Gaara was the one under control of most of the power or the Tanuki might have caused damage. Regardless, the young red head knew how to handle him and decided to check his power.

Pointing his hand towards the sky, Gaara felt that he might just erase the world if he wasn't careful. He could finally feel a little bit of Naruto's power and he saw the massive chasm between them. Now it wasn't just his knowledge, but actual understanding.

With his hand the sand gathered above him in the shape of a lance that started spinning at insane speeds. Gaara cancelled the impact it had on the world, or the speed would have caused it to burn the area.

Sending it flying with a wave of his hand, Gaara saw it disperse the clouds leaving a giant hole in the sky.

Before the fusion, he was unable to control attacks beyond the clouds but now it had reached outside the planet itself. Gaara felt he could have bombarded the moon if he wanted.

"So awesome!" Tiny Shukaku danced around.

"Now fire it at the moon or....Naruto." Shukaku wanted to see the damage his power could do now. He really wanted to see some explosions, but he knew it would be problematic.

"I also want to see it. Use your full strength, Gaara." Naruto turned off Six Paths mode and turned to Kurama Chakra mode for the first time after the war.

It had gone through massive changes because of Kurama doubling in power and size. The difference was further enhanced by the fact that he had gained access to Yin and Yang abilities that were Kurama's move list.

Just like the Juubi had multiple abilities, all the Tailed Beasts had their own special abilities beside their massive size and chakra.

Shukaku specialized in sand control, wind and fuinjutsu seals while Kurama controlled illusions, light and darkness. Though, it seems he didn't really know many useful skills.

Unlike the war time, Naruto's fusion was different to show Kurama's growth. His body was transformed into golden energy with fox ears and nine tails along the Yin-Yang Symbol on his back.

The power was a huge step below his Six Paths form; however the power jump was noticeable.

During the war, the chakra Form had allowed Naruto to reach the average country level but now he had directly jumped to continental level. It showed the power of Kurama who was the ninth level. The change from one tail to nine was massive since Kurama had majority of the power from the Juubi.

The power was then further enhanced by Naruto's fusion. Normally it would have only reached continental level, but now it directly reached below his Six Paths mode because of his Rinne-sharingan. Naruto was unable to close the eyes at the moment, though he might be able to later.

Naruto's base form had changed from city level to moon level since the eyes were always on and fusing with that power on brought such change even though Naruto had low control of the eyes.

Closing the Kurama Chakra mode, Naruto returned to base form. It should have been moon level to signify Sasuke's powers but Naruto was not the original owner, so it had lessened.

Regardless, he was still around continental level in power.

Gaara felt pale in comparison and saw that Naruto wasn't even using his full power since he hadn't used Six Paths with Kurama mode.

"I am starting." Gaara decided to see how far he could go and focused. Calling forth sand from the desert, he turned it into a massive mountain size drill that was extremely dense. It spun at the speed that was like the flash of lightning, one third of light speed.

Naruto flew into the atmosphere while Gaara sent the giant drill into space before bringing it down at full force. Naruto controlled his chakra and created a giant fist that smashed into the drill.

Without much fanfare, the chakra fist smashed the mountain size drill like it was nothing. The chakra fist was nothing complex just pure chakra shape control. It lacked Kaguya's internal damage aspect.

The sand broke apart before turning to fist sized drills that came from all directions.

Naruto covered himself with chakra armor and blocked all the attacks with it since his body wasn't durable enough to handle island level attacks on his skin unlike with Sage mode or Six Paths Sage mode.

The attacks were blocked but the sand started covering him up while fuinjutsu seals crawled along the sea of sand.

Turning into a sand prison the shape of a football, Naruto felt the effect from the sealing ability as his chakra was being negated. He was unable to control it through normal means.

However, with a command to his Rinne-sharingan it all melted away.

Absorbing the chakra from the sand, Naruto cancelled the sealing jutsu.

But that didn't cancel out the fact that Gaara had almost sealed him up even with the massive difference in power.

"I think we should start learning fuinjutsu." Naruto muttered as he couldn't believe he hadn't covered this field after being a student of a fuinjutsu expert and being a fan of the Forth Hokage, who was also the master of the field.

It was especially needed now since he was also part of the Uzumaki clan that specialized in the field. It also seemed to be the only field useful enough for world ending threats.

"I agree with that sentiment. We should put it at the forefront of our efforts since it concerns such powerful threats." Gaara agreed, especially after seeing what he had done to Naruto and what Hashirama had done to the Juubi with his seals.

"You can rely on the great Shukaku. I will lead you puny humans to success." Shukaku boasted with confidence as his specialty was finally being appreciated.

"We will be relying on you, Shukaku." Naruto and Gaara agreed on that point, though the young hero had the Sage of Six Paths sanctuary in mind as it contained all of his knowledge.

It should also contain the various sealing skills that Hagoromo had created, especially the one used to seal Kaguya.

Six Paths — Heavenly Body Bursting from the Earth

It had allowed the Sage to completely drain the Juubi of all energy, leaving a husk without any consciousness while trapping the husk in a celestial body big as the moon. It was a three step sealing process that made sure that the foe never came back.

"Getting back to the topic, Naruto don't forget to invite others. I know you want others to work together, so you need to show them that sentiment in a proper manner. Life is all about give and take, so don't expect everyone to agree to your desire without giving some benefits in return."

"Thanks, I will remember that and I have you on my side." Naruto smiled and hugged Gaara before disappearing without any smoke, showing his complete control over chakra.