
Peerless Immortal Emperor

In a chaotic world that had never known peace and order, one man has taken the duty to fix everything no matter the cost. Start from after the fourth war and into the Boruto era. Disclaimer: I don't own anything.

EternalBliss4U · Anime & Comics
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65 Chs

Chapter 11

Getting back to Hiashi, Naruto agreed to his proposal and received a pair of black fingerless gloves with the Hyuga clan symbol on the back. The symbol showed chakra trapped inside a fan or field of vision, signifying how the Hyuga clan could trap chakra inside the body.

Regardless, the gloves didn't seem to be a simple gift.

"This is something we give to all our elders and chosen fighters. These are specially made for the use of Gentle fist and will allow the user to easily control their chakra in the hands. It also allows for concentrated burst of attacks, allowing powerful internal strikes. I hope the pair is to your liking." Hiashi handed it to him and explained the basics of the Special Ninja Equipment.

Looking at the pair, Naruto didn't know what he would do with them. He didn't feel like they were needed and it felt restrictive to wear gloves.

"Thank you for the gift."

"It seems like you have not learned much about equipment, Mister Uzumaki. I hope you don't take my words as disrespect."

"Please, guide me." Naruto had always respected powerful figures like Minato, so Hiashi's words would be considered precious to even the young Naruto. On the other hand, the current Naruto had already understood the importance of listening to what others had to say.

"Equipment is one part of a warriors and a shinobi's power along with ninjutsu, Fuinjutsu, genjutsu and taijutsu. Just like the other four paths, it allows the user to enhance their stats and give them a chance to win over their foes. Let's talk about a simple example, what do you think will hurt more? Is it a hand enhanced with chakra or a sword enhanced with chakra?"

"The sword would hurt more if the fighters are on the same level or if the sword fighter is on a higher level."

"Yes, the sword user would have the advantage because the sword would be stronger than the hand without enhancement. With equipment, a fighter would have access to things harder than their body to allow them to perform better.

You should already know about some legendary equipment like the Samehada and the Sword of Nunoboko. These equipments are exceptional and allow their users to reach power levels beyond their limits.

I do believe these things are unnecessary for you, but maybe you should consider custom equipment for yourself since normal items shouldn't be able to handle your power. You can look at the Sage of Six Paths for inspiration, the immortal being had immense prowess but he still opted for them. I don't know whether you desire further strength, but it wouldn't hurt to have more protection." Hiashi explained his point without going on a tangent and used practical points that could convince anyone.

Just like Hiashi wanted, Naruto was definitely hit with sudden realization. He realized his mistake of not looking at other sources of power.

"Thank you mister Hyuga, you have allowed me to broaden my vision." Naruto felt extremely grateful to the man and gave him a respectful bow.

"It is the duty of the elders to impart their knowledge on the future generations."

"Even then, thank you…And, if you don't mind. Do you know anyone that could make equipment for me?"

"It is unfortunate, but you might have to learn the skill set for forging equipment as there is no one in this world capable of creating equipment for the Sage. However, I can definitely call in some favors and you could learn from experts in the field. It is fortunate that Konoha is now in the possession of the equipment of the Sage of Six Paths, so you could also use them as references to make your own. Or, you could use them temporarily until you can."

Naruto stopped to consider the idea and it didn't take him long to decide on it since he definitely needed power. He was unsure how far he needed to go, but the Sage had already warned him that Kaguya was nothing compared to what would come next.

It was a secret that he had hidden from everyone else since they were still recovering from the damage. Others only had the idea that there were some enemies that could destroy the planet. They didn't know that there were enemies out there that could treat planet destruction as casual as breathing.

Kaguya was nothing in the grand picture of the world. It was a mind numbing fact that the Sage had cursed upon him.



Just after the war during the silent, Naruto was brought into his spiritual world that grown to a massive size. It represented his spiritual strength that had grown immense during the war, the size of city. It didn't mean he was only on the city level, since that power was an enhancement not his actual base.

In the spiritual world, it was just Konoha but empty of every living thing except for Kurama who was sleeping in the Forest of Death.

Naruto stood at the top of the Hokage Mountain where he had been summoned and on his side stood Hagoromo Otsutsuki.

"Good evening, my child. I am sorry for your loss and I wish I could make change, but it was something that could not be changed. It was predestined that Indra will die to Asura. I am sorry that you had to suffer so much because of my mistake." Hagoromo was apologetic and regretful about what had taken place. Even he had started to believe that things could change, but it seems that what was written could never be changed.

He had seen it on the day when his children were born. He saw Indra dying to Asura. No matter how he tried to change that future, nothing mattered.

It was impossible. Somehow or another, the brothers would fight and kill each other.

For that reason, he gave up and didn't teach the brothers any of his secret arts. He wasted their potential to save the world, as their battle would have destroyed the planet.

"No, it isn't your fault. It is my fault. I was just too weak. I was too careless, and wasted my time when I had all the advantages that others could only dream off. I was too stupid so I couldn't convince him of my view. If I had just learned more, I could have put forth stronger points.

It has nothing to do with you or your sons. It was all us. We just stood on opposite paths to the same goal…..Why are you here, Sage? It should be important if you brought me here." Naruto didn't allow others to take the blame and somehow magically take away his responsibility. They had their own personalities and it had nothing to do with the son's of the Sage. Naruto didn't have any memories of Asura, nor did he know the man. It went the same for Sasuke. They were just their ancestors, nothing more.

Hagoromo couldn't deny what Naruto said since it was true that they were different from his children. However, it was also undeniable that they wouldn't have reached the same end if they hadn't inherited the powers of his sons.

"You are right. There is something that you need to know before I leave."

"Leave? Aren't you going to help the world?"

"Naruto, I am dead. I can't help the world anymore or else I would have done so from the start. I could only help now because the conditions had been satisfied to summon me for a limited time. Just like how your parents left a part of their soul, I also sent a part of my soul into the future where I could make a difference. Now that I have finished my task, my main soul is pulling me and I can't deny the rules of life and death.

I will warn you to never consider reviving the dead or you will summon something beyond your worst nightmares. The primordial force of Death would not take it kindly to the disrespect of the natural rules."

"You mean that Death has consciousness?" Naruto was blown back by the bomb as it unraveled his reality.

"Yes, but let us not ponder on things that are out of our reach. Naruto, as you must know that I am not human nor was my mother."

Naruto decided to put it at the back of his mind and nodded, "Yeah, we don't have horns and we don't come from the stars."

"The Otsutsuki are a parasitic species that spend thousands of years traversing the cosmos in order to carry out the Otsutsuki Will, a doctrine which dictates that clan members consume the life energy and genetic material of other worlds in order to continuously evolve, with the ultimate goal of ascending from the mortal plane to a different dimension. It is ascendance to the Fifth Dimension, forgoing the limits of life and death, time and even reality itself.

The Otsutsuki look for planets on which they can plant a seed of the Divine Tree, which is the Juubi and after absorbing the energy of the beings on the planet the tree gives rise to a single fruit that carries the energy of all beings on that planet, whoever eats that fruit gains a power equivalent to the planet itself and all the living beings that died on it. It means the Otsutsuki also gains all the abilities of the people that died in the past on that planet. Every time the tree reached its adult stage and made the fruits, the planet itself would be drained of all life.

Therefore, a day about two millennia ago, mother (Kaguya) and her partner Ishiki came to earth to planet the tree and devour all life. However, mother met father and truly fell in love. She ended up discarding her beliefs and changed from the enemy to the guardian of the planet.

But, her partner was the actual leader and he would never listen to such a thing. Ishiki was someone that had lived longer than mother and was stronger. Fortunately, betrayal was unheard of in the Otsutsuki species. So, mother backstabbed him with a surprise attack using the ash bones to the fullest. It should have turned him to dust since he wasn't on his guard, but the man managed to react fast and ran away.

Mother tried to find him to no avail, but she kept a one half of his body that survived turning to dust and used it to make the chakra fruit. To make the chakra fruit, the Shinju doesn't only need a planet filled with people but it also needs to be fed with an Otsutsuki to bear fruit.

The weaker Otsutsuki partner would feed themselves to the Juubi while leaving a mark on another being. The mark would allow the Otsutsuki to revive by using the body of that vessel.

Mother used the part of Ishiki and had the tree bear fruit with only half of the planet's life force without killing the living beings on it. It meant that the fruit was incomplete, but luckily it was made from Ishiki so it was still better than normal since the man had eaten around six planets over six thousand years of his existence.

The Otsutsuki would usually stay on the planet for one thousand years before harvesting the fruit as it allowed for the fruit to produce the best results. Otherwise, they could just easily harvest the fruit in a single day but the fruit would faulty.

Regardless, Mother grew in power and she helped the world grow into a better place. She created a moon for the world and even created multiple dimensions to protect the people of the world when needed. She lived a happy life with father but Ishiki lived and so tragedy struck as he killed my father.

From then on, mother became paranoid and extreme as she came to distrust the world. She decided to put the whole world under the genjutsu to capture Ishiki as she didn't know where he had escaped.

But that wasn't all, as she was also scared about the others finding about her betrayal. Do you understand Naruto, there are others from the clan who could end up visiting any time and some of them might make mother look like a child."

Listening and seeing the scene played around him, Naruto was silent. It was all just hard to grasp. He had never even imagined power to destroy a country and now he was learning about planet destroyers, and fifth dimension.

"What do you want me to do? Can I even handle this? If there are even 100 of them, how can we survive? Tell me, you have a solution because I don't think we can handle this if these come into play soon." Naruto was optimistic but this was just too much. He had to be delusional to say it was all good.

Even Hagoromo saw the impossibility of the situation, there was no way a single person could fight against a species of world Enders.

It could only be done through the combined effort of humanity itself.

"You will have to help humanity evolve to your level at least and you need to evolve to level that is minimum thousand times your current stage. It all seems impossible but once you adjust to what you possess, your power should reach the stage of a normal Otsutsuki with the power to destroy a planet or protect it. It would be enough power to fight a normal Otsutsuki, but not enough to even fight mother at her full power or Ishiki.

Which is why I spent most of my life trying to find the answer, and I left those solutions in sanctuary. It should allow you to reach my peak level within a short time and build upon it. So, it will depend on your persistence since I can only leave you a fragmented path. I don't know when these beings would come in full force, so you should not despair since there is no sign of them attacking soon.

Use the opportunity to strengthen yourself and if necessary leave the rest to the future generations." Hagoromo placed his hand on Naruto and gave him the coordinates of his sanctuary so that he could find it and train himself. It was his life's work, where he had floundered around with the massive power without much guidance. It had wasted his time and made him not reach his potential. Maybe if he had mastered his abilities sooner, he might have lived and led the world to a bright future.

It was unfortunate but even his ultimate power didn't allow him a second chance. He had thought he would live forever unlike his brother, but ended up dying earlier because of being internally damaged by the Juubi.

He should have been immortal, but the source of his immortality ended up lowering his life expectancy to barely above human realm. It was the chakra sickness that forced him to take out the Juubi so he made the Tailed Beasts by dividing it.

Only after taking it out, did he have a chance to look for a cure since he was worried that the beast might be unleashed while he became weak.

Life was unexpected and he found the cure but he had already discarded the Juubi and he couldn't bring himself to kill his new children and form the mindless beast again.

Maybe if he had hardened his heart that day, he would have saved millions of lives over the course of the millennia.

But, he didn't regret his choice. They were his children and he would never kill them.

Fortunately someone inherited his mission and could reach that level once again, the power to destroy stars.

It was the realm that he had reached at his peak.

"I will not leave it to others. I will definitely find a solution in this life time of mine, because this burden is too much to carry on to the future. I want my world to live in harmony and happiness, and the existence of such a threat is detrimental to it. You can leave it to me, Sage. I will keep this world safe and I will help humanity become stronger." Naruto was sad and weak at the moment, but his spirit would never accept defeat. With a path presented to him, he was ready to fight for the future of humanity.

"I believe in you Naruto. You are the shining sun of hope that will never lose the light. I wish I had son like you, maybe things would have been different with you around."

"I can't call you father, but you can be my grandpa."

"Grandpa, I like it. Take care, my grandson." Hagoromo smiled as he hugged Naruto and transferred the remaining power into him. The Sage remembered that he didn't even know about his grandsons. He never met them and the last scene he had seen was the fight between his sons.

The power wasn't much, but it stimulated the Otsutsuki genetics inside his body.



"Great idea, I will do it. But, let us focus on the gentle Fist now." Naruto agreed to Hiashi's thoughts but brought back the conversation to the issue at hand.

"I am honored that you deem my words important enough to follow. I shall make preparations later, but first please follow me to the dojo. I will personally guide you." Hiashi was happy that things seem to be going perfectly. It was a blessing that he had actually bothered to gather proper information about the young man's personality and didn't try to become too greedy.

'With this, the Hyuga clan's future is guaranteed.'